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From there, you can name the dropdown options and add or remove options.", "m_TextSize": 0, "m_Theme": 0, "m_Position": { "serializedVersion": "2", "x": -306.5000305175781, "y": 160.50001525878907, "width": 200.00003051757813, "height": 114.00001525878906 }, "m_Group": { "m_Id": "" } } { "m_SGVersion": 0, "m_Type": "UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.Vector4MaterialSlot", "m_ObjectId": "869f01686b0949cfabf8830194b0103e", "m_Id": 0, "m_DisplayName": "Out", "m_SlotType": 1, "m_Hidden": false, "m_ShaderOutputName": "Out", "m_StageCapability": 3, "m_Value": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0, "w": 0.0 }, "m_DefaultValue": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0, "w": 0.0 }, "m_Labels": [] } { "m_SGVersion": 0, "m_Type": "UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.ShaderDropdown", "m_ObjectId": "8ad9f8f1d50d42dc8afadfabadc0e660", "m_Guid": { "m_GuidSerialized": "091d04c9-831d-45b6-ba04-ba45ab80f3b9" }, "m_Name": "Color Dropdown", "m_DefaultRefNameVersion": 1, "m_RefNameGeneratedByDisplayName": "Color Dropdown", "m_DefaultReferenceName": "_Color_Dropdown", "m_OverrideReferenceName": "", "m_GeneratePropertyBlock": true, "m_UseCustomSlotLabel": false, "m_CustomSlotLabel": "", "m_DismissedVersion": 0, "m_Entries": [ { "id": 3, "displayName": "Red" }, { "id": 4, "displayName": "Green" }, { "id": 2, "displayName": "Blue" } ], "m_Value": 0 } { "m_SGVersion": 0, "m_Type": "UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.CategoryData", "m_ObjectId": "95bc13f53add4320a27e864facb45376", "m_Name": "", "m_ChildObjectList": [ { "m_Id": "8ad9f8f1d50d42dc8afadfabadc0e660" } ] } { "m_SGVersion": 0, "m_Type": "UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.StickyNoteData", "m_ObjectId": "d2300de440a442ac8fa123e7b881b35e", "m_Title": "", "m_Content": "This example shows very basic color inputs to the dropdown node, but you can also create complex groups of node logic for each input and the node will switch between them when the user makes a choice using the dropdown UI element on the Subgraph node.", "m_TextSize": 0, "m_Theme": 0, "m_Position": { "serializedVersion": "2", "x": -592.0, "y": 264.0, "width": 200.0, "height": 160.0 }, "m_Group": { "m_Id": "" } } { "m_SGVersion": 0, "m_Type": "UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.SubGraphOutputNode", "m_ObjectId": "e52e1eead42d4b1190f0e367559f40d1", "m_Group": { "m_Id": "" }, "m_Name": "Output", "m_DrawState": { "m_Expanded": true, "m_Position": { "serializedVersion": "2", "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "width": 0.0, "height": 0.0 } }, "m_Slots": [ { "m_Id": "6a41319e942145a78581adf2ccf128c2" } ], "synonyms": [], "m_Precision": 0, "m_PreviewExpanded": true, "m_DismissedVersion": 0, "m_PreviewMode": 0, "m_CustomColors": { "m_SerializableColors": [] }, "IsFirstSlotValid": true } { "m_SGVersion": 0, "m_Type": "UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.StickyNoteData", "m_ObjectId": "ecd7813de6f640d587773f3bbfc8a148", "m_Title": "Subgraph Dropdown", "m_Content": "You can use the Blackboard Add menu to add a Dropdown node to your Subgraph.\n\nWhen the Subgraph is added to a graph asset, the Subgraph node will display the dropdown UI element and allow you to select one of the options.", "m_TextSize": 0, "m_Theme": 0, "m_Position": { "serializedVersion": "2", "x": -316.0, "y": -171.0, "width": 226.0, "height": 153.0 }, "m_Group": { "m_Id": "" } } { "m_SGVersion": 0, "m_Type": "UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.Vector4MaterialSlot", "m_ObjectId": "ef355f2a5d79426c84621b97187f44f5", "m_Id": 0, "m_DisplayName": "Out", "m_SlotType": 1, "m_Hidden": false, "m_ShaderOutputName": "Out", "m_StageCapability": 3, "m_Value": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0, "w": 0.0 }, "m_DefaultValue": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0, "w": 0.0 }, "m_Labels": [] } { "m_SGVersion": 1, "m_Type": "UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.ColorNode", "m_ObjectId": "efd9a6b95b484610b042c0b7c3ba799c", "m_Group": { "m_Id": "" }, "m_Name": "Color", "m_DrawState": { "m_Expanded": true, "m_Position": { "serializedVersion": "2", "x": -576.0000610351563, "y": 0.000015436547982972115, "width": 208.00006103515626, "height": 125.00003051757813 } }, "m_Slots": [ { "m_Id": "ef355f2a5d79426c84621b97187f44f5" } ], "synonyms": [ "rgba" ], "m_Precision": 0, "m_PreviewExpanded": true, "m_DismissedVersion": 0, "m_PreviewMode": 0, "m_CustomColors": { "m_SerializableColors": [] }, "m_Color": { "color": { "r": 0.0, "g": 1.0, "b": 0.0, "a": 1.0 }, "mode": 0 } } { "m_SGVersion": 1, "m_Type": "UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.ColorNode", "m_ObjectId": "fe729eadce694bf28f76580a780c8b67", "m_Group": { "m_Id": "" }, "m_Name": "Color", "m_DrawState": { "m_Expanded": true, "m_Position": { "serializedVersion": "2", "x": -576.0000610351563, "y": -125.00001525878906, "width": 208.00006103515626, "height": 125.00003051757813 } }, "m_Slots": [ { "m_Id": "706054fa9c2043549a3172fded485c9f" } ], "synonyms": [ "rgba" ], "m_Precision": 0, "m_PreviewExpanded": true, "m_DismissedVersion": 0, "m_PreviewMode": 0, "m_CustomColors": { "m_SerializableColors": [] }, "m_Color": { "color": { "r": 1.0, "g": 0.0, "b": 0.0, "a": 1.0 }, "mode": 0 } }