using System; using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using ShaderPathID = UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal.ShaderPathID; using UnityEditor.ShaderGraph; using UnityEditor.Rendering.Universal.ShaderGraph; using UnityEditor.Rendering.Universal.ShaderGUI; namespace Unity.Rendering.Universal { /// /// Various utility functions for shaders in URP. /// public static class ShaderUtils { internal enum ShaderID { Unknown = -1, Lit = ShaderPathID.Lit, SimpleLit = ShaderPathID.SimpleLit, Unlit = ShaderPathID.Unlit, TerrainLit = ShaderPathID.TerrainLit, ParticlesLit = ShaderPathID.ParticlesLit, ParticlesSimpleLit = ShaderPathID.ParticlesSimpleLit, ParticlesUnlit = ShaderPathID.ParticlesUnlit, BakedLit = ShaderPathID.BakedLit, SpeedTree7 = ShaderPathID.SpeedTree7, SpeedTree7Billboard = ShaderPathID.SpeedTree7Billboard, SpeedTree8 = ShaderPathID.SpeedTree8, SpeedTree9 = ShaderPathID.SpeedTree9, ComplexLit = ShaderPathID.ComplexLit, // ShaderGraph IDs start at 1000, correspond to subtargets SG_Unlit = 1000, // UniversalUnlitSubTarget SG_Lit, // UniversalLitSubTarget SG_Decal, // UniversalDecalSubTarget SG_SpriteUnlit, // UniversalSpriteUnlitSubTarget SG_SpriteLit, // UniversalSpriteLitSubTarget SG_SpriteCustomLit, // UniversalSpriteCustomLitSubTarget SG_SixWaySmokeLit // UniversalSixWaySubTarget } internal static bool IsShaderGraph(this ShaderID id) { return ((int)id >= 1000); } // NOTE: this won't work for non-Asset shaders... (i.e. shadergraph preview shaders) internal static ShaderID GetShaderID(Shader shader) { if (shader.IsShaderGraphAsset()) { UniversalMetadata meta; if (!shader.TryGetMetadataOfType(out meta)) return ShaderID.Unknown; return meta.shaderID; } else { ShaderPathID pathID = UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal.ShaderUtils.GetEnumFromPath(; return (ShaderID)pathID; } } internal static bool HasMotionVectorLightModeTag(ShaderID id) { // Currently only these ShaderIDs have a pass with a { "LightMode" = "MotionVectors" } tag in URP // (this is a more efficient check than looping over all sub-shaders and their passes and checking the // "LightMode" tag value with FindPassTagValue) switch(id) { case ShaderID.Lit: case ShaderID.Unlit: case ShaderID.SimpleLit: case ShaderID.ComplexLit: case ShaderID.BakedLit: case ShaderID.SG_Unlit: case ShaderID.SG_Lit: return true; } return false; } internal enum MaterialUpdateType { CreatedNewMaterial, ChangedAssignedShader, ModifiedShader, ModifiedMaterial } //Helper used by VFX, allow retrieval of ShaderID on another object than material.shader //In case of ShaderGraph integration, the material.shader is actually pointing to VisualEffectAsset internal static void UpdateMaterial(Material material, MaterialUpdateType updateType, UnityEngine.Object assetWithURPMetaData) { var currentShaderId = ShaderUtils.ShaderID.Unknown; if (assetWithURPMetaData != null) { var path = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(assetWithURPMetaData); foreach (var asset in AssetDatabase.LoadAllAssetsAtPath(path)) { if (asset is UniversalMetadata metadataAsset) { currentShaderId = metadataAsset.shaderID; break; } } } UpdateMaterial(material, updateType, currentShaderId); } // this is used to update a material's keywords, applying any shader-associated logic to update dependent properties and keywords // this is also invoked when a material is created, modified, or the material's shader is modified or reassigned internal static void UpdateMaterial(Material material, MaterialUpdateType updateType, ShaderID shaderID = ShaderID.Unknown) { // if unknown, look it up from the material's shader // NOTE: this will only work for asset-based shaders.. if (shaderID == ShaderID.Unknown) shaderID = GetShaderID(material.shader); switch (shaderID) { case ShaderID.Lit: LitShader.SetMaterialKeywords(material, LitGUI.SetMaterialKeywords); break; case ShaderID.SimpleLit: SimpleLitShader.SetMaterialKeywords(material, SimpleLitGUI.SetMaterialKeywords); break; case ShaderID.Unlit: UnlitShader.SetMaterialKeywords(material); break; case ShaderID.ParticlesLit: ParticlesLitShader.SetMaterialKeywords(material, LitGUI.SetMaterialKeywords, ParticleGUI.SetMaterialKeywords); break; case ShaderID.ParticlesSimpleLit: ParticlesSimpleLitShader.SetMaterialKeywords(material, SimpleLitGUI.SetMaterialKeywords, ParticleGUI.SetMaterialKeywords); break; case ShaderID.ParticlesUnlit: ParticlesUnlitShader.SetMaterialKeywords(material, null, ParticleGUI.SetMaterialKeywords); break; case ShaderID.SpeedTree8: ShaderGraphLitGUI.UpdateMaterial(material, updateType); break; case ShaderID.SpeedTree9: ShaderGraphLitGUI.UpdateMaterial(material, updateType); break; case ShaderID.SG_Lit: ShaderGraphLitGUI.UpdateMaterial(material, updateType); break; case ShaderID.SG_Unlit: ShaderGraphUnlitGUI.UpdateMaterial(material, updateType); break; case ShaderID.SG_Decal: break; case ShaderID.SG_SpriteUnlit: break; case ShaderID.SG_SpriteLit: break; case ShaderID.SG_SpriteCustomLit: break; case ShaderID.SG_SixWaySmokeLit: ShaderGraphLitGUI.UpdateMaterial(material, updateType); SixWayGUI.UpdateSixWayKeywords(material); break; default: break; } } } }