using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UIElements; using UnityEditor.Experimental.GraphView; using UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.Drawing; using UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.Serialization; namespace UnityEditor.ShaderGraph { sealed class ContextView : StackNode, IDisposable { ContextData m_ContextData; // Currently we only need one Port per context // As the Contexts are hardcoded we know their directions Port m_Port; //need this from graph view specifically for nodecreation EditorWindow m_EditorWindow; // When dealing with more Contexts, `name` should be serialized in the ContextData // Right now we dont do this so we dont overcommit to serializing unknowns public ContextView(string name, ContextData contextData, EditorWindow editorWindow) { // Set data m_ContextData = contextData; m_EditorWindow = editorWindow; // Header var headerLabel = new Label() { name = "headerLabel" }; headerLabel.text = name; headerContainer.Add(headerLabel); } public override void BuildContextualMenu(ContextualMenuPopulateEvent evt) { // Disable the context menu for block nodes. This prevents a duplicate "disconnect all" // option from getting registered which grays out stack block node's option. if ( is MaterialNodeView) return; // If the user didn't click on a block node (i.e. the stack frame), include the "Add Block Node" item. InsertCreateNodeAction(evt, childCount, 0);, 1); } public ContextData contextData => m_ContextData; public Port port => m_Port; // We need to use graphViewChange.movedElements to check whether a BlockNode has moved onto the GraphView // but Nodes return in movedElements when they are mid-drag because they are removed from the stack (placeholder) // StackNode has `dragEntered` but its protected so we need `isDragging` public bool isDragging => dragEntered; public void AddPort(Direction direction) { var capacity = direction == Direction.Input ? Port.Capacity.Single : Port.Capacity.Multi; var container = direction == Direction.Input ? inputContainer : outputContainer; m_Port = Port.Create(Orientation.Vertical, direction, capacity, null); m_Port.portName = ""; // Vertical ports have no representation in Model // Therefore we need to disable interaction m_Port.pickingMode = PickingMode.Ignore; container.Add(m_Port); } public void InsertBlock(MaterialNodeView nodeView) { if (!(nodeView.userData is BlockNode blockNode)) return; // If index is -1 the node is being added to the end of the Stack if (blockNode.index == -1) { AddElement(nodeView); return; } // Add or Insert based on index if (blockNode.index >= contentContainer.childCount) { AddElement(nodeView); } else { InsertElement(blockNode.index, nodeView); } } public void InsertElements(int insertIndex, IEnumerable elements) { var blockDatas = elements.Select(x => x.userData as BlockNode).ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < blockDatas.Length; i++) { contextData.blocks.Remove(blockDatas[i]); } int count = elements.Count(); var refs = new JsonRef[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { refs[i] = blockDatas[i]; } contextData.blocks.InsertRange(insertIndex, refs); var window = m_EditorWindow as MaterialGraphEditWindow; window?.graphEditorView?.graphView?.graph?.ValidateCustomBlockLimit(); } protected override bool AcceptsElement(GraphElement element, ref int proposedIndex, int maxIndex) { return element.userData is BlockNode blockNode && blockNode.descriptor != null && blockNode.descriptor.shaderStage == contextData.shaderStage; } protected override void OnSeparatorContextualMenuEvent(ContextualMenuPopulateEvent evt, int separatorIndex) { base.OnSeparatorContextualMenuEvent(evt, separatorIndex); InsertCreateNodeAction(evt, separatorIndex, 0); } void InsertCreateNodeAction(ContextualMenuPopulateEvent evt, int separatorIndex, int itemIndex) { //we need to arbitrarily add the editor position values because node creation context //exptects a non local coordinate var mousePosition = evt.mousePosition + m_EditorWindow.position.position; var graphView = GetFirstAncestorOfType();, "Add Block Node", (e) => { var context = new NodeCreationContext { screenMousePosition = mousePosition, target = this, index = separatorIndex, }; graphView.nodeCreationRequest(context); }); } public void Dispose() { m_Port = null; m_ContextData = null; m_EditorWindow = null; inputContainer.Clear(); outputContainer.Clear(); } } }