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1926 lines
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using System;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering;
using UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderGraphModule;
using UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal.Internal;
namespace UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal
/// <summary>
/// Enumerates the identifiers to use with the FrameResource manager to get/set URP frame resources.
/// </summary>
public enum UniversalResource
/// <summary>
/// The backbuffer color used to render directly to screen. All passes can write to it depending on frame setup.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// The backbuffer depth used to render directly to screen. All passes can write to it depending on frame setup.
/// </summary>
// intermediate camera targets
/// <summary>
/// Main offscreen camera color target. All passes can write to it depending on frame setup.
/// Can hold multiple samples if MSAA is enabled.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Main offscreen camera depth target. All passes can write to it depending on frame setup.
/// Can hold multiple samples if MSAA is enabled.
/// </summary>
// shadows
/// <summary>
/// Main shadow map.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Additional shadow map.
/// </summary>
// gbuffer targets
/// <summary>
/// GBuffer0. Written to by the GBuffer pass.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// GBuffer1. Written to by the GBuffer pass.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// GBuffer2. Written to by the GBuffer pass.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// GBuffer3. Written to by the GBuffer pass.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// GBuffer4. Written to by the GBuffer pass.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// GBuffer5. Written to by the GBuffer pass.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// GBuffer6. Written to by the GBuffer pass.
/// </summary>
// camera opaque/depth/normal
/// <summary>
/// Camera opaque texture. Contains a copy of CameraColor if the CopyColor pass is executed.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Camera depth texture. Contains the scene depth if the CopyDepth or Depth Prepass passes are executed.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Camera normals texture. Contains the scene depth if the DepthNormals Prepass pass is executed.
/// </summary>
// motion vector
/// <summary>
/// Motion Vector Color. Written to by the Motion Vector passes.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Motion Vector Depth. Written to by the Motion Vector passes.
/// </summary>
// postFx
/// <summary>
/// Internal Color LUT. Written to by the InternalLUT pass.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Color output of post-process passes (uberPost and finalPost) when HDR debug views are enabled. It replaces
/// the backbuffer color as standard output because the later cannot be sampled back (or may not be in HDR format).
/// If used, DebugHandler will perform the blit from DebugScreenTexture to BackBufferColor.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Depth output of post-process passes (uberPost and finalPost) when HDR debug views are enabled. It replaces
/// the backbuffer depth as standard output because the later cannot be sampled back.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// After Post Process Color. Stores the contents of the main color target after the post processing passes.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Overlay UI Texture. The DrawScreenSpaceUI pass writes to this texture when rendering off-screen.
/// </summary>
// rendering layers
/// <summary>
/// Rendering Layers Texture. Can be written to by the DrawOpaques pass or DepthNormals prepass based on settings.
/// </summary>
// decals
/// <summary>
/// DBuffer0. Written to by the Decals pass.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// DBuffer1. Written to by the Decals pass.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// DBuffer2. Written to by the Decals pass.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// DBufferDepth. Written to by the Decals pass.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Screen Space Ambient Occlusion texture. Written to by the SSAO pass.
/// </summary>
public sealed partial class UniversalRenderer
// TODO RENDERGRAPH: Once all cameras will run in a single RenderGraph we should remove all RTHandles and use per frame RG textures.
// We use 2 camera color handles so we can handle the edge case when a pass might want to read and write the same target.
// This is not allowed so we just swap the current target, this keeps camera stacking working and avoids an extra blit pass.
private static RTHandle[] m_RenderGraphCameraColorHandles = new RTHandle[]
null, null
private static RTHandle[] m_RenderGraphUpscaledCameraColorHandles = new RTHandle[]
null, null
private static RTHandle m_RenderGraphCameraDepthHandle;
private static int m_CurrentColorHandle = 0;
private static bool m_UseUpscaledColorHandle = false;
private static RTHandle m_RenderGraphDebugTextureHandle;
private RTHandle currentRenderGraphCameraColorHandle
// Select between the pre-upscale and post-upscale color handle sets based on the current upscaling state
return m_UseUpscaledColorHandle ? m_RenderGraphUpscaledCameraColorHandles[m_CurrentColorHandle]
: m_RenderGraphCameraColorHandles[m_CurrentColorHandle];
// get the next m_RenderGraphCameraColorHandles and make it the new current for future accesses
private RTHandle nextRenderGraphCameraColorHandle
m_CurrentColorHandle = (m_CurrentColorHandle + 1) % 2;
return currentRenderGraphCameraColorHandle;
// rendering layers
private bool m_RequiresRenderingLayer;
private RenderingLayerUtils.Event m_RenderingLayersEvent;
private RenderingLayerUtils.MaskSize m_RenderingLayersMaskSize;
private bool m_RenderingLayerProvidesRenderObjectPass;
private bool m_RenderingLayerProvidesByDepthNormalPass;
private string m_RenderingLayersTextureName;
private void CleanupRenderGraphResources()
/// <summary>
/// Utility method to convert RenderTextureDescriptor to TextureHandle and create a RenderGraph texture
/// </summary>
/// <param name="renderGraph"></param>
/// <param name="desc"></param>
/// <param name="name"></param>
/// <param name="clear"></param>
/// <param name="filterMode"></param>
/// <param name="wrapMode"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static TextureHandle CreateRenderGraphTexture(RenderGraph renderGraph, RenderTextureDescriptor desc, string name, bool clear,
FilterMode filterMode = FilterMode.Point, TextureWrapMode wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp)
TextureDesc rgDesc = new TextureDesc(desc.width, desc.height);
rgDesc.dimension = desc.dimension;
rgDesc.clearBuffer = clear;
rgDesc.bindTextureMS = desc.bindMS;
rgDesc.format = (desc.depthStencilFormat != GraphicsFormat.None) ? desc.depthStencilFormat : desc.graphicsFormat;
rgDesc.slices = desc.volumeDepth;
rgDesc.msaaSamples = (MSAASamples)desc.msaaSamples;
rgDesc.name = name;
rgDesc.enableRandomWrite = desc.enableRandomWrite;
rgDesc.filterMode = filterMode;
rgDesc.wrapMode = wrapMode;
rgDesc.isShadowMap = desc.shadowSamplingMode != ShadowSamplingMode.None && desc.depthStencilFormat != GraphicsFormat.None;
rgDesc.vrUsage = desc.vrUsage;
rgDesc.useDynamicScale = desc.useDynamicScale;
rgDesc.useDynamicScaleExplicit = desc.useDynamicScaleExplicit;
return renderGraph.CreateTexture(rgDesc);
internal static TextureHandle CreateRenderGraphTexture(RenderGraph renderGraph, RenderTextureDescriptor desc, string name, bool clear, Color color,
FilterMode filterMode = FilterMode.Point, TextureWrapMode wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp)
TextureDesc rgDesc = new TextureDesc(desc.width, desc.height);
rgDesc.dimension = desc.dimension;
rgDesc.clearBuffer = clear;
rgDesc.clearColor = color;
rgDesc.bindTextureMS = desc.bindMS;
rgDesc.format = (desc.depthStencilFormat != GraphicsFormat.None) ? desc.depthStencilFormat : desc.graphicsFormat;
rgDesc.slices = desc.volumeDepth;
rgDesc.msaaSamples = (MSAASamples)desc.msaaSamples;
rgDesc.name = name;
rgDesc.enableRandomWrite = desc.enableRandomWrite;
rgDesc.filterMode = filterMode;
rgDesc.wrapMode = wrapMode;
rgDesc.useDynamicScale = desc.useDynamicScale;
rgDesc.useDynamicScaleExplicit = desc.useDynamicScaleExplicit;
return renderGraph.CreateTexture(rgDesc);
bool ShouldApplyPostProcessing(bool postProcessEnabled)
return postProcessEnabled && m_PostProcessPasses.isCreated;
bool CameraHasPostProcessingWithDepth(UniversalCameraData cameraData)
return ShouldApplyPostProcessing(cameraData.postProcessEnabled) && cameraData.postProcessingRequiresDepthTexture;
void RequiresColorAndDepthAttachments(RenderGraph renderGraph, out bool createColorTexture, out bool createDepthTexture, UniversalCameraData cameraData, ref RenderPassInputSummary renderPassInputs)
bool isPreviewCamera = cameraData.isPreviewCamera;
bool requiresDepthPrepass = RequireDepthPrepass(cameraData, ref renderPassInputs);
var requireColorTexture = HasActiveRenderFeatures() && m_IntermediateTextureMode == IntermediateTextureMode.Always;
requireColorTexture |= HasPassesRequiringIntermediateTexture();
requireColorTexture |= Application.isEditor && m_Clustering;
requireColorTexture |= RequiresIntermediateColorTexture(cameraData, ref renderPassInputs);
requireColorTexture &= !isPreviewCamera;
var requireDepthTexture = RequireDepthTexture(cameraData, requiresDepthPrepass, ref renderPassInputs);
useDepthPriming = IsDepthPrimingEnabled(cameraData);
// Intermediate texture has different yflip state than backbuffer. In case we use intermediate texture, we must use both color and depth together.
bool intermediateRenderTexture = (requireColorTexture || requireDepthTexture);
createDepthTexture = intermediateRenderTexture;
createColorTexture = intermediateRenderTexture;
// Gather history render requests and manage camera history texture life-time.
private void UpdateCameraHistory(UniversalCameraData cameraData)
// NOTE: Can be null for non-game cameras.
// Technically each camera has AdditionalCameraData which owns the historyManager.
if (cameraData != null && cameraData.historyManager != null)
// XR multipass renders the frame twice, avoid updating camera history twice.
bool xrMultipassEnabled = false;
int multipassId = 0;
xrMultipassEnabled = cameraData.xr.enabled && !cameraData.xr.singlePassEnabled;
multipassId = cameraData.xr.multipassId;
bool isNewFrame = !xrMultipassEnabled || (multipassId == 0);
if (isNewFrame)
var history = cameraData.historyManager;
// Gather all external user requests by callback.
// Typically we would also gather all the internal requests here before checking for unused textures.
// However the requests are versioned in the history manager, so we can defer the clean up for couple frames.
// Garbage collect all the unused persistent data instances. Free GPU resources if any.
// This will start a new "history frame".
// Swap and cycle camera history RTHandles. Update the reference size for the camera history RTHandles.
history.SwapAndSetReferenceSize(cameraData.cameraTargetDescriptor.width, cameraData.cameraTargetDescriptor.height);
const string _CameraTargetAttachmentAName = "_CameraTargetAttachmentA";
const string _CameraTargetAttachmentBName = "_CameraTargetAttachmentB";
const string _CameraUpscaledTargetAttachmentAName = "_CameraUpscaledTargetAttachmentA";
const string _CameraUpscaledTargetAttachmentBName = "_CameraUpscaledTargetAttachmentB";
void CreateRenderGraphCameraRenderTargets(RenderGraph renderGraph, bool isCameraTargetOffscreenDepth)
UniversalResourceData resourceData = frameData.Get<UniversalResourceData>();
UniversalCameraData cameraData = frameData.Get<UniversalCameraData>();
UniversalPostProcessingData postProcessingData = frameData.Get<UniversalPostProcessingData>();
bool lastCameraInTheStack = cameraData.resolveFinalTarget;
bool isBuiltInTexture = (cameraData.targetTexture == null);
RenderTargetIdentifier targetColorId = cameraData.targetTexture != null ? new RenderTargetIdentifier(cameraData.targetTexture) : BuiltinRenderTextureType.CameraTarget;
RenderTargetIdentifier targetDepthId = cameraData.targetTexture != null ? new RenderTargetIdentifier(cameraData.targetTexture) : BuiltinRenderTextureType.Depth;
bool clearColor = cameraData.renderType == CameraRenderType.Base;
bool clearDepth = cameraData.renderType == CameraRenderType.Base || cameraData.clearDepth;
// if the camera background type is "uninitialized" clear using a yellow color, so users can clearly understand the underlying behaviour
// only exception being if we are rendering to an external texture
Color cameraBackgroundColor = (cameraData.camera.clearFlags == CameraClearFlags.Nothing && cameraData.targetTexture == null) ? Color.yellow : cameraData.backgroundColor;
// If scene filtering is enabled (prefab edit mode), the filtering is implemented compositing some builtin ImageEffect passes.
// For the composition to work, we need to clear the color buffer alpha to 0
// How filtering works:
// - SRP frame is fully rendered as background
// - builtin ImageEffect pass grey-out of the full scene previously rendered
// - SRP frame rendering only the objects belonging to the prefab being edited (with clearColor.a = 0)
// - builtin ImageEffect pass compositing the two previous passes
// TODO: We should implement filtering fully in SRP to remove builtin dependencies
if (IsSceneFilteringEnabled(cameraData.camera))
cameraBackgroundColor.a = 0;
clearDepth = false;
// Certain debug modes (e.g. wireframe/overdraw modes) require that we override clear flags and clear everything.
var debugHandler = cameraData.renderer.DebugHandler;
if (debugHandler != null && debugHandler.IsActiveForCamera(cameraData.isPreviewCamera) && debugHandler.IsScreenClearNeeded)
clearColor = true;
clearDepth = true;
if ((DebugHandler != null) && DebugHandler.IsActiveForCamera(cameraData.isPreviewCamera))
DebugHandler.TryGetScreenClearColor(ref cameraBackgroundColor);
ImportResourceParams importColorParams = new ImportResourceParams();
importColorParams.clearOnFirstUse = clearColor; // && cameraData.camera.clearFlags != CameraClearFlags.Nothing;
importColorParams.clearColor = cameraBackgroundColor;
importColorParams.discardOnLastUse = false;
ImportResourceParams importDepthParams = new ImportResourceParams();
importDepthParams.clearOnFirstUse = clearDepth;
importDepthParams.clearColor = cameraBackgroundColor;
importDepthParams.discardOnLastUse = false;
if (cameraData.xr.enabled)
targetColorId = cameraData.xr.renderTarget;
targetDepthId = cameraData.xr.renderTarget;
isBuiltInTexture = false;
if (m_TargetColorHandle == null)
m_TargetColorHandle = RTHandles.Alloc(targetColorId, "Backbuffer color");
else if(m_TargetColorHandle.nameID != targetColorId)
RTHandleStaticHelpers.SetRTHandleUserManagedWrapper(ref m_TargetColorHandle, targetColorId);
if (m_TargetDepthHandle == null)
m_TargetDepthHandle = RTHandles.Alloc(targetDepthId, "Backbuffer depth");
else if (m_TargetDepthHandle.nameID != targetDepthId)
RTHandleStaticHelpers.SetRTHandleUserManagedWrapper(ref m_TargetDepthHandle, targetDepthId);
// Gather render pass history requests and update history textures.
RenderPassInputSummary renderPassInputs = GetRenderPassInputs(cameraData.IsTemporalAAEnabled(), postProcessingData.isEnabled);
// Enable depth normal prepass if it's needed by rendering layers
if (m_RenderingLayerProvidesByDepthNormalPass)
renderPassInputs.requiresNormalsTexture = true;
// We configure this for the first camera of the stack and overlay camera will reuse create color/depth var
// to pick the correct target, as if there is an intermediate texture, overlay cam should use them
if (cameraData.renderType == CameraRenderType.Base)
RequiresColorAndDepthAttachments(renderGraph, out m_CreateColorAttachment, out m_CreateDepthAttachment, cameraData, ref renderPassInputs);
// The final output back buffer should be cleared by the graph on first use only if we have no final blit pass.
// If there is a final blit, that blit will write the buffers so on first sight an extra clear should not be problem,
// blit will simply blit over the cleared values. BUT! the final blit may not write the whole buffer in case of a camera
// with a Viewport Rect smaller than the full screen. So the existing backbuffer contents need to be preserved in this case.
// Finally for non-base cameras the backbuffer should never be cleared. (Note that there might still be two base cameras
// rendering to the same screen. See e.g. test foundation 014 that renders a minimap)
bool clearBackbufferOnFirstUse = (cameraData.renderType == CameraRenderType.Base) && !m_CreateColorAttachment;
// force the clear if we are rendering to an offscreen depth texture
clearBackbufferOnFirstUse |= isCameraTargetOffscreenDepth;
// UI Overlay is rendered by native engine if not done within SRP
// To check if the engine does it natively post-URP, we look at SupportedRenderingFeatures
// and restrict it to cases where we resolve to screen and render UI overlay, i.e mostly final camera for game view
// We cannot use directly !cameraData.rendersOverlayUI but this is similar logic
bool isNativeUIOverlayRenderingAfterURP = !SupportedRenderingFeatures.active.rendersUIOverlay && cameraData.resolveToScreen;
bool isNativeRenderingAfterURP = UnityEngine.Rendering.Watermark.IsVisible() || isNativeUIOverlayRenderingAfterURP;
// If MSAA > 1, no extra native rendering after SRP and we target the BB directly (!m_CreateColorAttachment)
// then we can discard MSAA buffers and only resolve, otherwise we must store and resolve
bool noStoreOnlyResolveBBColor = !m_CreateColorAttachment && !isNativeRenderingAfterURP && (cameraData.cameraTargetDescriptor.msaaSamples > 1);
ImportResourceParams importBackbufferColorParams = new ImportResourceParams();
importBackbufferColorParams.clearOnFirstUse = clearBackbufferOnFirstUse;
importBackbufferColorParams.clearColor = cameraBackgroundColor;
importBackbufferColorParams.discardOnLastUse = noStoreOnlyResolveBBColor;
ImportResourceParams importBackbufferDepthParams = new ImportResourceParams();
importBackbufferDepthParams.clearOnFirstUse = clearBackbufferOnFirstUse;
importBackbufferDepthParams.clearColor = cameraBackgroundColor;
importBackbufferDepthParams.discardOnLastUse = !isCameraTargetOffscreenDepth;
// on TBDR GPUs like Apple M1/M2, we need to preserve the backbuffer depth for overlay cameras in Editor for Gizmos
if (cameraData.isSceneViewCamera)
importBackbufferDepthParams.discardOnLastUse = false;
// some XR devices require depth data to composite the final image. In such case, we need to preserve the eyetexture(backbuffer) depth.
if (cameraData.xr.enabled && cameraData.xr.copyDepth)
importBackbufferDepthParams.discardOnLastUse = false;
// For BuiltinRenderTextureType wrapping RTHandles RenderGraph can't know what they are so we have to pass it in.
RenderTargetInfo importInfo = new RenderTargetInfo();
RenderTargetInfo importInfoDepth = new RenderTargetInfo();
// So the render target we pass into render graph is
// RTHandles(RenderTargetIdentifier(BuiltinRenderTextureType.CameraTarget))
// or
// RTHandles(RenderTargetIdentifier(RenderTexture(cameraData.targetTexture)))
// Because of the RenderTargetIdentifier in the "wrapper chain" the graph can't know
// the size of the passed in textures so we need to provide it for the graph.
// The amount of texture handle wrappers and their subtleties is probably something to be investigated.
if (isBuiltInTexture)
// Backbuffer is the final render target, we obtain its number of MSAA samples through Screen API
// in some cases we disable multisampling for optimization purpose
int numSamples = AdjustAndGetScreenMSAASamples(renderGraph, m_CreateColorAttachment);
//BuiltinRenderTextureType.CameraTarget so this is either system render target or camera.targetTexture if non null
//NOTE: Careful what you use here as many of the properties bake-in the camera rect so for example
//cameraData.cameraTargetDescriptor.width is the width of the rectangle but not the actual render target
//same with cameraData.camera.pixelWidth
importInfo.width = Screen.width;
importInfo.height = Screen.height;
importInfo.volumeDepth = 1;
importInfo.msaaSamples = numSamples;
importInfo.format = cameraData.cameraTargetDescriptor.graphicsFormat;
importInfoDepth = importInfo;
importInfoDepth.format = cameraData.cameraTargetDescriptor.depthStencilFormat;
if (cameraData.xr.enabled)
importInfo.width = cameraData.xr.renderTargetDesc.width;
importInfo.height = cameraData.xr.renderTargetDesc.height;
importInfo.volumeDepth = cameraData.xr.renderTargetDesc.volumeDepth;
importInfo.msaaSamples = cameraData.xr.renderTargetDesc.msaaSamples;
importInfo.format = cameraData.xr.renderTargetDesc.graphicsFormat;
importInfoDepth = importInfo;
importInfoDepth.format = cameraData.xr.renderTargetDesc.depthStencilFormat;
importInfo.width = cameraData.targetTexture.width;
importInfo.height = cameraData.targetTexture.height;
importInfo.volumeDepth = cameraData.targetTexture.volumeDepth;
importInfo.msaaSamples = cameraData.targetTexture.antiAliasing;
importInfo.format = cameraData.targetTexture.graphicsFormat;
importInfoDepth = importInfo;
importInfoDepth.format = cameraData.targetTexture.depthStencilFormat;
// We let users know that a depth format is required for correct usage, but we fallback to the old default depth format behaviour to avoid regressions
if (importInfoDepth.format == GraphicsFormat.None)
importInfoDepth.format = SystemInfo.GetGraphicsFormat(DefaultFormat.DepthStencil);
Debug.LogWarning("In the render graph API, the output Render Texture must have a depth buffer. When you select a Render Texture in any camera's Output Texture property, the Depth Stencil Format property of the texture must be set to a value other than None.");
// TODO: Don't think the backbuffer color and depth should be imported at all if !isBuiltinTexture, double check
if (!isCameraTargetOffscreenDepth)
resourceData.backBufferColor = renderGraph.ImportTexture(m_TargetColorHandle, importInfo, importBackbufferColorParams);
resourceData.backBufferDepth = renderGraph.ImportTexture(m_TargetDepthHandle, importInfoDepth, importBackbufferDepthParams);
#region Intermediate Camera Target
if (m_CreateColorAttachment && !isCameraTargetOffscreenDepth)
var cameraTargetDescriptor = cameraData.cameraTargetDescriptor;
cameraTargetDescriptor.useMipMap = false;
cameraTargetDescriptor.autoGenerateMips = false;
cameraTargetDescriptor.depthStencilFormat = GraphicsFormat.None;
RenderingUtils.ReAllocateHandleIfNeeded(ref m_RenderGraphCameraColorHandles[0], cameraTargetDescriptor, FilterMode.Bilinear, TextureWrapMode.Clamp, name: _CameraTargetAttachmentAName);
RenderingUtils.ReAllocateHandleIfNeeded(ref m_RenderGraphCameraColorHandles[1], cameraTargetDescriptor, FilterMode.Bilinear, TextureWrapMode.Clamp, name: _CameraTargetAttachmentBName);
// Make sure that the base camera always starts rendering to the ColorAttachmentA for deterministic frame results.
// Not doing so makes the targets look different every frame, causing the frame debugger to flash, and making debugging harder.
if (cameraData.renderType == CameraRenderType.Base)
m_CurrentColorHandle = 0;
// Base camera rendering always starts with a pre-upscale size color target
// If upscaling happens during the frame, we'll switch to the post-upscale color target size and any overlay camera that renders on top should inherit the upscaled size
m_UseUpscaledColorHandle = false;
importColorParams.discardOnLastUse = lastCameraInTheStack;
resourceData.cameraColor = renderGraph.ImportTexture(currentRenderGraphCameraColorHandle, importColorParams);
resourceData.activeColorID = UniversalResourceData.ActiveID.Camera;
// If STP is enabled, we'll be upscaling the rendered frame during the post processing logic.
// Once upscaling occurs, we must use different set of color handles that reflect the upscaled size.
if (cameraData.IsSTPEnabled())
var upscaledTargetDesc = cameraTargetDescriptor;
upscaledTargetDesc.width = cameraData.pixelWidth;
upscaledTargetDesc.height = cameraData.pixelHeight;
RenderingUtils.ReAllocateHandleIfNeeded(ref m_RenderGraphUpscaledCameraColorHandles[0], upscaledTargetDesc, FilterMode.Point, TextureWrapMode.Clamp, name: _CameraUpscaledTargetAttachmentAName);
RenderingUtils.ReAllocateHandleIfNeeded(ref m_RenderGraphUpscaledCameraColorHandles[1], upscaledTargetDesc, FilterMode.Point, TextureWrapMode.Clamp, name: _CameraUpscaledTargetAttachmentBName);
resourceData.activeColorID = UniversalResourceData.ActiveID.BackBuffer;
bool depthTextureIsDepthFormat = RequireDepthPrepass(cameraData, ref renderPassInputs) && (renderingModeActual != RenderingMode.Deferred);
if (m_CreateDepthAttachment)
var depthDescriptor = cameraData.cameraTargetDescriptor;
depthDescriptor.useMipMap = false;
depthDescriptor.autoGenerateMips = false;
bool hasMSAA = depthDescriptor.msaaSamples > 1;
bool resolveDepth = RenderingUtils.MultisampleDepthResolveSupported() && renderGraph.nativeRenderPassesEnabled;
// If we aren't using hardware depth resolves and we have MSAA, we need to resolve depth manually by binding as an MSAA texture.
depthDescriptor.bindMS = !resolveDepth && hasMSAA;
// binding MS surfaces is not supported by the GLES backend, and it won't be fixed after investigating
// the high performance impact of potential fixes, which would make it more expensive than depth prepass (fogbugz 1339401 for more info)
if (IsGLESDevice())
depthDescriptor.bindMS = false;
depthDescriptor.graphicsFormat = GraphicsFormat.None;
depthDescriptor.depthStencilFormat = cameraDepthAttachmentFormat;
RenderingUtils.ReAllocateHandleIfNeeded(ref m_RenderGraphCameraDepthHandle, depthDescriptor, FilterMode.Point, TextureWrapMode.Clamp, name: "_CameraDepthAttachment");
importDepthParams.discardOnLastUse = lastCameraInTheStack;
resourceData.cameraDepth = renderGraph.ImportTexture(m_RenderGraphCameraDepthHandle, importDepthParams);
resourceData.activeDepthID = UniversalResourceData.ActiveID.Camera;
// Configure the copy depth pass based on the allocated depth texture
m_CopyDepthPass.MssaSamples = depthDescriptor.msaaSamples;
m_CopyDepthPass.CopyToDepth = depthTextureIsDepthFormat;
m_CopyDepthPass.m_CopyResolvedDepth = !depthDescriptor.bindMS;
resourceData.activeDepthID = UniversalResourceData.ActiveID.BackBuffer;
CreateCameraDepthCopyTexture(renderGraph, cameraData.cameraTargetDescriptor, depthTextureIsDepthFormat);
CreateCameraNormalsTexture(renderGraph, cameraData.cameraTargetDescriptor);
CreateMotionVectorTextures(renderGraph, cameraData.cameraTargetDescriptor);
CreateRenderingLayersTexture(renderGraph, cameraData.cameraTargetDescriptor);
if (!isCameraTargetOffscreenDepth)
CreateAfterPostProcessTexture(renderGraph, cameraData.cameraTargetDescriptor);
void SetupRenderingLayers(int msaaSamples)
// Gather render pass require rendering layers event and mask size
m_RequiresRenderingLayer = RenderingLayerUtils.RequireRenderingLayers(this, rendererFeatures, msaaSamples,
out m_RenderingLayersEvent, out m_RenderingLayersMaskSize);
m_RenderingLayerProvidesRenderObjectPass = m_RequiresRenderingLayer && m_RenderingLayersEvent == RenderingLayerUtils.Event.Opaque;
m_RenderingLayerProvidesByDepthNormalPass = m_RequiresRenderingLayer && m_RenderingLayersEvent == RenderingLayerUtils.Event.DepthNormalPrePass;
if (m_DeferredLights != null)
m_DeferredLights.RenderingLayerMaskSize = m_RenderingLayersMaskSize;
m_DeferredLights.UseDecalLayers = m_RequiresRenderingLayer;
internal void SetupRenderGraphLights(RenderGraph renderGraph, UniversalRenderingData renderingData, UniversalCameraData cameraData, UniversalLightData lightData)
m_ForwardLights.SetupRenderGraphLights(renderGraph, renderingData, cameraData, lightData);
if (this.renderingModeActual == RenderingMode.Deferred)
m_DeferredLights.UseFramebufferFetch = renderGraph.nativeRenderPassesEnabled;
m_DeferredLights.SetupRenderGraphLights(renderGraph, cameraData, lightData);
// "Raw render" color/depth history.
// Should include opaque and transparent geometry before TAA or any post-processing effects. No UI overlays etc.
private void RenderRawColorDepthHistory(RenderGraph renderGraph, UniversalCameraData cameraData, UniversalResourceData resourceData)
if (cameraData != null && cameraData.historyManager != null && resourceData != null)
UniversalCameraHistory history = cameraData.historyManager;
bool xrMultipassEnabled = false;
int multipassId = 0;
xrMultipassEnabled = cameraData.xr.enabled && !cameraData.xr.singlePassEnabled;
multipassId = cameraData.xr.multipassId;
if (history.IsAccessRequested<RawColorHistory>() && resourceData.cameraColor.IsValid())
var colorHistory = history.GetHistoryForWrite<RawColorHistory>();
if (colorHistory != null)
colorHistory.Update(ref cameraData.cameraTargetDescriptor, xrMultipassEnabled);
if (colorHistory.GetCurrentTexture(multipassId) != null)
var colorHistoryTarget = renderGraph.ImportTexture(colorHistory.GetCurrentTexture(multipassId));
// See pass create in UniversalRenderer() for execution order.
m_HistoryRawColorCopyPass.RenderToExistingTexture(renderGraph, frameData, colorHistoryTarget, resourceData.cameraColor, Downsampling.None);
if (history.IsAccessRequested<RawDepthHistory>() && resourceData.cameraDepth.IsValid())
var depthHistory = history.GetHistoryForWrite<RawDepthHistory>();
if (depthHistory != null)
if (m_HistoryRawDepthCopyPass.CopyToDepth == false)
// Fall back to R32_Float if depth copy is disabled.
var tempColorDepthDesc = cameraData.cameraTargetDescriptor;
tempColorDepthDesc.graphicsFormat = GraphicsFormat.R32_SFloat;
tempColorDepthDesc.depthStencilFormat = GraphicsFormat.None;
depthHistory.Update(ref tempColorDepthDesc, xrMultipassEnabled);
var tempColorDepthDesc = cameraData.cameraTargetDescriptor;
tempColorDepthDesc.graphicsFormat = GraphicsFormat.None;
depthHistory.Update(ref tempColorDepthDesc, xrMultipassEnabled);
if (depthHistory.GetCurrentTexture(multipassId) != null)
var depthHistoryTarget = renderGraph.ImportTexture(depthHistory.GetCurrentTexture(multipassId));
// See pass create in UniversalRenderer() for execution order.
m_HistoryRawDepthCopyPass.Render(renderGraph, frameData, depthHistoryTarget, resourceData.cameraDepth, false);
/// <summary>
/// Called before recording the render graph. Can be used to initialize resources.
/// </summary>
public override void OnBeginRenderGraphFrame()
UniversalResourceData resourceData = frameData.Get<UniversalResourceData>();
internal override void OnRecordRenderGraph(RenderGraph renderGraph, ScriptableRenderContext context)
UniversalResourceData resourceData = frameData.Get<UniversalResourceData>();
UniversalRenderingData renderingData = frameData.Get<UniversalRenderingData>();
UniversalCameraData cameraData = frameData.Get<UniversalCameraData>();
UniversalLightData lightData = frameData.Get<UniversalLightData>();
useRenderPassEnabled = renderGraph.nativeRenderPassesEnabled;
MotionVectorRenderPass.SetRenderGraphMotionVectorGlobalMatrices(renderGraph, cameraData);
SetupRenderGraphLights(renderGraph, renderingData, cameraData, lightData);
bool isCameraTargetOffscreenDepth = cameraData.camera.targetTexture != null && cameraData.camera.targetTexture.format == RenderTextureFormat.Depth;
CreateRenderGraphCameraRenderTargets(renderGraph, isCameraTargetOffscreenDepth);
if (DebugHandler != null)
DebugHandler.Setup(renderGraph, cameraData.isPreviewCamera);
RecordCustomRenderGraphPasses(renderGraph, RenderPassEvent.BeforeRendering);
SetupRenderGraphCameraProperties(renderGraph, resourceData.isActiveTargetBackBuffer);
cameraData.renderer.useDepthPriming = useDepthPriming;
if (isCameraTargetOffscreenDepth)
OnOffscreenDepthTextureRendering(renderGraph, context, resourceData, cameraData);
OnMainRendering(renderGraph, context);
/// <summary>
/// Called after recording the render graph. Can be used to clean up resources.
/// </summary>
public override void OnEndRenderGraphFrame()
UniversalResourceData resourceData = frameData.Get<UniversalResourceData>();
internal override void OnFinishRenderGraphRendering(CommandBuffer cmd)
if (this.renderingModeActual == RenderingMode.Deferred)
private bool m_IssuedGPUOcclusionUnsupportedMsg = false;
/// <summary>
/// Used to determine if this renderer supports the use of GPU occlusion culling.
/// </summary>
public override bool supportsGPUOcclusion
// UUM-82677: GRD GPU Occlusion Culling on Vulkan breaks rendering on some mobile GPUs
// We currently disable gpu occlusion culling when running on Qualcomm GPUs due to suspected driver issues.
// Once the issue is resolved, this logic should be removed.
const int kQualcommVendorId = 0x5143;
bool isGpuSupported = SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceVendorID != kQualcommVendorId;
if (!isGpuSupported && !m_IssuedGPUOcclusionUnsupportedMsg)
Debug.LogWarning("The GPU Occlusion Culling feature is currently unavailable on this device due to suspected driver issues.");
m_IssuedGPUOcclusionUnsupportedMsg = true;
return (m_RenderingMode != RenderingMode.Deferred) && isGpuSupported;
private static bool m_CreateColorAttachment;
private static bool m_CreateDepthAttachment;
private void OnOffscreenDepthTextureRendering(RenderGraph renderGraph, ScriptableRenderContext context, UniversalResourceData resourceData, UniversalCameraData cameraData)
if (!renderGraph.nativeRenderPassesEnabled)
ClearTargetsPass.Render(renderGraph, resourceData.activeColorTexture, resourceData.backBufferDepth, RTClearFlags.Depth, cameraData.backgroundColor);
RecordCustomRenderGraphPasses(renderGraph, RenderPassEvent.BeforeRenderingShadows, RenderPassEvent.BeforeRenderingOpaques);
m_RenderOpaqueForwardPass.Render(renderGraph, frameData, TextureHandle.nullHandle, resourceData.backBufferDepth, TextureHandle.nullHandle, TextureHandle.nullHandle, uint.MaxValue);
RecordCustomRenderGraphPasses(renderGraph, RenderPassEvent.AfterRenderingOpaques, RenderPassEvent.BeforeRenderingTransparents);
if (needTransparencyPass)
m_RenderTransparentForwardPass.Render(renderGraph, frameData, TextureHandle.nullHandle, resourceData.backBufferDepth, TextureHandle.nullHandle, TextureHandle.nullHandle, uint.MaxValue);
RecordCustomRenderGraphPasses(renderGraph, RenderPassEvent.AfterRenderingTransparents, RenderPassEvent.AfterRendering);
private void OnBeforeRendering(RenderGraph renderGraph)
UniversalResourceData resourceData = frameData.Get<UniversalResourceData>();
UniversalRenderingData renderingData = frameData.Get<UniversalRenderingData>();
UniversalCameraData cameraData = frameData.Get<UniversalCameraData>();
UniversalLightData lightData = frameData.Get<UniversalLightData>();
UniversalShadowData shadowData = frameData.Get<UniversalShadowData>();
m_ForwardLights.PreSetup(renderingData, cameraData, lightData);
RecordCustomRenderGraphPasses(renderGraph, RenderPassEvent.BeforeRenderingShadows);
bool renderShadows = false;
if (m_MainLightShadowCasterPass.Setup(renderingData, cameraData, lightData, shadowData))
renderShadows = true;
resourceData.mainShadowsTexture = m_MainLightShadowCasterPass.Render(renderGraph, frameData);
if (m_AdditionalLightsShadowCasterPass.Setup(renderingData, cameraData, lightData, shadowData))
renderShadows = true;
resourceData.additionalShadowsTexture = m_AdditionalLightsShadowCasterPass.Render(renderGraph, frameData);
// The camera need to be setup again after the shadows since those passes override some settings
// TODO RENDERGRAPH: move the setup code into the shadow passes
if (renderShadows)
SetupRenderGraphCameraProperties(renderGraph, resourceData.isActiveTargetBackBuffer);
RecordCustomRenderGraphPasses(renderGraph, RenderPassEvent.AfterRenderingShadows);
bool requiredColorGradingLutPass = cameraData.postProcessEnabled && m_PostProcessPasses.isCreated;
if (requiredColorGradingLutPass)
TextureHandle internalColorLut;
m_PostProcessPasses.colorGradingLutPass.Render(renderGraph, frameData, out internalColorLut);
resourceData.internalColorLut = internalColorLut;
private void UpdateInstanceOccluders(RenderGraph renderGraph, UniversalCameraData cameraData, TextureHandle depthTexture)
int scaledWidth = (int)(cameraData.pixelWidth * cameraData.renderScale);
int scaledHeight = (int)(cameraData.pixelHeight * cameraData.renderScale);
bool isSinglePassXR = cameraData.xr.enabled && cameraData.xr.singlePassEnabled;
var occluderParams = new OccluderParameters(cameraData.camera.GetInstanceID())
subviewCount = isSinglePassXR ? 2 : 1,
depthTexture = depthTexture,
depthSize = new Vector2Int(scaledWidth, scaledHeight),
depthIsArray = isSinglePassXR,
Span<OccluderSubviewUpdate> occluderSubviewUpdates = stackalloc OccluderSubviewUpdate[occluderParams.subviewCount];
for (int subviewIndex = 0; subviewIndex < occluderParams.subviewCount; ++subviewIndex)
var viewMatrix = cameraData.GetViewMatrix(subviewIndex);
var projMatrix = cameraData.GetProjectionMatrix(subviewIndex);
occluderSubviewUpdates[subviewIndex] = new OccluderSubviewUpdate(subviewIndex)
depthSliceIndex = subviewIndex,
viewMatrix = viewMatrix,
invViewMatrix = viewMatrix.inverse,
gpuProjMatrix = GL.GetGPUProjectionMatrix(projMatrix, true),
viewOffsetWorldSpace = Vector3.zero,
GPUResidentDrawer.UpdateInstanceOccluders(renderGraph, occluderParams, occluderSubviewUpdates);
private void InstanceOcclusionTest(RenderGraph renderGraph, UniversalCameraData cameraData, OcclusionTest occlusionTest)
bool isSinglePassXR = cameraData.xr.enabled && cameraData.xr.singlePassEnabled;
int subviewCount = isSinglePassXR ? 2 : 1;
var settings = new OcclusionCullingSettings(cameraData.camera.GetInstanceID(), occlusionTest)
instanceMultiplier = (isSinglePassXR && !SystemInfo.supportsMultiview) ? 2 : 1,
Span<SubviewOcclusionTest> subviewOcclusionTests = stackalloc SubviewOcclusionTest[subviewCount];
for (int subviewIndex = 0; subviewIndex < subviewCount; ++subviewIndex)
subviewOcclusionTests[subviewIndex] = new SubviewOcclusionTest()
cullingSplitIndex = 0,
occluderSubviewIndex = subviewIndex,
GPUResidentDrawer.InstanceOcclusionTest(renderGraph, settings, subviewOcclusionTests);
// Records the depth copy pass along with the specified custom passes in a way that properly handles depth read dependencies
// This function will also trigger motion vector rendering if required by the current frame since its availability is intended to match depth's.
private void RecordCustomPassesWithDepthCopyAndMotion(RenderGraph renderGraph, UniversalResourceData resourceData, RenderPassEvent earliestDepthReadEvent, RenderPassEvent currentEvent, bool renderMotionVectors)
// Custom passes typically come before built-in passes but there's an exception for passes that require depth.
// In cases where custom passes passes may depend on depth, we split the event range and execute the depth copy as late as possible while still ensuring valid depth reads.
CalculateSplitEventRange(currentEvent, earliestDepthReadEvent, out var startEvent, out var splitEvent, out var endEvent);
RecordCustomRenderGraphPassesInEventRange(renderGraph, startEvent, splitEvent);
ExecuteScheduledDepthCopyWithMotion(renderGraph, resourceData, renderMotionVectors);
RecordCustomRenderGraphPassesInEventRange(renderGraph, splitEvent, endEvent);
// Returns true if the current render pass inputs allow us to perform a partial depth normals prepass
// During a partial prepass, we only render forward opaque objects that aren't rendered into the gbuffer.
// This produces a set of partial depth & normal buffers that must be completed by the gbuffer pass later in the frame.
// This allows us to produce complete depth & normals data before lighting takes place, but it isn't valid when custom
// passes require this data before the gbuffer pass finishes.
private bool AllowPartialDepthNormalsPrepass(bool isDeferred, RenderPassEvent requiresDepthNormalEvent)
return isDeferred && ((RenderPassEvent.AfterRenderingGbuffer <= requiresDepthNormalEvent) &&
(requiresDepthNormalEvent <= RenderPassEvent.BeforeRenderingOpaques));
// Enumeration of possible positions within the frame where the depth copy can occur
private enum DepthCopySchedule
// In some cases, we can render depth directly to the depth texture during the depth prepass
// None is always the last value so we can easily check if the depth has already been copied in the current frame via comparison
// Enumeration of possible positions within the frame where the color copy pass can be scheduled
private enum ColorCopySchedule
// None is always the last value so we can easily check if the color has already been copied in the current frame via comparison
/// <summary>
/// Calculates where the depth copy pass should be scheduled within the frame.
/// This function is only intended to be called in cases where we've determined that an explicit depth copy pass is required.
/// The copy will be scheduled as late as possible in the frame while still respecting user selections and custom pass requirements.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="earliestDepthReadEvent">The earliest render pass event in the frame that reads from the depth texture</param>
/// <param name="hasFullPrepass">True if we've determined that the current frame will include a full prepass</param>
/// <returns>The position within the frame where the depth copy pass should be executed</returns>
private DepthCopySchedule CalculateDepthCopySchedule(RenderPassEvent earliestDepthReadEvent, bool hasFullPrepass)
DepthCopySchedule schedule;
if ((earliestDepthReadEvent < RenderPassEvent.AfterRenderingOpaques) || (m_CopyDepthMode == CopyDepthMode.ForcePrepass))
// The forward path never needs to copy depth this early in the frame unless we're using depth priming.
Debug.Assert((renderingModeActual == RenderingMode.Deferred) || useDepthPriming);
if (hasFullPrepass)
// If we have a full prepass, we can copy depth immediately after since a full prepass guarantees complete depth data.
schedule = DepthCopySchedule.AfterPrepass;
// If we have a partial prepass (or no prepass), we must finish rendering the gbuffer before complete depth data is available.
schedule = DepthCopySchedule.AfterGBuffer;
// Make sure we aren't scheduling the depth copy later than the event reading depth.
// The only way this could happen is if we executed a partial prepass in a case where we should have done a full prepass.
Debug.Assert(earliestDepthReadEvent >= RenderPassEvent.AfterRenderingGbuffer);
else if ((earliestDepthReadEvent < RenderPassEvent.AfterRenderingTransparents) || (m_CopyDepthMode == CopyDepthMode.AfterOpaques))
if (earliestDepthReadEvent < RenderPassEvent.AfterRenderingSkybox)
schedule = DepthCopySchedule.AfterOpaques;
schedule = DepthCopySchedule.AfterSkybox;
else if ((earliestDepthReadEvent < RenderPassEvent.BeforeRenderingPostProcessing) || (m_CopyDepthMode == CopyDepthMode.AfterTransparents))
schedule = DepthCopySchedule.AfterTransparents;
// If we hit this case, there's a case we didn't handle properly in the scheduling logic.
schedule = DepthCopySchedule.None;
return schedule;
private struct TextureCopySchedules
internal DepthCopySchedule depth;
internal ColorCopySchedule color;
private TextureCopySchedules CalculateTextureCopySchedules(UniversalCameraData cameraData, RenderPassInputSummary renderPassInputs, bool isDeferred, bool requiresDepthPrepass, bool hasFullPrepass)
// If Camera's PostProcessing is enabled and if there any enabled PostProcessing requires depth texture as shader read resource (Motion Blur/DoF)
bool cameraHasPostProcessingWithDepth = CameraHasPostProcessingWithDepth(cameraData);
// Determine if we read the contents of the depth texture at some point in the frame
bool depthTextureUsed = (cameraData.requiresDepthTexture || cameraHasPostProcessingWithDepth || renderPassInputs.requiresDepthTexture) ||
// Assume the depth texture is unused and no copy is needed until we determine otherwise
DepthCopySchedule depth = DepthCopySchedule.None;
// If the depth texture is read during the frame, determine when the copy should occur
if (depthTextureUsed)
// In forward, the depth prepass typically writes directly to the depth texture so no copy is needed. However, when depth priming is enabled,
// the prepass targets the depth attachment instead, so we still have to perform a depth copy to populate the depth texture.
// In deferred, the depth prepass writes to the depth attachment so a copy must happen later in the frame.
bool depthTextureRequiresCopy = (isDeferred || (!requiresDepthPrepass || useDepthPriming));
depth = depthTextureRequiresCopy ? CalculateDepthCopySchedule(renderPassInputs.requiresDepthTextureEarliestEvent, hasFullPrepass)
: DepthCopySchedule.DuringPrepass;
bool requiresColorCopyPass = cameraData.requiresOpaqueTexture || renderPassInputs.requiresColorTexture;
requiresColorCopyPass &= !cameraData.isPreviewCamera;
// Schedule a color copy pass if required
ColorCopySchedule color = requiresColorCopyPass ? ColorCopySchedule.AfterSkybox
: ColorCopySchedule.None;
TextureCopySchedules schedules;
schedules.depth = depth;
schedules.color = color;
return schedules;
private void CopyDepthToDepthTexture(RenderGraph renderGraph, UniversalResourceData resourceData)
m_CopyDepthPass.Render(renderGraph, frameData, resourceData.cameraDepthTexture, resourceData.activeDepthTexture, true);
private void RenderMotionVectors(RenderGraph renderGraph, UniversalResourceData resourceData)
m_MotionVectorPass.Render(renderGraph, frameData, resourceData.cameraDepthTexture, resourceData.motionVectorColor, resourceData.motionVectorDepth);
private void ExecuteScheduledDepthCopyWithMotion(RenderGraph renderGraph, UniversalResourceData resourceData, bool renderMotionVectors)
CopyDepthToDepthTexture(renderGraph, resourceData);
if (renderMotionVectors)
RenderMotionVectors(renderGraph, resourceData);
private void OnMainRendering(RenderGraph renderGraph, ScriptableRenderContext context)
UniversalResourceData resourceData = frameData.Get<UniversalResourceData>();
UniversalCameraData cameraData = frameData.Get<UniversalCameraData>();
UniversalLightData lightData = frameData.Get<UniversalLightData>();
UniversalPostProcessingData postProcessingData = frameData.Get<UniversalPostProcessingData>();
if (!renderGraph.nativeRenderPassesEnabled)
RTClearFlags clearFlags = (RTClearFlags) GetCameraClearFlag(cameraData);
if (clearFlags != RTClearFlags.None)
ClearTargetsPass.Render(renderGraph, resourceData.activeColorTexture, resourceData.activeDepthTexture, clearFlags, cameraData.backgroundColor);
RecordCustomRenderGraphPasses(renderGraph, RenderPassEvent.BeforeRenderingPrePasses);
RenderPassInputSummary renderPassInputs = GetRenderPassInputs(cameraData.IsTemporalAAEnabled(), postProcessingData.isEnabled);
if (m_RenderingLayerProvidesByDepthNormalPass)
renderPassInputs.requiresNormalsTexture = true;
if (ProbeReferenceVolume.instance.IsProbeSamplingDebugEnabled() && cameraData.isSceneViewCamera)
renderPassInputs.requiresNormalsTexture = true;
bool isDeferred = this.renderingModeActual == RenderingMode.Deferred;
bool requiresDepthPrepass = RequireDepthPrepass(cameraData, ref renderPassInputs);
bool isDepthOnlyPrepass = requiresDepthPrepass && !renderPassInputs.requiresNormalsTexture;
bool isDepthNormalPrepass = requiresDepthPrepass && renderPassInputs.requiresNormalsTexture;
// The depth prepass is considered "full" (renders the entire scene, not a partial subset), when we either:
// - Have a depth only prepass (URP always renders the full scene in depth only mode)
// - Have a depth normals prepass that does not allow the partial prepass optimization
bool hasFullPrepass = isDepthOnlyPrepass || (isDepthNormalPrepass && !AllowPartialDepthNormalsPrepass(isDeferred, renderPassInputs.requiresDepthNormalAtEvent));
TextureCopySchedules copySchedules = CalculateTextureCopySchedules(cameraData, renderPassInputs, isDeferred, requiresDepthPrepass, hasFullPrepass);
bool needsOccluderUpdate = cameraData.useGPUOcclusionCulling;
if (cameraData.xr.enabled && cameraData.xr.hasMotionVectorPass)
// Update prevView and View matrices.
m_XRDepthMotionPass?.Update(ref cameraData);
// Record depthMotion pass and import XR resources into the rendergraph.
m_XRDepthMotionPass?.Render(renderGraph, frameData);
if (requiresDepthPrepass)
// If we're in deferred mode, prepasses always render directly to the depth attachment rather than the camera depth texture.
// In non-deferred mode, we only render to the depth attachment directly when depth priming is enabled and we're starting with an empty depth buffer.
bool isDepthPrimingTarget = (useDepthPriming && (cameraData.renderType == CameraRenderType.Base || cameraData.clearDepth));
bool renderToAttachment = (isDeferred || isDepthPrimingTarget);
TextureHandle depthTarget = renderToAttachment ? resourceData.activeDepthTexture : resourceData.cameraDepthTexture;
var passCount = needsOccluderUpdate ? 2 : 1;
for (int passIndex = 0; passIndex < passCount; ++passIndex)
uint batchLayerMask = uint.MaxValue;
if (needsOccluderUpdate)
// first pass: test everything against previous frame final depth pyramid
// second pass: re-test culled against current frame intermediate depth pyramid
OcclusionTest occlusionTest = (passIndex == 0) ? OcclusionTest.TestAll : OcclusionTest.TestCulled;
InstanceOcclusionTest(renderGraph, cameraData, occlusionTest);
batchLayerMask = occlusionTest.GetBatchLayerMask();
// The prepasses are executed multiple times when GRD occlusion is active.
// We only want to set global textures after all executions are complete.
bool isLastPass = (passIndex == (passCount - 1));
// When we render to the depth attachment, a copy must happen later to populate the camera depth texture and the copy will handle setting globals.
// If we're rendering to the camera depth texture, we can set the globals immediately.
bool setGlobalDepth = isLastPass && !renderToAttachment;
// There's no special copy logic for the camera normals texture, so we can set the global as long as we're not performing a partial prepass.
// In the case of a partial prepass, the global will be set later by the gbuffer pass once it completes the data in the texture.
bool setGlobalTextures = isLastPass && (!isDeferred || hasFullPrepass);
if (isDepthNormalPrepass)
DepthNormalPrepassRender(renderGraph, renderPassInputs, depthTarget, batchLayerMask, setGlobalDepth, setGlobalTextures);
m_DepthPrepass.Render(renderGraph, frameData, ref depthTarget, batchLayerMask, setGlobalDepth);
if (needsOccluderUpdate)
// first pass: make current frame intermediate depth pyramid
// second pass: make current frame final depth pyramid, set occlusion test results for later passes
UpdateInstanceOccluders(renderGraph, cameraData, depthTarget);
if (passIndex != 0)
InstanceOcclusionTest(renderGraph, cameraData, OcclusionTest.TestAll);
needsOccluderUpdate = false;
// After the prepass completes, we should copy depth if necessary and also render motion vectors. (they're expected to be available whenever depth is)
// In the case where depth is rendered as part of the prepass and no copy is necessary, we still need to render motion vectors here to ensure they're available
// with depth before any user passes are executed.
if (copySchedules.depth == DepthCopySchedule.AfterPrepass)
ExecuteScheduledDepthCopyWithMotion(renderGraph, resourceData, renderPassInputs.requiresMotionVectors);
else if ((copySchedules.depth == DepthCopySchedule.DuringPrepass) && renderPassInputs.requiresMotionVectors)
RenderMotionVectors(renderGraph, resourceData);
RecordCustomRenderGraphPasses(renderGraph, RenderPassEvent.AfterRenderingPrePasses);
if (cameraData.xr.hasValidOcclusionMesh)
m_XROcclusionMeshPass.Render(renderGraph, frameData, resourceData.activeColorTexture, resourceData.activeDepthTexture);
if (isDeferred)
// We need to be sure there are no custom passes in between GBuffer/Deferred passes, if there are - we disable fb fetch just to be safe`
m_DeferredLights.UseFramebufferFetch = renderGraph.nativeRenderPassesEnabled;
m_DeferredLights.HasNormalPrepass = isDepthNormalPrepass;
m_DeferredLights.HasDepthPrepass = requiresDepthPrepass;
m_DeferredLights.IsOverlay = cameraData.renderType == CameraRenderType.Overlay;
RecordCustomRenderGraphPasses(renderGraph, RenderPassEvent.BeforeRenderingGbuffer);
// When we have a partial depth normals prepass, we must wait until the gbuffer pass to set global textures.
// In this case, the incoming global texture data is incomplete and the gbuffer pass is required to complete it.
bool setGlobalTextures = isDepthNormalPrepass && !hasFullPrepass;
m_GBufferPass.Render(renderGraph, frameData, resourceData.activeColorTexture, resourceData.activeDepthTexture, setGlobalTextures);
// In addition to regularly scheduled depth copies here, we also need to copy depth when native render passes aren't available.
// This is required because deferred lighting must read depth as a texture, but it must also bind depth as a depth write attachment at the same time.
// When native render passes are available, we write depth into an internal gbuffer slice and read via framebuffer fetch so a depth copy is no longer required.
if (copySchedules.depth == DepthCopySchedule.AfterGBuffer)
ExecuteScheduledDepthCopyWithMotion(renderGraph, resourceData, renderPassInputs.requiresMotionVectors);
else if (!renderGraph.nativeRenderPassesEnabled)
CopyDepthToDepthTexture(renderGraph, resourceData);
RecordCustomRenderGraphPasses(renderGraph, RenderPassEvent.AfterRenderingGbuffer, RenderPassEvent.BeforeRenderingDeferredLights);
m_DeferredPass.Render(renderGraph, frameData, resourceData.activeColorTexture, resourceData.activeDepthTexture, resourceData.gBuffer);
RecordCustomRenderGraphPasses(renderGraph, RenderPassEvent.AfterRenderingDeferredLights, RenderPassEvent.BeforeRenderingOpaques);
TextureHandle mainShadowsTexture = resourceData.mainShadowsTexture;
TextureHandle additionalShadowsTexture = resourceData.additionalShadowsTexture;
m_RenderOpaqueForwardOnlyPass.Render(renderGraph, frameData, resourceData.activeColorTexture, resourceData.activeDepthTexture, mainShadowsTexture, additionalShadowsTexture, uint.MaxValue);
RecordCustomRenderGraphPasses(renderGraph, RenderPassEvent.BeforeRenderingGbuffer, RenderPassEvent.BeforeRenderingOpaques);
var passCount = needsOccluderUpdate ? 2 : 1;
for (int passIndex = 0; passIndex < passCount; ++passIndex)
uint batchLayerMask = uint.MaxValue;
if (needsOccluderUpdate)
// first pass: test everything against previous frame final depth pyramid
// second pass: re-test culled against current frame intermediate depth pyramid
OcclusionTest occlusionTest = (passIndex) == 0 ? OcclusionTest.TestAll : OcclusionTest.TestCulled;
InstanceOcclusionTest(renderGraph, cameraData, occlusionTest);
batchLayerMask = occlusionTest.GetBatchLayerMask();
if (m_RenderingLayerProvidesRenderObjectPass)
if (needsOccluderUpdate)
// first pass: make current frame intermediate depth pyramid
// second pass: make current frame final depth pyramid, set occlusion test results for later passes
UpdateInstanceOccluders(renderGraph, cameraData, resourceData.activeDepthTexture);
if (passIndex != 0)
InstanceOcclusionTest(renderGraph, cameraData, OcclusionTest.TestAll);
needsOccluderUpdate = false;
if (copySchedules.depth == DepthCopySchedule.AfterOpaques)
RecordCustomPassesWithDepthCopyAndMotion(renderGraph, resourceData, renderPassInputs.requiresDepthTextureEarliestEvent, RenderPassEvent.AfterRenderingOpaques, renderPassInputs.requiresMotionVectors);
RecordCustomRenderGraphPasses(renderGraph, RenderPassEvent.AfterRenderingOpaques);
RecordCustomRenderGraphPasses(renderGraph, RenderPassEvent.BeforeRenderingSkybox);
if (cameraData.camera.clearFlags == CameraClearFlags.Skybox && cameraData.renderType != CameraRenderType.Overlay)
cameraData.camera.TryGetComponent(out Skybox cameraSkybox);
Material skyboxMaterial = cameraSkybox != null ? cameraSkybox.material : RenderSettings.skybox;
if (skyboxMaterial != null)
m_DrawSkyboxPass.Render(renderGraph, frameData, context, resourceData.activeColorTexture, resourceData.activeDepthTexture, skyboxMaterial);
if (copySchedules.depth == DepthCopySchedule.AfterSkybox)
ExecuteScheduledDepthCopyWithMotion(renderGraph, resourceData, renderPassInputs.requiresMotionVectors);
RecordCustomRenderGraphPasses(renderGraph, RenderPassEvent.AfterRenderingSkybox);
if (copySchedules.color == ColorCopySchedule.AfterSkybox)
TextureHandle activeColor = resourceData.activeColorTexture;
Downsampling downsamplingMethod = UniversalRenderPipeline.asset.opaqueDownsampling;
TextureHandle cameraOpaqueTexture;
m_CopyColorPass.Render(renderGraph, frameData, out cameraOpaqueTexture, in activeColor, downsamplingMethod);
resourceData.cameraOpaqueTexture = cameraOpaqueTexture;
RecordCustomRenderGraphPasses(renderGraph, RenderPassEvent.BeforeRenderingTransparents);
TextureHandle cameraDepthTexture = resourceData.cameraDepthTexture;
TextureHandle cameraNormalsTexture = resourceData.cameraNormalsTexture;
m_ProbeVolumeDebugPass.Render(renderGraph, frameData, cameraDepthTexture, cameraNormalsTexture);
// TODO RENDERGRAPH: bind _CameraOpaqueTexture, _CameraDepthTexture in transparent pass?
if (needTransparencyPass)
m_RenderTransparentForwardPass.m_ShouldTransparentsReceiveShadows = !m_TransparentSettingsPass.Setup();
if (copySchedules.depth == DepthCopySchedule.AfterTransparents)
RecordCustomPassesWithDepthCopyAndMotion(renderGraph, resourceData, renderPassInputs.requiresDepthTextureEarliestEvent, RenderPassEvent.AfterRenderingTransparents, renderPassInputs.requiresMotionVectors);
RecordCustomRenderGraphPasses(renderGraph, RenderPassEvent.AfterRenderingTransparents);
if (context.HasInvokeOnRenderObjectCallbacks())
m_OnRenderObjectCallbackPass.Render(renderGraph, resourceData.activeColorTexture, resourceData.activeDepthTexture);
if (resourceData != null)
// SetupVFXCameraBuffer will interrogate VFXManager to automatically enable RequestAccess on RawColor and/or RawDepth. This must be done before SetupRawColorDepthHistory.
// SetupVFXCameraBuffer will also provide the GetCurrentTexture from history manager to the VFXManager which can be sampled during the next VFX.Update for the following frame.
RenderRawColorDepthHistory(renderGraph, cameraData, resourceData);
bool shouldRenderUI = cameraData.rendersOverlayUI;
bool outputToHDR = cameraData.isHDROutputActive;
if (shouldRenderUI && outputToHDR)
TextureHandle overlayUI;
m_DrawOffscreenUIPass.RenderOffscreen(renderGraph, frameData, cameraDepthAttachmentFormat, out overlayUI);
resourceData.overlayUITexture = overlayUI;
private void OnAfterRendering(RenderGraph renderGraph)
UniversalResourceData resourceData = frameData.Get<UniversalResourceData>();
UniversalRenderingData renderingData = frameData.Get<UniversalRenderingData>();
UniversalCameraData cameraData = frameData.Get<UniversalCameraData>();
UniversalPostProcessingData postProcessingData = frameData.Get<UniversalPostProcessingData>();
// if it's the last camera in the stack, setup the rendering debugger
if (cameraData.resolveFinalTarget)
SetupRenderGraphFinalPassDebug(renderGraph, frameData);
// Disable Gizmos when using scene overrides. Gizmos break some effects like Overdraw debug.
bool drawGizmos = UniversalRenderPipelineDebugDisplaySettings.Instance.renderingSettings.sceneOverrideMode == DebugSceneOverrideMode.None;
if (drawGizmos)
DrawRenderGraphGizmos(renderGraph, frameData, resourceData.activeColorTexture, resourceData.activeDepthTexture, GizmoSubset.PreImageEffects);
RecordCustomRenderGraphPasses(renderGraph, RenderPassEvent.BeforeRenderingPostProcessing);
bool cameraTargetResolved = false;
bool applyPostProcessing = ShouldApplyPostProcessing(cameraData.postProcessEnabled);
// There's at least a camera in the camera stack that applies post-processing
bool anyPostProcessing = postProcessingData.isEnabled && m_PostProcessPasses.isCreated;
// When FXAA or scaling is active, we must perform an additional pass at the end of the frame for the following reasons:
// 1. FXAA expects to be the last shader running on the image before it's presented to the screen. Since users are allowed
// to add additional render passes after post processing occurs, we can't run FXAA until all of those passes complete as well.
// The FinalPost pass is guaranteed to execute after user authored passes so FXAA is always run inside of it.
// 2. UberPost can only handle upscaling with linear filtering. All other filtering methods require the FinalPost pass.
// 3. TAA sharpening using standalone RCAS pass is required. (When upscaling is not enabled).
bool applyFinalPostProcessing = anyPostProcessing && cameraData.resolveFinalTarget &&
((cameraData.antialiasing == AntialiasingMode.FastApproximateAntialiasing) ||
((cameraData.imageScalingMode == ImageScalingMode.Upscaling) && (cameraData.upscalingFilter != ImageUpscalingFilter.Linear)) ||
(cameraData.IsTemporalAAEnabled() && cameraData.taaSettings.contrastAdaptiveSharpening > 0.0f));
bool hasCaptureActions = cameraData.captureActions != null && cameraData.resolveFinalTarget;
bool hasPassesAfterPostProcessing = activeRenderPassQueue.Find(x => x.renderPassEvent == RenderPassEvent.AfterRenderingPostProcessing) != null;
bool resolvePostProcessingToCameraTarget = !hasCaptureActions && !hasPassesAfterPostProcessing && !applyFinalPostProcessing;
bool needsColorEncoding = DebugHandler == null || !DebugHandler.HDRDebugViewIsActive(cameraData.resolveFinalTarget);
bool xrDepthTargetResolved = resourceData.activeDepthID == UniversalResourceData.ActiveID.BackBuffer;
DebugHandler debugHandler = ScriptableRenderPass.GetActiveDebugHandler(cameraData);
bool resolveToDebugScreen = debugHandler != null && debugHandler.WriteToDebugScreenTexture(cameraData.resolveFinalTarget);
// Allocate debug screen texture if the debug mode needs it.
if (resolveToDebugScreen)
RenderTextureDescriptor colorDesc = cameraData.cameraTargetDescriptor;
DebugHandler.ConfigureColorDescriptorForDebugScreen(ref colorDesc, cameraData.pixelWidth, cameraData.pixelHeight);
resourceData.debugScreenColor = CreateRenderGraphTexture(renderGraph, colorDesc, "_DebugScreenColor", false);
RenderTextureDescriptor depthDesc = cameraData.cameraTargetDescriptor;
DebugHandler.ConfigureDepthDescriptorForDebugScreen(ref depthDesc, cameraDepthAttachmentFormat, cameraData.pixelWidth, cameraData.pixelHeight);
resourceData.debugScreenDepth = CreateRenderGraphTexture(renderGraph, depthDesc, "_DebugScreenDepth", false);
// If the debugHandler displays HDR debug views, it needs to redirect (final) post-process output to an intermediate color target (debugScreenTexture)
// and it will write into the post-process intended output.
TextureHandle debugHandlerColorTarget = resourceData.afterPostProcessColor;
if (applyPostProcessing)
TextureHandle activeColor = resourceData.activeColorTexture;
TextureHandle backbuffer = resourceData.backBufferColor;
TextureHandle internalColorLut = resourceData.internalColorLut;
TextureHandle overlayUITexture = resourceData.overlayUITexture;
bool isTargetBackbuffer = (cameraData.resolveFinalTarget && !applyFinalPostProcessing && !hasPassesAfterPostProcessing);
// if the postprocessing pass is trying to read and write to the same CameraColor target, we need to swap so it writes to a different target,
// since reading a pass attachment is not possible. Normally this would be possible using temporary RenderGraph managed textures.
// The reason why in this case we need to use "external" RTHandles is to preserve the results for camera stacking.
// TODO RENDERGRAPH: Once all cameras will run in a single RenderGraph we can just use temporary RenderGraph textures as intermediate buffer.
if (!isTargetBackbuffer)
ImportResourceParams importColorParams = new ImportResourceParams();
importColorParams.clearOnFirstUse = true;
importColorParams.clearColor = Color.black;
importColorParams.discardOnLastUse = cameraData.resolveFinalTarget; // check if last camera in the stack
// When STP is enabled, we must switch to the upscaled set of color handles before the next color handle value is queried. This ensures
// that the post processing output is rendered to a properly sized target. Any rendering performed beyond this point will also use the upscaled targets.
if (cameraData.IsSTPEnabled())
m_UseUpscaledColorHandle = true;
resourceData.cameraColor = renderGraph.ImportTexture(nextRenderGraphCameraColorHandle, importColorParams);
// Desired target for post-processing pass.
var target = isTargetBackbuffer ? backbuffer : resourceData.cameraColor;
// but we may actually render to an intermediate texture if debug views are enabled.
// In that case, DebugHandler will eventually blit DebugScreenTexture into AfterPostProcessColor.
if (resolveToDebugScreen && isTargetBackbuffer)
debugHandlerColorTarget = target;
target = resourceData.debugScreenColor;
bool doSRGBEncoding = resolvePostProcessingToCameraTarget && needsColorEncoding;
m_PostProcessPasses.postProcessPass.RenderPostProcessingRenderGraph(renderGraph, frameData, in activeColor, in internalColorLut, in overlayUITexture, in target, applyFinalPostProcessing, resolveToDebugScreen, doSRGBEncoding);
// Handle any after-post rendering debugger overlays
if (cameraData.resolveFinalTarget)
SetupAfterPostRenderGraphFinalPassDebug(renderGraph, frameData);
if (isTargetBackbuffer)
resourceData.activeColorID = UniversalResourceData.ActiveID.BackBuffer;
resourceData.activeDepthID = UniversalResourceData.ActiveID.BackBuffer;
RecordCustomRenderGraphPasses(renderGraph, RenderPassEvent.AfterRenderingPostProcessing);
if (applyFinalPostProcessing)
TextureHandle backbuffer = resourceData.backBufferColor;
TextureHandle overlayUITexture = resourceData.overlayUITexture;
// Desired target for post-processing pass.
TextureHandle target = backbuffer;
if (resolveToDebugScreen)
debugHandlerColorTarget = target;
target = resourceData.debugScreenColor;
// make sure we are accessing the proper camera color in case it was replaced by injected passes
var source = resourceData.cameraColor;
m_PostProcessPasses.finalPostProcessPass.RenderFinalPassRenderGraph(renderGraph, frameData, in source, in overlayUITexture, in target, needsColorEncoding);
resourceData.activeColorID = UniversalResourceData.ActiveID.BackBuffer;
resourceData.activeDepthID = UniversalResourceData.ActiveID.BackBuffer;
if (cameraData.captureActions != null)
m_CapturePass.RecordRenderGraph(renderGraph, frameData);
cameraTargetResolved =
// final PP always blit to camera target
applyFinalPostProcessing ||
// no final PP but we have PP stack. In that case it blit unless there are render pass after PP
(applyPostProcessing && !hasPassesAfterPostProcessing && !hasCaptureActions);
// TODO RENDERGRAPH: we need to discuss and decide if RenderPassEvent.AfterRendering injected passes should only be called after the last camera in the stack
RecordCustomRenderGraphPasses(renderGraph, RenderPassEvent.AfterRendering);
if (!resourceData.isActiveTargetBackBuffer && cameraData.resolveFinalTarget && !cameraTargetResolved)
TextureHandle backbuffer = resourceData.backBufferColor;
TextureHandle overlayUITexture = resourceData.overlayUITexture;
TextureHandle target = backbuffer;
if (resolveToDebugScreen)
debugHandlerColorTarget = target;
target = resourceData.debugScreenColor;
// make sure we are accessing the proper camera color in case it was replaced by injected passes
var source = resourceData.cameraColor;
debugHandler?.UpdateShaderGlobalPropertiesForFinalValidationPass(renderGraph, cameraData, !resolveToDebugScreen);
m_FinalBlitPass.Render(renderGraph, frameData, cameraData, source, target, overlayUITexture);
resourceData.activeColorID = UniversalResourceData.ActiveID.BackBuffer;
resourceData.activeDepthID = UniversalResourceData.ActiveID.BackBuffer;
// We can explicitely render the overlay UI from URP when HDR output is not enabled.
// SupportedRenderingFeatures.active.rendersUIOverlay should also be set to true.
bool shouldRenderUI = cameraData.rendersOverlayUI;
bool outputToHDR = cameraData.isHDROutputActive;
if (shouldRenderUI && !outputToHDR)
TextureHandle depthBuffer = resourceData.backBufferDepth;
TextureHandle target = resourceData.backBufferColor;
if (resolveToDebugScreen)
debugHandlerColorTarget = target;
target = resourceData.debugScreenColor;
depthBuffer = resourceData.debugScreenDepth;
m_DrawOverlayUIPass.RenderOverlay(renderGraph, frameData, in target, in depthBuffer);
if (cameraData.xr.enabled)
// Populate XR depth as requested by XR provider.
if (!xrDepthTargetResolved && cameraData.xr.copyDepth)
m_XRCopyDepthPass.CopyToDepthXR = true;
m_XRCopyDepthPass.MssaSamples = 1;
m_XRCopyDepthPass.Render(renderGraph, frameData, resourceData.backBufferDepth, resourceData.cameraDepth, bindAsCameraDepth: false, "XR Depth Copy");
if (debugHandler != null)
TextureHandle overlayUITexture = resourceData.overlayUITexture;
TextureHandle debugScreenTexture = resourceData.debugScreenColor;
debugHandler.Render(renderGraph, cameraData, debugScreenTexture, overlayUITexture, debugHandlerColorTarget);
bool isGizmosEnabled = UnityEditor.Handles.ShouldRenderGizmos();
if (cameraData.isSceneViewCamera || cameraData.isPreviewCamera || (isGizmosEnabled && cameraData.resolveFinalTarget))
TextureHandle cameraDepthTexture = resourceData.cameraDepthTexture;
m_FinalDepthCopyPass.MssaSamples = 0;
m_FinalDepthCopyPass.CopyToBackbuffer = cameraData.isGameCamera;
m_FinalDepthCopyPass.Render(renderGraph, frameData, resourceData.activeDepthTexture, cameraDepthTexture, false, "Final Depth Copy");
if (cameraData.isSceneViewCamera)
DrawRenderGraphWireOverlay(renderGraph, frameData, resourceData.backBufferColor);
if (drawGizmos)
DrawRenderGraphGizmos(renderGraph, frameData, resourceData.backBufferColor, resourceData.activeDepthTexture, GizmoSubset.PostImageEffects);
bool RequireDepthPrepass(UniversalCameraData cameraData, ref RenderPassInputSummary renderPassInputs)
bool applyPostProcessing = ShouldApplyPostProcessing(cameraData.postProcessEnabled);
// If Camera's PostProcessing is enabled and if there any enabled PostProcessing requires depth texture as shader read resource (Motion Blur/DoF)
bool cameraHasPostProcessingWithDepth = CameraHasPostProcessingWithDepth(cameraData);
bool forcePrepass = (m_CopyDepthMode == CopyDepthMode.ForcePrepass);
bool depthPrimingEnabled = IsDepthPrimingEnabled(cameraData);
bool isGizmosEnabled = UnityEditor.Handles.ShouldRenderGizmos();
bool isGizmosEnabled = false;
bool requiresDepthTexture = cameraData.requiresDepthTexture || renderPassInputs.requiresDepthTexture || depthPrimingEnabled;
bool requiresDepthPrepass = (requiresDepthTexture || cameraHasPostProcessingWithDepth) && (!CanCopyDepth(cameraData) || forcePrepass);
requiresDepthPrepass |= cameraData.isSceneViewCamera;
requiresDepthPrepass |= isGizmosEnabled;
requiresDepthPrepass |= cameraData.isPreviewCamera;
requiresDepthPrepass |= renderPassInputs.requiresDepthPrepass;
requiresDepthPrepass |= renderPassInputs.requiresNormalsTexture; // This must be checked explicitly because some features inject normal requirements later in the frame
requiresDepthPrepass |= depthPrimingEnabled;
return requiresDepthPrepass;
bool RequireDepthTexture(UniversalCameraData cameraData, bool requiresDepthPrepass, ref RenderPassInputSummary renderPassInputs)
bool depthPrimingEnabled = IsDepthPrimingEnabled(cameraData);
bool requiresDepthTexture = cameraData.requiresDepthTexture || renderPassInputs.requiresDepthTexture || depthPrimingEnabled;
bool cameraHasPostProcessingWithDepth = CameraHasPostProcessingWithDepth(cameraData);
var createDepthTexture = (requiresDepthTexture || cameraHasPostProcessingWithDepth) && !requiresDepthPrepass;
createDepthTexture |= !cameraData.resolveFinalTarget;
// Deferred renderer always need to access depth buffer.
createDepthTexture |= (renderingModeActual == RenderingMode.Deferred && !useRenderPassEnabled);
// Some render cases (e.g. Material previews) have shown we need to create a depth texture when we're forcing a prepass.
createDepthTexture |= depthPrimingEnabled || cameraData.isPreviewCamera;
// TODO: seems like with mrt depth is not taken from first target. Investigate if this is needed
createDepthTexture |= m_RenderingLayerProvidesRenderObjectPass;
createDepthTexture |= DebugHandlerRequireDepthPass(cameraData);
return createDepthTexture;
internal void SetRenderingLayersGlobalTextures(RenderGraph renderGraph)
UniversalResourceData resourceData = frameData.Get<UniversalResourceData>();
if (resourceData.renderingLayersTexture.IsValid() && renderingModeActual != RenderingMode.Deferred)
RenderGraphUtils.SetGlobalTexture(renderGraph, Shader.PropertyToID(m_RenderingLayersTextureName), resourceData.renderingLayersTexture, "Set Global Rendering Layers Texture");
void CreateCameraDepthCopyTexture(RenderGraph renderGraph, RenderTextureDescriptor descriptor, bool isDepthTexture)
UniversalResourceData resourceData = frameData.Get<UniversalResourceData>();
var depthDescriptor = descriptor;
depthDescriptor.msaaSamples = 1;// Depth-Only pass don't use MSAA
if (isDepthTexture)
depthDescriptor.graphicsFormat = GraphicsFormat.None;
depthDescriptor.depthStencilFormat = cameraDepthTextureFormat;
depthDescriptor.graphicsFormat = GraphicsFormat.R32_SFloat;
depthDescriptor.depthStencilFormat = GraphicsFormat.None;
resourceData.cameraDepthTexture = CreateRenderGraphTexture(renderGraph, depthDescriptor, "_CameraDepthTexture", true);
void CreateMotionVectorTextures(RenderGraph renderGraph, RenderTextureDescriptor descriptor)
UniversalResourceData resourceData = frameData.Get<UniversalResourceData>();
var colorDesc = descriptor;
colorDesc.msaaSamples = 1; // Disable MSAA, consider a pixel resolve for half left velocity and half right velocity --> no velocity, which is untrue.
colorDesc.graphicsFormat = MotionVectorRenderPass.k_TargetFormat;
colorDesc.depthStencilFormat = GraphicsFormat.None;
resourceData.motionVectorColor = CreateRenderGraphTexture(renderGraph, colorDesc, MotionVectorRenderPass.k_MotionVectorTextureName, true);
var depthDescriptor = descriptor;
depthDescriptor.msaaSamples = 1;
depthDescriptor.graphicsFormat = GraphicsFormat.None;
depthDescriptor.depthStencilFormat = cameraDepthAttachmentFormat;
resourceData.motionVectorDepth = CreateRenderGraphTexture(renderGraph, depthDescriptor, MotionVectorRenderPass.k_MotionVectorDepthTextureName, true);
void CreateCameraNormalsTexture(RenderGraph renderGraph, RenderTextureDescriptor descriptor)
UniversalResourceData resourceData = frameData.Get<UniversalResourceData>();
var normalDescriptor = descriptor;
normalDescriptor.depthStencilFormat = GraphicsFormat.None;
normalDescriptor.msaaSamples = 1; // Never use MSAA for the normal texture!
// Find compatible render-target format for storing normals.
// Shader code outputs normals in signed format to be compatible with deferred gbuffer layout.
// Deferred gbuffer format is signed so that normals can be blended for terrain geometry.
var normalsName = this.renderingModeActual != RenderingMode.Deferred ? "_CameraNormalsTexture" : DeferredLights.k_GBufferNames[m_DeferredLights.GBufferNormalSmoothnessIndex];
normalDescriptor.graphicsFormat = this.renderingModeActual != RenderingMode.Deferred ? DepthNormalOnlyPass.GetGraphicsFormat() : m_DeferredLights.GetGBufferFormat(m_DeferredLights.GBufferNormalSmoothnessIndex);
resourceData.cameraNormalsTexture = CreateRenderGraphTexture(renderGraph, normalDescriptor, normalsName, true);
void CreateRenderingLayersTexture(RenderGraph renderGraph, RenderTextureDescriptor descriptor)
if (m_RequiresRenderingLayer)
UniversalResourceData resourceData = frameData.Get<UniversalResourceData>();
m_RenderingLayersTextureName = "_CameraRenderingLayersTexture";
// TODO RENDERGRAPH: deferred optimization
if (renderingModeActual == RenderingMode.Deferred && m_DeferredLights.UseRenderingLayers)
m_RenderingLayersTextureName = DeferredLights.k_GBufferNames[m_DeferredLights.GBufferRenderingLayers];
RenderTextureDescriptor renderingLayersDescriptor = descriptor;
renderingLayersDescriptor.depthStencilFormat = GraphicsFormat.None;
if (!m_RenderingLayerProvidesRenderObjectPass)
renderingLayersDescriptor.msaaSamples = 1;// Depth-Only pass don't use MSAA
// Find compatible render-target format for storing normals.
// Shader code outputs normals in signed format to be compatible with deferred gbuffer layout.
// Deferred gbuffer format is signed so that normals can be blended for terrain geometry.
if (renderingModeActual == RenderingMode.Deferred && m_RequiresRenderingLayer)
renderingLayersDescriptor.graphicsFormat = m_DeferredLights.GetGBufferFormat(m_DeferredLights.GBufferRenderingLayers); // the one used by the gbuffer.
renderingLayersDescriptor.graphicsFormat = RenderingLayerUtils.GetFormat(m_RenderingLayersMaskSize);
resourceData.renderingLayersTexture = CreateRenderGraphTexture(renderGraph, renderingLayersDescriptor, m_RenderingLayersTextureName, true);
void CreateAfterPostProcessTexture(RenderGraph renderGraph, RenderTextureDescriptor descriptor)
UniversalResourceData resourceData = frameData.Get<UniversalResourceData>();
var desc = PostProcessPass.GetCompatibleDescriptor(descriptor, descriptor.width, descriptor.height, descriptor.graphicsFormat, GraphicsFormat.None);
resourceData.afterPostProcessColor = CreateRenderGraphTexture(renderGraph, desc, "_AfterPostProcessTexture", true);
void DepthNormalPrepassRender(RenderGraph renderGraph, RenderPassInputSummary renderPassInputs, TextureHandle depthTarget, uint batchLayerMask, bool setGlobalDepth, bool setGlobalTextures)
UniversalResourceData resourceData = frameData.Get<UniversalResourceData>();
if (m_RenderingLayerProvidesByDepthNormalPass)
m_DepthNormalPrepass.enableRenderingLayers = true;
m_DepthNormalPrepass.renderingLayersMaskSize = m_RenderingLayersMaskSize;
m_DepthNormalPrepass.enableRenderingLayers = false;
if (renderingModeActual == RenderingMode.Deferred)
// Only render forward-only geometry, as standard geometry will be rendered as normal into the gbuffer.
if (AllowPartialDepthNormalsPrepass(true, renderPassInputs.requiresDepthNormalAtEvent))
m_DepthNormalPrepass.shaderTagIds = k_DepthNormalsOnly;
// TODO RENDERGRAPH: commented this out since would be equivalent to the current behaviour? Double check
//if (!m_RenderingLayerProvidesByDepthNormalPass)
// renderingLayersTexture = resourceData.gbuffer[m_DeferredLights.GBufferRenderingLayers]; // GBUffer texture here
TextureHandle normalsTexture = resourceData.cameraNormalsTexture;
TextureHandle renderingLayersTexture = resourceData.renderingLayersTexture;
m_DepthNormalPrepass.Render(renderGraph, frameData, normalsTexture, depthTarget, renderingLayersTexture, batchLayerMask, setGlobalDepth, setGlobalTextures);
if (m_RequiresRenderingLayer)
static class RenderGraphUtils
static private ProfilingSampler s_SetGlobalTextureProfilingSampler = new ProfilingSampler("Set Global Texture");
internal const int GBufferSize = 7;
internal const int DBufferSize = 3;
internal const int LightTextureSize = 4;
internal static void UseDBufferIfValid(IRasterRenderGraphBuilder builder, UniversalResourceData resourceData)
TextureHandle[] dbufferHandles = resourceData.dBuffer;
for (int i = 0; i < DBufferSize; ++i)
TextureHandle dbuffer = dbufferHandles[i];
if (dbuffer.IsValid())
private class PassData
internal TextureHandle texture;
internal int nameID;
public static void SetGlobalTexture(RenderGraph graph, int nameId, TextureHandle handle, string passName = "Set Global Texture",
[CallerFilePath] string file = "", [CallerLineNumber] int line = 0)
using (var builder = graph.AddRasterRenderPass<PassData>(passName, out var passData, s_SetGlobalTextureProfilingSampler, file, line))
passData.nameID = nameId;
passData.texture = handle;
builder.UseTexture(handle, AccessFlags.Read);
builder.SetGlobalTextureAfterPass(handle, nameId);
builder.SetRenderFunc((PassData data, RasterGraphContext context) =>
class ClearTargetsPass
static private ProfilingSampler s_ClearProfilingSampler = new ProfilingSampler("Clear Targets");
private class PassData
internal TextureHandle color;
internal TextureHandle depth;
internal RTClearFlags clearFlags;
internal Color clearColor;
internal static void Render(RenderGraph graph, TextureHandle colorHandle, TextureHandle depthHandle,
UniversalCameraData cameraData)
RTClearFlags clearFlags = RTClearFlags.None;
if (cameraData.renderType == CameraRenderType.Base)
clearFlags = RTClearFlags.All;
else if (cameraData.clearDepth)
clearFlags = RTClearFlags.Depth;
if (clearFlags != RTClearFlags.None)
Render(graph, colorHandle, depthHandle, clearFlags, cameraData.backgroundColor);
internal static void Render(RenderGraph graph, TextureHandle colorHandle, TextureHandle depthHandle, RTClearFlags clearFlags, Color clearColor)
using (var builder = graph.AddRasterRenderPass<PassData>("Clear Targets Pass", out var passData, s_ClearProfilingSampler))
if (colorHandle.IsValid())
passData.color = colorHandle;
builder.SetRenderAttachment(colorHandle, 0, AccessFlags.Write);
if (depthHandle.IsValid())
passData.depth = depthHandle;
builder.SetRenderAttachmentDepth(depthHandle, AccessFlags.Write);
passData.clearFlags = clearFlags;
passData.clearColor = clearColor;
builder.SetRenderFunc((PassData data, RasterGraphContext context) =>
context.cmd.ClearRenderTarget(data.clearFlags, data.clearColor, 1, 0);