#if UNITY_EDITOR using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine.InputSystem.Controls; using UnityEngine.InputSystem.Layouts; using UnityEngine.InputSystem.Utilities; ////TODO: have tooltips on each entry in the picker ////TODO: find better way to present controls when filtering to specific devices ////REVIEW: if there's only a single device in the picker, automatically go into it? namespace UnityEngine.InputSystem.Editor { internal class InputControlPickerDropdown : AdvancedDropdown, IDisposable { public InputControlPickerDropdown( InputControlPickerState state, Action onPickCallback, InputControlPicker.Mode mode = InputControlPicker.Mode.PickControl) : base(state.advancedDropdownState) { m_Gui = new InputControlPickerGUI(this); minimumSize = new Vector2(275, 300); maximumSize = new Vector2(0, 300); m_OnPickCallback = onPickCallback; m_Mode = mode; } public void SetControlPathsToMatch(string[] controlPathsToMatch) { m_ControlPathsToMatch = controlPathsToMatch; Reload(); } public void SetExpectedControlLayout(string expectedControlLayout) { m_ExpectedControlLayout = expectedControlLayout; if (string.Equals(expectedControlLayout, "InputDevice", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) m_ExpectedControlType = typeof(InputDevice); else m_ExpectedControlType = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(expectedControlLayout) ? InputSystem.s_Manager.m_Layouts.GetControlTypeForLayout(new InternedString(expectedControlLayout)) : null; // If the layout is for a device, automatically switch to device // picking mode. if (m_ExpectedControlType != null && typeof(InputDevice).IsAssignableFrom(m_ExpectedControlType)) m_Mode = InputControlPicker.Mode.PickDevice; Reload(); } public void SetPickedCallback(Action action) { m_OnPickCallback = action; } protected override void OnDestroy() { #if UNITY_INPUT_SYSTEM_PROJECT_WIDE_ACTIONS InputActionsEditorSettingsProvider.SetIMGUIDropdownVisible(false, false); #endif m_RebindingOperation?.Dispose(); m_RebindingOperation = null; } public void Dispose() { m_RebindingOperation?.Dispose(); } protected override AdvancedDropdownItem BuildRoot() { var root = new AdvancedDropdownItem(string.Empty); // Usages. if (m_Mode != InputControlPicker.Mode.PickDevice) { var usages = BuildTreeForControlUsages(); if (usages.children.Any()) { root.AddChild(usages); root.AddSeparator(); } } // Devices. AddItemsForDevices(root); return root; } protected override AdvancedDropdownItem BuildCustomSearch(string searchString, IEnumerable elements) { if (!isListening) return null; var root = new AdvancedDropdownItem(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_ExpectedControlLayout) ? $"Listening for {m_ExpectedControlLayout}..." : "Listening for input..."); if (searchString == "\u0017") return root; var paths = searchString.Substring(1).Split('\u0017'); foreach (var element in elements) { if (element is ControlDropdownItem controlItem && paths.Any(x => controlItem.controlPathWithDevice == x)) root.AddChild(element); } return root; } protected override void ItemSelected(AdvancedDropdownItem item) { #if UNITY_INPUT_SYSTEM_PROJECT_WIDE_ACTIONS InputActionsEditorSettingsProvider.SetIMGUIDropdownVisible(false, true); #endif var path = ((InputControlDropdownItem)item).controlPathWithDevice; m_OnPickCallback(path); } private AdvancedDropdownItem BuildTreeForControlUsages(string device = "", string usage = "") { var usageRoot = new AdvancedDropdownItem("Usages"); foreach (var usageAndLayouts in EditorInputControlLayoutCache.allUsages) { if (usageAndLayouts.Item2.Any(LayoutMatchesExpectedControlLayoutFilter)) { var child = new ControlUsageDropdownItem(device, usage, usageAndLayouts.Item1); usageRoot.AddChild(child); } } return usageRoot; } private void AddItemsForDevices(AdvancedDropdownItem parent) { // Add devices that are marked as generic types of devices directly to the parent. // E.g. adds "Gamepad" and then underneath all the more specific types of gamepads. foreach (var deviceLayout in EditorInputControlLayoutCache.allLayouts .Where(x => x.isDeviceLayout && !x.isOverride && x.isGenericTypeOfDevice && !x.hideInUI) .OrderBy(a => a.displayName)) { AddDeviceTreeItemRecursive(deviceLayout, parent); } // We have devices that are based directly on InputDevice but are not marked as generic types // of devices (e.g. Vive Lighthouses). We do not want them to clutter the list at the root so we // put all of them in a group called "Other" at the end of the list. var otherGroup = new AdvancedDropdownItem("Other"); foreach (var deviceLayout in EditorInputControlLayoutCache.allLayouts .Where(x => x.isDeviceLayout && !x.isOverride && !x.isGenericTypeOfDevice && (x.type.BaseType == typeof(InputDevice) || x.type == typeof(InputDevice)) && !x.hideInUI && !x.baseLayouts.Any()).OrderBy(a => a.displayName)) { AddDeviceTreeItemRecursive(deviceLayout, otherGroup); } if (otherGroup.children.Any()) parent.AddChild(otherGroup); } private void AddDeviceTreeItemRecursive(InputControlLayout layout, AdvancedDropdownItem parent, bool searchable = true) { // Find all layouts directly based on this one (ignoring overrides). var childLayouts = EditorInputControlLayoutCache.allLayouts .Where(x => x.isDeviceLayout && !x.isOverride && !x.hideInUI && x.baseLayouts.Contains(layout.name)).OrderBy(x => x.displayName); // See if the entire tree should be excluded. var shouldIncludeDeviceLayout = ShouldIncludeDeviceLayout(layout); var shouldIncludeAtLeastOneChildLayout = childLayouts.Any(ShouldIncludeDeviceLayout); if (!shouldIncludeDeviceLayout && !shouldIncludeAtLeastOneChildLayout) return; // Add toplevel item for device. var deviceItem = new DeviceDropdownItem(layout, searchable: searchable); var defaultControlPickerLayout = new DefaultInputControlPickerLayout(); // Add common usage variants of the device if (layout.commonUsages.Count > 0) { foreach (var usage in layout.commonUsages) { var usageItem = new DeviceDropdownItem(layout, usage); // Add control usages to the device variants var deviceVariantControlUsages = BuildTreeForControlUsages(layout.name, usage); if (deviceVariantControlUsages.children.Any()) { usageItem.AddChild(deviceVariantControlUsages); usageItem.AddSeparator(); } if (m_Mode == InputControlPicker.Mode.PickControl) AddControlTreeItemsRecursive(defaultControlPickerLayout, layout, usageItem, layout.name, usage, searchable); deviceItem.AddChild(usageItem); } deviceItem.AddSeparator(); } // Add control usages var deviceControlUsages = BuildTreeForControlUsages(layout.name); if (deviceControlUsages.children.Any()) { deviceItem.AddChild(deviceControlUsages); deviceItem.AddSeparator(); } // Add controls. if (m_Mode != InputControlPicker.Mode.PickDevice) { // The keyboard is special in that we want to allow binding by display name (i.e. character // generated by a key) instead of only by physical key location. Also, we want to give an indication // of which specific key an entry refers to by taking the current keyboard layout into account. // // So what we do is add an extra level to the keyboard where key's can be bound by character // according to the current layout. And in the top level of the keyboard we display keys with // both physical and logical names. if (layout.type == typeof(Keyboard) && InputSystem.GetDevice() != null) { var byLocationGroup = new AdvancedDropdownItem("By Location of Key (Using US Layout)"); var byCharacterGroup = new AdvancedDropdownItem("By Character Mapped to Key"); deviceItem.AddChild(byLocationGroup); deviceItem.AddChild(byCharacterGroup); var keyboard = InputSystem.GetDevice(); AddCharacterKeyBindingsTo(byCharacterGroup, keyboard); AddPhysicalKeyBindingsTo(byLocationGroup, keyboard, searchable); // AnyKey won't appear in either group. Add it explicitly. AddControlItem(defaultControlPickerLayout, deviceItem, null, layout.FindControl(new InternedString("anyKey")).Value, layout.name, null, searchable); } else if (layout.type == typeof(Touchscreen)) { AddControlTreeItemsRecursive(new TouchscreenControlPickerLayout(), layout, deviceItem, layout.name, null, searchable); } else { AddControlTreeItemsRecursive(defaultControlPickerLayout, layout, deviceItem, layout.name, null, searchable); } } // Add child items. var isFirstChild = true; foreach (var childLayout in childLayouts) { if (!ShouldIncludeDeviceLayout(childLayout)) continue; if (isFirstChild) deviceItem.AddSeparator("More Specific " + deviceItem.name.GetPlural()); isFirstChild = false; AddDeviceTreeItemRecursive(childLayout, deviceItem, searchable && !childLayout.isGenericTypeOfDevice); } // When picking devices, it must be possible to select a device that itself has more specific types // of devices underneath it. However in the dropdown, such a device will be a foldout and not itself // be selectable. We solve this problem by adding an entry for the device underneath the device // itself (e.g. "Gamepad >> Gamepad"). if (m_Mode == InputControlPicker.Mode.PickDevice && deviceItem.m_Children.Count > 0) { var item = new DeviceDropdownItem(layout); deviceItem.m_Children.Insert(0, item); } if (deviceItem.m_Children.Count > 0 || m_Mode == InputControlPicker.Mode.PickDevice) parent.AddChild(deviceItem); } private void AddControlTreeItemsRecursive(IInputControlPickerLayout controlPickerLayout, InputControlLayout layout, DeviceDropdownItem parent, string device, string usage, bool searchable, ControlDropdownItem parentControl = null) { foreach (var control in layout.controls.OrderBy(a => a.name)) { if (control.isModifyingExistingControl) continue; // Skip variants except the default variant and variants dictated by the layout itself. if (!control.variants.IsEmpty() && control.variants != InputControlLayout.DefaultVariant && (layout.variants.IsEmpty() || !InputControlLayout.VariantsMatch(layout.variants, control.variants))) { continue; } controlPickerLayout.AddControlItem(this, parent, parentControl, control, device, usage, searchable); } // Add optional controls for devices. var optionalControls = EditorInputControlLayoutCache.GetOptionalControlsForLayout(layout.name); if (optionalControls.Any() && layout.isDeviceLayout) { var optionalGroup = new AdvancedDropdownItem("Optional Controls"); foreach (var optionalControl in optionalControls) { ////FIXME: this should list children, too ////FIXME: this should handle arrays, too if (LayoutMatchesExpectedControlLayoutFilter(optionalControl.layout)) { var child = new OptionalControlDropdownItem(optionalControl, device, usage); child.icon = EditorInputControlLayoutCache.GetIconForLayout(optionalControl.layout); optionalGroup.AddChild(child); } } if (optionalGroup.children.Any()) { var deviceName = EditorInputControlLayoutCache.TryGetLayout(device).m_DisplayName ?? ObjectNames.NicifyVariableName(device); parent.AddSeparator("Controls Present on More Specific " + deviceName.GetPlural()); parent.AddChild(optionalGroup); } } } internal void AddControlItem(IInputControlPickerLayout controlPickerLayout, DeviceDropdownItem parent, ControlDropdownItem parentControl, InputControlLayout.ControlItem control, string device, string usage, bool searchable, string controlNameOverride = default) { var controlName = controlNameOverride ?? control.name; // If it's an array, generate a control entry for each array element. for (var i = 0; i < (control.isArray ? control.arraySize : 1); ++i) { var name = control.isArray ? controlName + i : controlName; var displayName = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(control.displayName) ? (control.isArray ? $"{control.displayName} #{i}" : control.displayName) : name; var child = new ControlDropdownItem(parentControl, name, displayName, device, usage, searchable); child.icon = EditorInputControlLayoutCache.GetIconForLayout(control.layout); var controlLayout = EditorInputControlLayoutCache.TryGetLayout(control.layout); if (LayoutMatchesExpectedControlLayoutFilter(control.layout)) parent.AddChild(child); else if (controlLayout.controls.Any(x => LayoutMatchesExpectedControlLayoutFilter(x.layout))) { child.enabled = false; parent.AddChild(child); } // Add children. if (controlLayout != null) AddControlTreeItemsRecursive(controlPickerLayout, controlLayout, parent, device, usage, searchable, child); } } private static void AddPhysicalKeyBindingsTo(AdvancedDropdownItem parent, Keyboard keyboard, bool searchable) { foreach (var key in keyboard.children.OfType()) { // If the key has a display name that differs from the key name, show it in the UI. var displayName = key.m_DisplayNameFromLayout; var keyDisplayName = key.displayName; if (keyDisplayName.All(x => x.IsPrintable()) && string.Compare(keyDisplayName, displayName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) != 0) displayName = $"{displayName} (Current Layout: {key.displayName})"; // For left/right modifier keys, prepend artificial combined version. ButtonControl combinedVersion = null; if (key == keyboard.leftShiftKey) combinedVersion = keyboard.shiftKey; else if (key == keyboard.leftAltKey) combinedVersion = keyboard.altKey; else if (key == keyboard.leftCtrlKey) combinedVersion = keyboard.ctrlKey; if (combinedVersion != null) parent.AddChild(new ControlDropdownItem(null, combinedVersion.name, combinedVersion.displayName, keyboard.layout, "", searchable)); var item = new ControlDropdownItem(null, key.name, displayName, keyboard.layout, "", searchable); parent.AddChild(item); } } private static void AddCharacterKeyBindingsTo(AdvancedDropdownItem parent, Keyboard keyboard) { foreach (var key in keyboard.children.OfType()) { if (!key.keyCode.IsTextInputKey()) continue; // We can only bind to characters that can be printed. var displayName = key.displayName; if (!displayName.All(x => x.IsPrintable())) continue; if (displayName.Contains(')')) displayName = string.Join("", displayName.Select(x => "\\" + x)); ////TODO: should be searchable; when searching, needs different display name var item = new ControlDropdownItem(null, $"#({displayName})", "", keyboard.layout, "", false); item.name = key.displayName; parent.AddChild(item); } } private bool LayoutMatchesExpectedControlLayoutFilter(string layout) { if (m_ExpectedControlType == null) return true; var layoutType = InputSystem.s_Manager.m_Layouts.GetControlTypeForLayout(new InternedString(layout)); return m_ExpectedControlType.IsAssignableFrom(layoutType); } private bool ShouldIncludeDeviceLayout(InputControlLayout layout) { if (layout.hideInUI) return false; // By default, if a device has no (usable) controls, we don't want it listed in the control picker // except if we're picking devices. if (!layout.controls.Any(x => LayoutMatchesExpectedControlLayoutFilter(x.layout)) && layout.controls.Any(x => true) && m_Mode != InputControlPicker.Mode.PickDevice) return false; // If we have a device filter, see if we should ignore the device. if (m_ControlPathsToMatch != null && m_ControlPathsToMatch.Length > 0) { var matchesAnyInDeviceFilter = false; foreach (var entry in m_ControlPathsToMatch) { // Include the layout if it's in the inheritance hierarchy of the layout we expect (either below // or above it or, well, just right on it). var expectedLayout = InputControlPath.TryGetDeviceLayout(entry); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(expectedLayout) && (expectedLayout == layout.name || InputControlLayout.s_Layouts.IsBasedOn(layout.name, new InternedString(expectedLayout)) || InputControlLayout.s_Layouts.IsBasedOn(new InternedString(expectedLayout), layout.name))) { matchesAnyInDeviceFilter = true; break; } } if (!matchesAnyInDeviceFilter) return false; } return true; } private void StartListening() { if (m_RebindingOperation == null) m_RebindingOperation = new InputActionRebindingExtensions.RebindingOperation(); ////TODO: for keyboard, generate both possible paths (physical and by display name) m_RebindingOperation.Reset(); m_RebindingOperation .WithExpectedControlType(m_ExpectedControlLayout) // Require minimum actuation of 0.15f. This is after deadzoning has been applied. .WithMagnitudeHavingToBeGreaterThan(0.15f) ////REVIEW: should we exclude only the system's active pointing device? // With the mouse operating the UI, its cursor control is too fickle a thing to // bind to. Ignore mouse position and delta and clicks. // NOTE: We go for all types of pointers here, not just mice. .WithControlsExcluding("/position") .WithControlsExcluding("/delta") .WithControlsExcluding("/press") .WithControlsExcluding("/clickCount") .WithControlsExcluding("/{PrimaryAction}") .WithControlsExcluding("/scroll") .OnPotentialMatch( operation => { // We never really complete the pick but keep listening for as long as the "Interactive" // button is toggled on. Repaint(); }) .OnCancel( operation => { Repaint(); }) .OnApplyBinding( (operation, newPath) => { // This is never invoked (because we don't complete the pick) but we need it nevertheless // as RebindingOperation requires the callback if we don't supply an action to apply the binding to. }); // If we have control paths to match, pass them on. if (m_ControlPathsToMatch.LengthSafe() > 0) m_ControlPathsToMatch.Select(x => m_RebindingOperation.WithControlsHavingToMatchPath(x)); m_RebindingOperation.Start(); } private void StopListening() { m_RebindingOperation?.Cancel(); } // This differs from RebindingOperation.GeneratePathForControl in that it cycles through all // layouts in the inheritance chain and generates a path for each one that contains the given control. private static IEnumerable GeneratePossiblePathsForControl(InputControl control) { var builder = new StringBuilder(); var deviceLayoutName = control.device.m_Layout; do { // Skip layout if it is supposed to be hidden in the UI. var layout = EditorInputControlLayoutCache.TryGetLayout(deviceLayoutName); if (layout.hideInUI) continue; builder.Length = 0; yield return control.BuildPath(deviceLayoutName, builder); } while (InputControlLayout.s_Layouts.baseLayoutTable.TryGetValue(deviceLayoutName, out deviceLayoutName)); } private Action m_OnPickCallback; private InputControlPicker.Mode m_Mode; private string[] m_ControlPathsToMatch; private string m_ExpectedControlLayout; private Type m_ExpectedControlType; private InputActionRebindingExtensions.RebindingOperation m_RebindingOperation; private bool isListening => m_RebindingOperation != null && m_RebindingOperation.started; private class InputControlPickerGUI : AdvancedDropdownGUI { private readonly InputControlPickerDropdown m_Owner; public InputControlPickerGUI(InputControlPickerDropdown owner) { m_Owner = owner; } internal override void BeginDraw(EditorWindow window) { if (Event.current.isKey && Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Escape) { window.Close(); return; } if (m_Owner.isListening) { // Eat key events to suppress the editor from passing them to the OS // (causing beeps or menu commands being triggered). if (Event.current.isKey) Event.current.Use(); } } internal override string DrawSearchFieldControl(string searchString) { using (new EditorGUILayout.HorizontalScope()) { var isListening = false; // When picking controls, have a "Listen" button that allows listening for input. if (m_Owner.m_Mode == InputControlPicker.Mode.PickControl) { using (new EditorGUILayout.VerticalScope(GUILayout.MaxWidth(50))) { GUILayout.Space(4); var isListeningOld = m_Owner.isListening; var isListeningNew = GUILayout.Toggle(isListeningOld, "Listen", EditorStyles.miniButton, GUILayout.MaxWidth(50)); if (isListeningOld != isListeningNew) { if (isListeningNew) { m_Owner.StartListening(); } else { m_Owner.StopListening(); searchString = string.Empty; } } isListening = isListeningNew; } } ////FIXME: the search box doesn't clear out when listening; no idea why the new string isn't taking effect EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(isListening); var newSearchString = base.DrawSearchFieldControl(isListening ? string.Empty : searchString); EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); if (isListening) { var rebind = m_Owner.m_RebindingOperation; return "\u0017" + string.Join("\u0017", rebind.candidates.SelectMany(x => GeneratePossiblePathsForControl(x).Reverse())); } return newSearchString; } } internal override void DrawItem(AdvancedDropdownItem item, string name, Texture2D icon, bool enabled, bool drawArrow, bool selected, bool hasSearch, bool richText = false) { if (hasSearch && item is InputControlDropdownItem viewItem) name = viewItem.searchableName; base.DrawItem(item, name, icon, enabled, drawArrow, selected, hasSearch); } internal override void DrawFooter(AdvancedDropdownItem selectedItem) { //dun work because there is no selection if (selectedItem is ControlDropdownItem controlItem) { var content = new GUIContent(controlItem.controlPath); var rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(content, headerStyle, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true)); EditorGUI.TextField(rect, controlItem.controlPath, headerStyle); } } } private static class Styles { public static readonly GUIStyle waitingForInputLabel = new GUIStyle("WhiteBoldLabel").WithFontSize(22); } } } #endif // UNITY_EDITOR