using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.Drawing; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UIElements; namespace UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.Drawing { [System.Obsolete("ResizableElementFactory is deprecated and will be removed. Use UxmlElementAttribute instead.", false)] class ResizableElementFactory : UxmlFactory { } class ResizableElement : VisualElement { Dictionary m_Resizers = new Dictionary(); List m_Manipulators = new List(); public ResizableElement() : this("uxml/Resizable") { pickingMode = PickingMode.Ignore; } public ResizableElement(string uiFile) { var tpl = Resources.Load(uiFile); var sheet = Resources.Load("Resizable"); styleSheets.Add(sheet); tpl.CloneTree(this); foreach (Resizer direction in new[] { Resizer.Top, Resizer.Bottom, Resizer.Left, Resizer.Right }) { VisualElement resizer = this.Q(direction.ToString().ToLower() + "-resize"); if (resizer != null) { var manipulator = new ElementResizer(this, direction); resizer.AddManipulator(manipulator); m_Manipulators.Add(manipulator); } m_Resizers[direction] = resizer; } foreach (Resizer vertical in new[] { Resizer.Top, Resizer.Bottom }) foreach (Resizer horizontal in new[] { Resizer.Left, Resizer.Right }) { VisualElement resizer = this.Q(vertical.ToString().ToLower() + "-" + horizontal.ToString().ToLower() + "-resize"); if (resizer != null) { var manipulator = new ElementResizer(this, vertical | horizontal); resizer.AddManipulator(manipulator); m_Manipulators.Add(manipulator); } m_Resizers[vertical | horizontal] = resizer; } } public void SetResizeRules(Resizer allowedResizeDirections) { foreach (var manipulator in m_Manipulators) { if (manipulator == null) return; var resizeElement = manipulator as ElementResizer; // If resizer direction is not in list of allowed directions, disable the callbacks on it if ((resizeElement.direction & allowedResizeDirections) == 0) { resizeElement.isEnabled = false; } else if ((resizeElement.direction & allowedResizeDirections) != 0) { resizeElement.isEnabled = true; } } } public enum Resizer { None = 0, Top = 1 << 0, Bottom = 1 << 1, Left = 1 << 2, Right = 1 << 3, } // Lets visual element owners bind a callback to when any resize operation is completed public void BindOnResizeCallback(EventCallback mouseUpEvent) { foreach (var manipulator in m_Manipulators) { if (manipulator == null) return;; } } } }