using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using Mono.Cecil; using Mono.Cecil.Cil; using Mono.Cecil.Rocks; using Unity.CompilationPipeline.Common.ILPostProcessing; using Unity.Jobs.LowLevel.Unsafe; using MethodAttributes = Mono.Cecil.MethodAttributes; using MethodBody = Mono.Cecil.Cil.MethodBody; using TypeAttributes = Mono.Cecil.TypeAttributes; namespace Unity.Jobs.CodeGen { internal partial class JobsILPostProcessor : ILPostProcessor { private static readonly string ProducerAttributeName = typeof(JobProducerTypeAttribute).FullName; private static readonly string RegisterGenericJobTypeAttributeName = typeof(RegisterGenericJobTypeAttribute).FullName; public static MethodReference AttributeConstructorReferenceFor(Type attributeType, ModuleDefinition module) { return module.ImportReference(attributeType.GetConstructor(Array.Empty())); } private TypeReference LaunderTypeRef(TypeReference r_) { ModuleDefinition mod = AssemblyDefinition.MainModule; TypeDefinition def = r_.Resolve(); TypeReference result; if (r_ is GenericInstanceType git) { var gt = new GenericInstanceType(LaunderTypeRef(def)); foreach (var gp in git.GenericParameters) { gt.GenericParameters.Add(gp); } foreach (var ga in git.GenericArguments) { gt.GenericArguments.Add(LaunderTypeRef(ga)); } result = gt; } else { result = new TypeReference(def.Namespace, def.Name, def.Module, def.Scope, def.IsValueType); if (def.DeclaringType != null) { result.DeclaringType = LaunderTypeRef(def.DeclaringType); } } return mod.ImportReference(result); } // static ulong StableHash_FNV1A64(string text) { ulong result = 14695981039346656037; foreach (var c in text) { result = 1099511628211 * (result ^ (byte)(c & 255)); result = 1099511628211 * (result ^ (byte)(c >> 8)); } return result; } bool PostProcessImpl() { bool anythingChanged = false; var asmDef = AssemblyDefinition; var funcDef = new MethodDefinition("CreateJobReflectionData", MethodAttributes.Static | MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.HideBySig, asmDef.MainModule.ImportReference(typeof(void))); // This must use a stable hash code function (do not using string.GetHashCode) var autoClassName = $"__JobReflectionRegistrationOutput__{StableHash_FNV1A64(asmDef.FullName)}"; funcDef.Body.InitLocals = false; var classDef = new TypeDefinition("", autoClassName, TypeAttributes.Class, asmDef.MainModule.ImportReference(typeof(object))); classDef.IsBeforeFieldInit = false; classDef.CustomAttributes.Add(new CustomAttribute(AttributeConstructorReferenceFor(typeof(DOTSCompilerGeneratedAttribute), asmDef.MainModule))); classDef.Methods.Add(funcDef); var body = funcDef.Body; var processor = body.GetILProcessor(); // Setup instructions used for try/catch wrapping all earlyinit calls // for this assembly's job types var workStartOp = processor.Create(OpCodes.Nop); var workDoneOp = Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Nop); var handler = Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Nop); var landingPad = Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Nop); processor.Append(workStartOp); var genericJobs = new List(); var visited = new HashSet(); foreach (var attr in asmDef.CustomAttributes) { if (attr.AttributeType.FullName != RegisterGenericJobTypeAttributeName) continue; var typeRef = (TypeReference)attr.ConstructorArguments[0].Value; var openType = typeRef.Resolve(); if (!typeRef.IsGenericInstance || !openType.IsValueType) { DiagnosticMessages.Add(UserError.DC3001(openType)); continue; } genericJobs.Add(typeRef); visited.Add(typeRef.FullName); } CollectGenericTypeInstances(AssemblyDefinition, genericJobs, visited); foreach (var t in asmDef.MainModule.Types) { anythingChanged |= VisitJobStructs(t, processor, body); } foreach (var t in genericJobs) { anythingChanged |= VisitJobStructs(t, processor, body); } // Now that we have generated all reflection info // finish wrapping the ops in a try catch now var lastWorkOp = processor.Body.Instructions[processor.Body.Instructions.Count-1]; processor.Append(handler); var earlyInitHelpersDef = asmDef.MainModule.ImportReference(typeof(EarlyInitHelpers)).Resolve(); MethodDefinition jobReflectionDataCreationFailedDef = null; foreach (var method in earlyInitHelpersDef.Methods) { if (method.Name == nameof(EarlyInitHelpers.JobReflectionDataCreationFailed)) { jobReflectionDataCreationFailedDef = method; break; } } var errorHandler = asmDef.MainModule.ImportReference(jobReflectionDataCreationFailedDef); processor.Append(Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Call, errorHandler)); processor.Append(landingPad); var leaveSuccess = Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Leave, landingPad); var leaveFail = Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Leave, landingPad); processor.InsertAfter(lastWorkOp, leaveSuccess); processor.InsertBefore(landingPad, leaveFail); var exc = new ExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandlerType.Catch); exc.TryStart = workStartOp; exc.TryEnd = leaveSuccess.Next; exc.HandlerStart = handler; exc.HandlerEnd = leaveFail.Next; exc.CatchType = asmDef.MainModule.ImportReference(typeof(Exception)); body.ExceptionHandlers.Add(exc); processor.Emit(OpCodes.Ret); if (anythingChanged) { var ctorFuncDef = new MethodDefinition("EarlyInit", MethodAttributes.Static | MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.HideBySig, asmDef.MainModule.ImportReference(typeof(void))); if (!Defines.Contains("UNITY_EDITOR")) { // Needs to run automatically in the player, but we need to // exclude this attribute when building for the editor, or // it will re-run the registration for every enter play mode. var loadTypeEnumType = asmDef.MainModule.ImportReference(typeof(UnityEngine.RuntimeInitializeLoadType)); var attributeCtor = asmDef.MainModule.ImportReference(typeof(UnityEngine.RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethodAttribute).GetConstructor(new[] { typeof(UnityEngine.RuntimeInitializeLoadType) })); var attribute = new CustomAttribute(attributeCtor); attribute.ConstructorArguments.Add(new CustomAttributeArgument(loadTypeEnumType, UnityEngine.RuntimeInitializeLoadType.AfterAssembliesLoaded)); ctorFuncDef.CustomAttributes.Add(attribute); } else { // Needs to run automatically in the editor. var attributeCtor2 = asmDef.MainModule.ImportReference(typeof(UnityEditor.InitializeOnLoadMethodAttribute).GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes)); ctorFuncDef.CustomAttributes.Add(new CustomAttribute(attributeCtor2)); } ctorFuncDef.Body.InitLocals = false; var p = ctorFuncDef.Body.GetILProcessor(); p.Emit(OpCodes.Call, funcDef); p.Emit(OpCodes.Ret); classDef.Methods.Add(ctorFuncDef); asmDef.MainModule.Types.Add(classDef); } return anythingChanged; } private bool VisitJobStructInterfaces(TypeReference jobTypeRef, TypeDefinition jobType, TypeDefinition currentType, ILProcessor processor, MethodBody body) { bool didAnything = false; if (currentType.HasInterfaces && jobType.IsValueType) { foreach (var iface in currentType.Interfaces) { var idef = iface.InterfaceType.CheckedResolve(); foreach (var attr in idef.CustomAttributes) { if (attr.AttributeType.FullName == ProducerAttributeName) { var producerRef = (TypeReference)attr.ConstructorArguments[0].Value; var launderedType = LaunderTypeRef(jobTypeRef); didAnything |= GenerateCalls(producerRef, launderedType, body, processor); } if (currentType.IsInterface) { // Generic jobs need to be either reference in fully closed form, or registered explicitly with an attribute. if (iface.InterfaceType.GenericParameters.Count == 0) didAnything |= VisitJobStructInterfaces(jobTypeRef, jobType, idef, processor, body); } } } } foreach (var nestedType in currentType.NestedTypes) { didAnything |= VisitJobStructs(nestedType, processor, body); } return didAnything; } private bool VisitJobStructs(TypeReference t, ILProcessor processor, MethodBody body) { if (t.GenericParameters.Count > 0) { // Generic jobs need to be either reference in fully closed form, or registered explicitly with an attribute. return false; } var rt = t.CheckedResolve(); return VisitJobStructInterfaces(t, rt, rt, processor, body); } private bool GenerateCalls(TypeReference producerRef, TypeReference jobStructType, MethodBody body, ILProcessor processor) { try { var carrierType = producerRef.CheckedResolve(); MethodDefinition methodToCall = null; while (carrierType != null) { methodToCall = null; foreach (var method in carrierType.GetMethods()) { if(method.IsStatic && method.IsPublic && method.Parameters.Count == 0 && method.Name == "EarlyJobInit") { methodToCall = method; break; } } if (methodToCall != null) break; carrierType = carrierType.DeclaringType; } // Legacy jobs lazy initialize. if (methodToCall == null) return false; var asm = AssemblyDefinition.MainModule; var mref = asm.ImportReference(asm.ImportReference(methodToCall).MakeGenericInstanceMethod(jobStructType)); processor.Append(Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Call, mref)); return true; } catch (Exception ex) { DiagnosticMessages.Add(InternalCompilerError.DCICE300(producerRef, jobStructType, ex)); } return false; } private static void CollectGenericTypeInstances(AssemblyDefinition assembly, List types, HashSet visited) { // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! // WARNING: THIS CODE HAS TO BE MAINTAINED IN SYNC WITH BurstReflection.cs in Unity.Burst package // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! // From: if (assembly == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(assembly)); const int mdMaxCount = 1 << 24; foreach (var module in assembly.Modules) { for (int i = 1; i < mdMaxCount; i++) { // Token base id for TypeSpec const int mdTypeSpec = 0x1B000000; var token = module.LookupToken(mdTypeSpec | i); if (token is GenericInstanceType type) { if (type.IsGenericInstance && !type.ContainsGenericParameter) { CollectGenericTypeInstances(type, types, visited); } } else if (token == null) break; } for (int i = 1; i < mdMaxCount; i++) { // Token base id for MethodSpec const int mdMethodSpec = 0x2B000000; var token = module.LookupToken(mdMethodSpec | i); if (token is GenericInstanceMethod method) { foreach (var argType in method.GenericArguments) { if (argType.IsGenericInstance && !argType.ContainsGenericParameter) { CollectGenericTypeInstances(argType, types, visited); } } } else if (token == null) break; } for (int i = 1; i < mdMaxCount; i++) { // Token base id for Field const int mdField = 0x04000000; var token = module.LookupToken(mdField | i); if (token is FieldReference field) { var fieldType = field.FieldType; if (fieldType.IsGenericInstance && !fieldType.ContainsGenericParameter) { CollectGenericTypeInstances(fieldType, types, visited); } } else if (token == null) break; } } } private static void CollectGenericTypeInstances(TypeReference type, List types, HashSet visited) { if (type.IsPrimitive) return; if (!visited.Add(type.FullName)) return; // Add only concrete types if (type.IsGenericInstance && !type.ContainsGenericParameter) { types.Add(type); } // Collect recursively generic type arguments var genericInstanceType = type as GenericInstanceType; if (genericInstanceType != null) { foreach (var genericTypeArgument in genericInstanceType.GenericArguments) { if (!genericTypeArgument.IsPrimitive) { CollectGenericTypeInstances(genericTypeArgument, types, visited); } } } } } }