using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using UnityEditor.Build; using UnityEditor.Build.Reporting; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Rendering; using UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal; namespace UnityEditor.Rendering.Universal { class URPPreprocessBuild : IPreprocessBuildWithReport { public int callbackOrder => int.MinValue + 100; private static URPBuildData m_BuildData = null; public void OnPreprocessBuild(BuildReport report) { m_BuildData?.Dispose(); bool isDevelopmentBuild = (report.summary.options & BuildOptions.Development) != 0; m_BuildData = new URPBuildData(EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTarget, isDevelopmentBuild); if (m_BuildData.buildingPlayerForUniversalRenderPipeline) { // Now that we know that we are on URP we need to make sure everything is correct, otherwise we break the build. if (!URPBuildDataValidator.IsProjectValidForBuilding(report, out var message)) throw new BuildFailedException(message); LogIncludedAssets(m_BuildData.renderPipelineAssets); } } internal static void LogIncludedAssets(List assetsList) { using (GenericPool.Get(out var assetsIncluded)) { assetsIncluded.Clear(); assetsIncluded.AppendLine($"{assetsList.Count} URP assets included in build"); foreach (var urpAsset in assetsList) { assetsIncluded.AppendLine($"- {} - {AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(urpAsset)}"); foreach (var rendererData in urpAsset.m_RendererDataList) { if (rendererData != null) assetsIncluded.AppendLine($"\t - {} - {AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(rendererData)} - {rendererData.GetType()}"); } } Debug.Log(assetsIncluded); } } public void OnPostprocessBuild(BuildReport report) { // Clean up the build data once we have finishing building m_BuildData?.Dispose(); m_BuildData = null; } } }