2024-10-27 10:53:47 +03:00

248 lines
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using Unity.Mathematics;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal
internal struct LayerBatch
public int startIndex;
public int endIndex;
public int startLayerID;
public int endLayerValue;
public SortingLayerRange layerRange;
public LightStats lightStats;
public bool useNormals;
private unsafe fixed int renderTargetIds[4];
private unsafe fixed bool renderTargetUsed[4];
public List<Light2D> lights;
public List<Light2D> shadowLights;
public List<ShadowCasterGroup2D> shadowCasters;
internal int[] activeBlendStylesIndices;
public void InitRTIds(int index)
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++)
renderTargetUsed[i] = false;
renderTargetIds[i] = Shader.PropertyToID($"_LightTexture_{index}_{i}");
lights = new List<Light2D>();
shadowLights = new List<Light2D>();
shadowCasters = new List<ShadowCasterGroup2D>();
public RenderTargetIdentifier GetRTId(CommandBuffer cmd, RenderTextureDescriptor desc, int index)
if (!renderTargetUsed[index])
cmd.GetTemporaryRT(renderTargetIds[index], desc, FilterMode.Bilinear);
renderTargetUsed[index] = true;
return new RenderTargetIdentifier(renderTargetIds[index]);
public void ReleaseRT(CommandBuffer cmd)
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if (!renderTargetUsed[i])
renderTargetUsed[i] = false;
internal static class LayerUtility
private static LayerBatch[] s_LayerBatches;
public static uint maxTextureCount { get; private set; }
public static void InitializeBudget(uint maxTextureCount)
LayerUtility.maxTextureCount = math.max(4, maxTextureCount);
private static bool CanBatchLightsInLayer(int layerIndex1, int layerIndex2, SortingLayer[] sortingLayers, ILight2DCullResult lightCullResult)
var layerId1 = sortingLayers[layerIndex1].id;
var layerId2 = sortingLayers[layerIndex2].id;
foreach (var light in lightCullResult.visibleLights)
// If the lit layers are different don't batch.
if (light.IsLitLayer(layerId1) != light.IsLitLayer(layerId2))
return false;
foreach (var group in lightCullResult.visibleShadows)
foreach (var shadowCaster in group.GetShadowCasters())
// Don't batch when the layer has different shadow casters
if (shadowCaster.IsShadowedLayer(layerId1) != shadowCaster.IsShadowedLayer(layerId2))
return false;
return true;
private static int FindUpperBoundInBatch(int startLayerIndex, SortingLayer[] sortingLayers, ILight2DCullResult lightCullResult)
// start checking at the next layer
for (var i = startLayerIndex + 1; i < sortingLayers.Length; i++)
if (!CanBatchLightsInLayer(startLayerIndex, i, sortingLayers, lightCullResult))
return i - 1;
return sortingLayers.Length - 1;
private static void InitializeBatchInfos(SortingLayer[] cachedSortingLayers)
var count = cachedSortingLayers.Length;
var needInit = s_LayerBatches == null;
if (s_LayerBatches is null)
s_LayerBatches = new LayerBatch[count];
// we should fix. Make a non allocating version of this
if (!Application.isPlaying && s_LayerBatches.Length != count)
s_LayerBatches = new LayerBatch[count];
needInit = true;
if (needInit)
for (var i = 0; i < s_LayerBatches.Length; i++)
ref var layerBatch = ref s_LayerBatches[i];
public static LayerBatch[] CalculateBatches(ILight2DCullResult lightCullResult, out int batchCount)
var cachedSortingLayers = Light2DManager.GetCachedSortingLayer();
bool anyNormals = false;
batchCount = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < cachedSortingLayers.Length;)
var layerToRender = cachedSortingLayers[i].id;
ref var layerBatch = ref s_LayerBatches[batchCount++];
var lightStats = lightCullResult.GetLightStatsByLayer(layerToRender, ref layerBatch);
// Find the highest layer that share the same set of lights and shadows as this layer.
var upperLayerInBatch = FindUpperBoundInBatch(i, cachedSortingLayers, lightCullResult);
// Some renderers override their sorting layer value with short.MinValue or short.MaxValue.
// When drawing the first sorting layer, we should include the range from short.MinValue to layerValue.
// Similarly, when drawing the last sorting layer, include the range from layerValue to short.MaxValue.
var startLayerValue = (short)cachedSortingLayers[i].value;
var lowerBound = (i == 0) ? short.MinValue : startLayerValue;
var endLayerValue = (short)cachedSortingLayers[upperLayerInBatch].value;
var upperBound = (upperLayerInBatch == cachedSortingLayers.Length - 1) ? short.MaxValue : endLayerValue;
// Renderer within this range share the same set of lights so they should be rendered together.
var sortingLayerRange = new SortingLayerRange(lowerBound, upperBound);
layerBatch.startIndex = i;
layerBatch.endIndex = upperLayerInBatch;
layerBatch.startLayerID = layerToRender;
layerBatch.endLayerValue = endLayerValue;
layerBatch.layerRange = sortingLayerRange;
layerBatch.lightStats = lightStats;
anyNormals |= layerBatch.lightStats.useNormalMap;
i = upperLayerInBatch + 1;
// Account for Sprite Mask and normal map usage as there might be masks on a different layer that need to mask out the normals
for (var i = 0; i < batchCount; ++i)
ref var layerBatch = ref s_LayerBatches[i];
var hasSpriteMask = SpriteMaskUtility.HasSpriteMaskInLayerRange(layerBatch.layerRange);
layerBatch.useNormals = layerBatch.lightStats.useNormalMap || (anyNormals && hasSpriteMask);
return s_LayerBatches;
public static void GetFilterSettings(Renderer2DData rendererData, ref LayerBatch layerBatch, short cameraSortingLayerBoundsIndex, out FilteringSettings filterSettings)
filterSettings = FilteringSettings.defaultValue;
filterSettings.renderQueueRange = RenderQueueRange.all;
filterSettings.layerMask = -1;
filterSettings.renderingLayerMask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
short upperBound = layerBatch.layerRange.upperBound;
if (rendererData.useCameraSortingLayerTexture && cameraSortingLayerBoundsIndex >= layerBatch.layerRange.lowerBound && cameraSortingLayerBoundsIndex < layerBatch.layerRange.upperBound)
upperBound = cameraSortingLayerBoundsIndex;
filterSettings.sortingLayerRange = new SortingLayerRange(layerBatch.layerRange.lowerBound, upperBound);
static void SetupActiveBlendStyles()
// Calculate active blend styles to save on total light textures allocated
for (int i = 0; i < s_LayerBatches.Length; ++i)
ref var layer = ref s_LayerBatches[i];
// Determine number of blend styles used
int size = 0;
for (var blendStyleIndex = 0; blendStyleIndex < RendererLighting.k_ShapeLightTextureIDs.Length; blendStyleIndex++)
var blendStyleMask = (uint)(1 << blendStyleIndex);
var blendStyleUsed = (layer.lightStats.blendStylesUsed & blendStyleMask) > 0;
if (blendStyleUsed)
if (layer.activeBlendStylesIndices == null || layer.activeBlendStylesIndices.Length != size)
layer.activeBlendStylesIndices = new int[size];
// Save indices so we don't have to copy the whole Light2DBlendStyle struct
var index = 0;
for (var blendStyleIndex = 0; blendStyleIndex < RendererLighting.k_ShapeLightTextureIDs.Length; blendStyleIndex++)
var blendStyleMask = (uint)(1 << blendStyleIndex);
var blendStyleUsed = (layer.lightStats.blendStylesUsed & blendStyleMask) > 0;
if (blendStyleUsed)
layer.activeBlendStylesIndices[index++] = blendStyleIndex;