2024-10-27 10:53:47 +03:00

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Shader "Hidden/Universal Render Pipeline/UberPost"
#pragma multi_compile_local_fragment _ _DISTORTION
#pragma multi_compile_local_fragment _ _CHROMATIC_ABERRATION
#pragma multi_compile_local_fragment _ _BLOOM_LQ _BLOOM_HQ _BLOOM_LQ_DIRT _BLOOM_HQ_DIRT
#pragma multi_compile_local_fragment _ _HDR_GRADING _TONEMAP_ACES _TONEMAP_NEUTRAL
#pragma multi_compile_local_fragment _ _FILM_GRAIN
#pragma multi_compile_local_fragment _ _DITHERING
#pragma multi_compile_local_fragment _ _GAMMA_20 _LINEAR_TO_SRGB_CONVERSION
#pragma multi_compile_local_fragment _ _USE_FAST_SRGB_LINEAR_CONVERSION
#pragma multi_compile_local_fragment _ _ENABLE_ALPHA_OUTPUT
#include_with_pragmas "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/FoveatedRenderingKeywords.hlsl"
#pragma multi_compile_fragment _ DEBUG_DISPLAY
#pragma multi_compile_fragment _ SCREEN_COORD_OVERRIDE
#pragma multi_compile_local_fragment _ HDR_INPUT HDR_ENCODING
#pragma dynamic_branch_local_fragment _ _HDR_OVERLAY
#define HDR_INPUT 1 // this should be defined when HDR_ENCODING is defined
#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Common.hlsl"
#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Filtering.hlsl"
#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/ScreenCoordOverride.hlsl"
#if defined(HDR_ENCODING)
#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Color.hlsl"
#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/HDROutput.hlsl"
#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Core.hlsl"
#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/Shaders/PostProcessing/Common.hlsl"
#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Debug/DebuggingFullscreen.hlsl"
#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/DynamicScalingClamping.hlsl"
#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/FoveatedRendering.hlsl"
// Hardcoded dependencies to reduce the number of variants
#define BLOOM
#define BLOOM_DIRT
float4 _BloomTexture_TexelSize;
float4 _Lut_Params;
float4 _UserLut_Params;
float4 _Bloom_Params;
float4 _LensDirt_Params;
float _LensDirt_Intensity;
float4 _Distortion_Params1;
float4 _Distortion_Params2;
float _Chroma_Params;
half4 _Vignette_Params1;
float4 _Vignette_Params2;
float4 _Vignette_ParamsXR;
float2 _Grain_Params;
float4 _Grain_TilingParams;
float4 _Bloom_Texture_TexelSize;
float4 _Dithering_Params;
float4 _HDROutputLuminanceParams;
#define DistCenter _Distortion_Params1.xy
#define DistAxis _Distortion_Params1.zw
#define DistTheta _Distortion_Params2.x
#define DistSigma _Distortion_Params2.y
#define DistScale _Distortion_Params2.z
#define DistIntensity _Distortion_Params2.w
#define ChromaAmount _Chroma_Params.x
#define BloomIntensity _Bloom_Params.x
#define BloomTint _Bloom_Params.yzw
#define LensDirtScale _LensDirt_Params.xy
#define LensDirtOffset _LensDirt_Params.zw
#define LensDirtIntensity _LensDirt_Intensity.x
#define VignetteColor _Vignette_Params1.xyz
#define VignetteCenterEye0 _Vignette_ParamsXR.xy
#define VignetteCenterEye1 _Vignette_ParamsXR.zw
#define VignetteCenter _Vignette_Params2.xy
#define VignetteIntensity _Vignette_Params2.z
#define VignetteSmoothness _Vignette_Params2.w
#define VignetteRoundness _Vignette_Params1.w
#define LutParams _Lut_Params.xyz
#define PostExposure _Lut_Params.w
#define UserLutParams _UserLut_Params.xyz
#define UserLutContribution _UserLut_Params.w
#define GrainIntensity _Grain_Params.x
#define GrainResponse _Grain_Params.y
#define GrainScale _Grain_TilingParams.xy
#define GrainOffset _Grain_TilingParams.zw
#define DitheringScale _Dithering_Params.xy
#define DitheringOffset _Dithering_Params.zw
#define AlphaScale 1.0
#define AlphaBias 0.0
#define MinNits _HDROutputLuminanceParams.x
#define MaxNits _HDROutputLuminanceParams.y
#define PaperWhite _HDROutputLuminanceParams.z
#define OneOverPaperWhite _HDROutputLuminanceParams.w
float2 DistortUV(float2 uv)
// Note: this variant should never be set with XR
uv = (uv - 0.5) * DistScale + 0.5;
float2 ruv = DistAxis * (uv - 0.5 - DistCenter);
float ru = length(float2(ruv));
if (DistIntensity > 0.0)
float wu = ru * DistTheta;
ru = tan(wu) * (rcp(ru * DistSigma));
uv = uv + ruv * (ru - 1.0);
ru = rcp(ru) * DistTheta * atan(ru * DistSigma);
uv = uv + ruv * (ru - 1.0);
return uv;
half4 FragUberPost(Varyings input) : SV_Target
float2 uv = SCREEN_COORD_APPLY_SCALEBIAS(UnityStereoTransformScreenSpaceTex(input.texcoord));
float2 uvDistorted = DistortUV(uv);
// NOTE: Hlsl specifies missing input.a to fill 1 (0 for .rgb).
// InputColor is a "bottom" layer for alpha output.
half4 inputColor = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_X(_BlitTexture, sampler_LinearClamp, ClampUVForBilinear(SCREEN_COORD_REMOVE_SCALEBIAS(uvDistorted), _BlitTexture_TexelSize.xy));
half3 color = inputColor.rgb;
// Very fast version of chromatic aberration from HDRP using 3 samples and hardcoded
// spectral lut. Performs significantly better on lower end GPUs.
float2 coords = 2.0 * uv - 1.0;
float2 end = uv - coords * dot(coords, coords) * ChromaAmount;
float2 delta = (end - uv) / 3.0;
half r = color.r;
half g = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_X(_BlitTexture, sampler_LinearClamp, ClampUVForBilinear(SCREEN_COORD_REMOVE_SCALEBIAS(DistortUV(delta + uv) ), _BlitTexture_TexelSize.xy)).y;
half b = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_X(_BlitTexture, sampler_LinearClamp, ClampUVForBilinear(SCREEN_COORD_REMOVE_SCALEBIAS(DistortUV(delta * 2.0 + uv)), _BlitTexture_TexelSize.xy)).z;
color = half3(r, g, b);
// Gamma space... Just do the rest of Uber in linear and convert back to sRGB at the end
color = GetSRGBToLinear(color);
inputColor = GetSRGBToLinear(inputColor); // Deadcode removal if no effect on output color
#if defined(BLOOM)
float2 uvBloom = ClampUVForBilinear(uvDistorted, _BloomTexture_TexelSize.xy);
uvBloom = RemapFoveatedRenderingNonUniformToLinear(uvBloom);
half3 bloom = SampleTexture2DBicubic(TEXTURE2D_X_ARGS(_Bloom_Texture, sampler_LinearClamp), SCREEN_COORD_REMOVE_SCALEBIAS(uvBloom), _Bloom_Texture_TexelSize.zwxy, (1.0).xx, unity_StereoEyeIndex).xyz;
half3 bloom = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_X(_Bloom_Texture, sampler_LinearClamp, SCREEN_COORD_REMOVE_SCALEBIAS(uvBloom)).xyz;
bloom *= bloom; // γ to linear
bloom *= BloomIntensity;
color += bloom * BloomTint;
#if defined(BLOOM_DIRT)
// UVs for the dirt texture should be DistortUV(uv * DirtScale + DirtOffset) but
// considering we use a cover-style scale on the dirt texture the difference
// isn't massive so we chose to save a few ALUs here instead in case lens
// distortion is active.
half3 dirt = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_LensDirt_Texture, sampler_LinearClamp, uvDistorted * LensDirtScale + LensDirtOffset).xyz;
dirt *= LensDirtIntensity;
color += dirt * bloom.xyz;
// Bloom should also spread in areas with zero alpha, so we save the image with bloom here to do the mixing at the end of the shader
inputColor.xyz = color.xyz;
// To save on variants we'll use an uniform branch for vignette. Lower end platforms
// don't like these but if we're running Uber it means we're running more expensive
// effects anyway. Lower-end devices would limit themselves to on-tile compatible effect
// and thus this shouldn't too much of a problem (famous last words).
if (VignetteIntensity > 0)
// With XR, the views can use asymmetric FOV which will have the center of each
// view be at a different location.
const float2 VignetteCenter = unity_StereoEyeIndex == 0 ? VignetteCenterEye0 : VignetteCenterEye1;
color = ApplyVignette(color, uvDistorted, VignetteCenter, VignetteIntensity, VignetteRoundness, VignetteSmoothness, VignetteColor);
// Color grading is always enabled when post-processing/uber is active
color = ApplyColorGrading(color, PostExposure, TEXTURE2D_ARGS(_InternalLut, sampler_LinearClamp), LutParams, TEXTURE2D_ARGS(_UserLut, sampler_LinearClamp), UserLutParams, UserLutContribution);
color = ApplyGrain(color, uv, TEXTURE2D_ARGS(_Grain_Texture, sampler_LinearRepeat), GrainIntensity, GrainResponse, GrainScale, GrainOffset, OneOverPaperWhite);
// When Unity is configured to use gamma color encoding, we ignore the request to convert to gamma 2.0 and instead fall back to sRGB encoding
color = LinearToGamma20(color);
inputColor = LinearToGamma20(inputColor);
// Back to sRGB
color = GetLinearToSRGB(color);
inputColor = LinearToSRGB(inputColor);
color = ApplyDithering(color, uv, TEXTURE2D_ARGS(_BlueNoise_Texture, sampler_PointRepeat), DitheringScale, DitheringOffset, PaperWhite, OneOverPaperWhite);
// Assume color > 0 and prevent 0 - ditherNoise.
// Negative colors can cause problems if fed back to the postprocess via render to FP16 texture.
color = max(color, 0);
// HDR UI composition
float4 uiSample = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_X(_OverlayUITexture, sampler_PointClamp, input.texcoord);
color.rgb = SceneUIComposition(uiSample, color.rgb, PaperWhite, MaxNits);
// Alpha mask
// Post processing is not applied on pixels with zero alpha
// The alpha scale and bias control how steep is the transition between the post-processed and plain regions
half alpha = inputColor.a * AlphaScale + AlphaBias;
// Saturate is necessary to avoid issues when additive blending pushes the alpha over 1.
// NOTE: in UNITY_COLORSPACE_GAMMA we alpha blend in gamma here, linear otherwise.
color.xyz = lerp(inputColor.xyz, color.xyz, saturate(alpha));
color.rgb = OETF(color.rgb, MaxNits);
#if defined(DEBUG_DISPLAY)
half4 debugColor = 0;
if(CanDebugOverrideOutputColor(half4(color, 1), uv, debugColor))
return debugColor;
return half4(color, inputColor.a);
return half4(color, 1);
Tags { "RenderType" = "Opaque" "RenderPipeline" = "UniversalPipeline"}
LOD 100
ZTest Always ZWrite Off Cull Off
//ColorMask RGB
Name "UberPost"
#pragma vertex Vert
#pragma fragment FragUberPost