using NUnit.Framework; using System; using UnityEditor; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using Unity.Mathematics; using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe; namespace UnityEngine.Rendering.UnifiedRayTracing.Tests { [TestFixture("Compute")] [TestFixture("Hardware")] internal class AccelStructAdapterTests { readonly RayTracingBackend m_Backend; RayTracingContext m_Context; AccelStructAdapter m_AccelStruct; IRayTracingShader m_Shader; public AccelStructAdapterTests(string backendAsString) { m_Backend = Enum.Parse(backendAsString); } [SetUp] public void SetUp() { if (!SystemInfo.supportsRayTracing && m_Backend == RayTracingBackend.Hardware) { Assert.Ignore("Cannot run test on this Graphics API. Hardware RayTracing is not supported"); } if (!SystemInfo.supportsComputeShaders && m_Backend == RayTracingBackend.Compute) { Assert.Ignore("Cannot run test on this Graphics API. Compute shaders are not supported"); } if (SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceName.Contains("llvmpipe")) { Assert.Ignore("Cannot run test on this device (Renderer: llvmpipe (LLVM 10.0.0, 128 bits)). Tests are disabled because they fail on some platforms (that do not support 11 SSBOs). Once we do not run Ubuntu 18.04 try removing this"); } CreateRayTracingResources(); } [TearDown] public void TearDown() { DisposeRayTracingResources(); } void RayTraceAndCheckUVs(Mesh mesh, float2 expected, int uvChannel, float tolerance = 0.01f) { const int instanceCount = 4; CreateMatchingRaysAndInstanceDescs(instanceCount, mesh, out RayWithFlags[] rays, out MeshInstanceDesc[] instanceDescs); for (int i = 0; i < instanceCount; ++i) { m_AccelStruct.AddInstance(i, instanceDescs[i].mesh, instanceDescs[i].localToWorldMatrix, new uint[]{ 0xFFFFFFFF }, new uint[]{ 0xFFFFFFFF }, 1); } HitGeomAttributes[] hitAttributes = null; var hits = TraceRays(rays, out hitAttributes); for (int i = 0; i < rays.Length; ++i) { Assert.IsTrue(hits[i].Valid(), "Expected ray to hit the mesh."); float2 uv = uvChannel == 1 ? hitAttributes[i].uv1 : hitAttributes[i].uv0; Assert.AreEqual(expected.x, uv.x, tolerance, $"Expected x (from uv{uvChannel}) to be fetched correctly in the ray tracing shader."); Assert.AreEqual(expected.y, uv.y, tolerance, $"Expected y (from uv{uvChannel}) to be fetched correctly in the ray tracing shader."); } } [Test] [TestCase(0)] [TestCase(1)] public void GeometryPool_MeshWithTwoWideUVs_UVsAreFetchedCorrectly(int uvChannel) { Mesh mesh = MeshUtil.CreateSingleTriangleMesh(new float2(1.5f, 1.5f), new float3(-0.5f, -0.5f, 0.0f)); float x = 100.2f; float y = -9.3f; var uvs = new Vector2[] { new Vector2(x, y), new Vector2(x, y), new Vector2(x, y) }; // Here we use the Vector2 version for setting the UVs on the mesh mesh.SetUVs(uvChannel, uvs); RayTraceAndCheckUVs(mesh, new float2(x, y), uvChannel); } [Test] [TestCase(0)] [TestCase(1)] public void GeometryPool_MeshWithThreeWideUVs_UVsAreFetchedCorrectly(int uvChannel) { Mesh mesh = MeshUtil.CreateSingleTriangleMesh(new float2(1.5f, 1.5f), new float3(-0.5f, -0.5f, 0.0f)); float x = 100.2f; float y = -9.3f; float z = 32.4f; var uvs = new Vector3[] { new Vector3(x, y, z), new Vector3(x, y, z), new Vector3(x, y, z) }; // Here we use the Vector3 version for setting the UVs on the mesh mesh.SetUVs(uvChannel, uvs); RayTraceAndCheckUVs(mesh, new float2(x, y), uvChannel); } [Test] [TestCase(0)] [TestCase(1)] public void GeometryPool_MeshWithFourWideUVs_UVsAreFetchedCorrectly(int uvChannel) { Mesh mesh = MeshUtil.CreateSingleTriangleMesh(new float2(1.5f, 1.5f), new float3(-0.5f, -0.5f, 0.0f)); float x = 100.2f; float y = -9.3f; float z = 32.4f; float w = -12.5f; var uvs = new Vector4[] { new Vector4(x, y, z, w), new Vector4(x, y, z, w), new Vector4(x, y, z, w) }; // Here we use the Vector4 version for setting the UVs on the mesh mesh.SetUVs(uvChannel, uvs); RayTraceAndCheckUVs(mesh, new float2(x, y), uvChannel); } [Test] [TestCase(0)] [TestCase(1)] public void GeometryPool_MeshWithLargeUVValues_UVsAreFetchedCorrectly(int uvChannel) { Mesh mesh = MeshUtil.CreateSingleTriangleMesh(new float2(1.5f, 1.5f), new float3(-0.5f, -0.5f, 0.0f)); float x = 100000.2f; float y = -900000.3f; float z = 32000.4f; float w = -1200000.5f; var uvs = new Vector4[] { new Vector4(x, y, z, w), new Vector4(x, y, z, w), new Vector4(x, y, z, w) }; // Here we use the Vector4 version for setting the UVs on the mesh mesh.SetUVs(uvChannel, uvs); RayTraceAndCheckUVs(mesh, new float2(x, y), uvChannel, 0.2f); } [Test] [TestCase(0)] [TestCase(1)] public void GeometryPool_MeshWithDifferentVertexUVs_UVsAreInterpolatedCorrectly(int uvChannel) { Mesh mesh = MeshUtil.CreateSingleTriangleMesh(new float2(1.5f, 1.5f), new float3(-0.5f, -0.5f, 0.0f)); float x = 1.0f; float y = 5.0f; float z = 7.0f; var uvs = new Vector4[] { new Vector4(x, x, x, x), new Vector4(y, y, y, y), new Vector4(z, z, z, z) }; // Here we use the Vector4 version for setting the UVs on the mesh mesh.SetUVs(uvChannel, uvs); RayTraceAndCheckUVs(mesh, new float2(4.333f, 4.333f), uvChannel, 0.001f); } void CreateMatchingRaysAndInstanceDescs(uint instanceCount, Mesh mesh, out RayWithFlags[] rays, out MeshInstanceDesc[] instanceDescs) { instanceDescs = new MeshInstanceDesc[instanceCount]; rays = new RayWithFlags[instanceCount]; var ray = new RayWithFlags(new float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), new float3(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f)); float3 step = new float3(2.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); for (int i = 0; i < instanceCount; ++i) { instanceDescs[i] = new MeshInstanceDesc(mesh); instanceDescs[i].localToWorldMatrix = float4x4.Translate(step * i); rays[i] = ray; rays[i].origin += step * i; } } Hit[] TraceRays(RayWithFlags[] rays, out HitGeomAttributes[] hitAttributes) { var bufferTarget = GraphicsBuffer.Target.Structured; var rayCount = rays.Length; using var raysBuffer = new GraphicsBuffer(bufferTarget, rayCount, Marshal.SizeOf()); raysBuffer.SetData(rays); using var hitsBuffer = new GraphicsBuffer(bufferTarget, rayCount, Marshal.SizeOf()); using var attributesBuffer = new GraphicsBuffer(bufferTarget, rayCount, Marshal.SizeOf()); var scratchBuffer = RayTracingHelper.CreateScratchBufferForBuildAndDispatch(m_AccelStruct.GetAccelerationStructure(), m_Shader, (uint)rayCount, 1, 1); var cmd = new CommandBuffer(); m_AccelStruct.Build(cmd, ref scratchBuffer); m_AccelStruct.Bind(cmd, "_AccelStruct", m_Shader); m_Shader.SetBufferParam(cmd, Shader.PropertyToID("_Rays"), raysBuffer); m_Shader.SetBufferParam(cmd, Shader.PropertyToID("_Hits"), hitsBuffer); m_Shader.SetBufferParam(cmd, Shader.PropertyToID("_HitAttributes"), attributesBuffer); m_Shader.Dispatch(cmd, scratchBuffer, (uint)rayCount, 1, 1); Graphics.ExecuteCommandBuffer(cmd); var hits = new Hit[rayCount]; hitsBuffer.GetData(hits); hitAttributes = new HitGeomAttributes[rayCount]; attributesBuffer.GetData(hitAttributes); scratchBuffer?.Dispose(); return hits; } void CreateRayTracingResources() { var resources = new RayTracingResources(); resources.Load(); m_Context = new RayTracingContext(m_Backend, resources); m_AccelStruct = new AccelStructAdapter(m_Context.CreateAccelerationStructure(new AccelerationStructureOptions()), resources); m_Shader = m_Context.LoadRayTracingShader("Packages/com.unity.rendering.light-transport/Tests/Editor/UnifiedRayTracing/TraceRaysAndFetchAttributes.urtshader"); } void DisposeRayTracingResources() { m_AccelStruct?.Dispose(); m_Context?.Dispose(); } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct RayWithFlags { public float3 origin; public float minT; public float3 direction; public float maxT; public uint culling; public uint instanceMask; uint padding; uint padding2; public RayWithFlags(float3 origin, float3 direction) { this.origin = origin; this.direction = direction; minT = 0.0f; maxT = float.MaxValue; instanceMask = 0xFFFFFFFF; culling = 0; padding = 0; padding2 = 0; } } [System.Flags] enum RayCulling { None = 0, CullFrontFace = 0x10, CullBackFace = 0x20 } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct Hit { public uint instanceID; public uint primitiveIndex; public float2 uvBarycentrics; public float hitDistance; public uint isFrontFace; public bool Valid() { return instanceID != 0xFFFFFFFF; } } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct HitGeomAttributes { public float3 position; public float3 normal; public float3 faceNormal; public float2 uv0; public float2 uv1; } } }