# Changelog ## [2.5.1] - 2024-09-06 ### Changed * Updated Burst dependency to version 1.8.17 * Updated Unity Test Framework dependency to version 1.4.5 * Updated entities packages dependencies ### Fixed * Certain cases would cause an ILPostProcessor to fail, blocking compilation, but no more. ## [2.5.0-pre.2] - 2024-07-17 ### Changed * Updated Burst dependency to version 1.8.16 ## [2.5.0-exp.1] - 2024-06-11 ### Added * SortJobDefer type for scheduling sorting on NativeList when content of the list is not known ahead of time, and depends on dependent jobs. ### Changed * Update entities package dependencies ### Fixed * Clarified usage of "front" and "end" in API docs for `NativeQueue` and `UnsafeQueue` * Default constructed container can call IsCreated and IsEmpty properties. ## [2.4.3] - 2024-08-14 ### Changed * Update entities package dependencies ## [2.4.2] - 2024-05-30 ### Changed * Update entities package dependencies ## [2.4.1] - 2024-04-26 ### Changed * Release preparation * Updated Burst dependency to version 1.8.13 ## [2.4.0] - 2024-03-22 ### Changed *Release Preparation ## [2.4.0-pre.5] - 2024-02-13 ### Changed * Updated Burst dependency to version 1.8.12 ### Fixed * Memory leaks in unit tests. * Memory leak when using `NativeBitArrayUnsafeUtility.ConvertExistingDataToNativeBitArray`. * Brace parsing in FixedString AppendFormat handles incorrect formatting now ### Updated * Upgraded Test Framework version to 1.4.3 ## [2.4.0-pre.2] - 2023-11-28 ### Changed * Updated Burst dependency to 1.8.10 * Add lightweight spinlock to secure multithread write access to the `ChildSafetyHandles` in custom allocator framework. ## [2.4.0-exp.2] - 2023-11-09 ### Added * `DataStreamReader.ReadBytes` and `DataStreamWriter.WriteBytes` now have a variant that takes a `Span` as a parameter, making it easier to use these APIs with regular `byte[]` arrays. ### Changed * The minimum supported editor version is now 2022.3.11f1 ### Deprecated ### Removed ### Fixed ### Security ## [2.3.0-pre.3] - 2023-10-17 ### Changed * Updated version for release preparation. ## [2.3.0-exp.1] - 2023-09-18 ### Added * Added a new `GetUnsafeReadOnlyPtr` method to `DataStreamReader`. This can be used as an escape hatch if access to the underlying buffer of the stream reader is required. ### Fixed * A previous release did not allow `unsafeList.RemoveRange(unsafeList.Length, 0)` anymore, which could cause failures in many common algorithms. This has been fixed. * Made `SortJob.SegmentSort`, and `SortJob.SegmentSortMerge` public to allow generic job type registration. * `UnsafeList.RemoveAtSwapBack` could read invalid memory when the last element of the list is removed * Data elements in FixedList now respect natural alignment for the type T ## [2.2.1] - 2023-09-11 ### Changed * Updated Burst dependency to version 1.8.8 ### Fixed * Previously the `Sort` extension for NativeContainers could access memory out of bounds of the container when an invalid `IComparer` was implemented for `T`: Comparers must return three states (<0, 0, >0). Sort will now no longer access invalid memory and when running with collection checks enabled (e.g. always on in Editor) or using `UNITY_DOTS_DEBUG` in player builds, an additional check at the beginning of the sort will validate the comparer is implemented correctly and inform users otherwise. ### Added * Added a dependency on the com.unity.test-framework.performance package ## [2.2.0] - 2023-06-20 ### Changed * Made `SegmentSort` and `SegmentSortMerge` public to allow generic job type registration. ### Fixed * Previously it was possible to change the length of a `NativeList` via the `Length` property setter while the NativeList is being used inside of a job without an InvalidOperationExcpetion being thrown for the unsafe access. ## [2.1.4] - 2023-04-25 ### Removed * Dependency on com.unity.test-framework.performance * Dependency on com.unity.test-framework ## [2.1.1] - 2023-04-12 ### Added * `IJobParallelBatch` provides `.Schedule`, `.ScheduleByRef`, `.ScheduleParallel`, `.ScheduleParallelByRef`, `.Run` and .`RunByRef` forms. `.ScheduleParallel` is equivalent to calling `.ScheduleBatch`. * Added `Trim`, `TrimStart`, `TrimEnd`, `ToLowerAscii`, `ToUpperAscii` methods to strings. * `NativeQueue.ReadOnly`. * `UnsafeParallelHashMap.ReadOnly`. * UnsafeQueue container type * `Unsafe/NativeParallelMultiHashMap.ReadOnly` view into container. * `UnsafeList.ReadOnly` enumerator. ### Changed * Added additional `UNITY_DOTS_DEBUG` checks to collection types to help with standalone player debugging (since `ENABLE_UNITY_COLLECTION_CHECKS` safety checks are unavailable in standalone player builds) * Updated Burst version to 1.8.4 * Reduced the amount of memory allocated by allocating based on the maximum number of worker threads the running platform requires rather than defaulting to using a theoretical upper-bound of 128 worker threads. ### Fixed * Calling `Dispose` on uninitialized container will not throw. * Properly tracks allocations made from the collections package such that when `Unity.Collections.NativeLeakDetectionMode` is `NativeLeakDetectionMode.Enabled` or `NativeLeakDetectionMode.EnabledWithStackTrace`, native memory leaks will be reported upon domain reload. * UnsafeParallelHashSet.ReadOnly was not usable in jobs due to extraneous [NativeContainer] attribute * NativeRingQueue.Dispose(JobHandle) allowed scheduling as a race condition * Dispose(JobHandle) for many native containers adhere to proper safety system expectations * Lowered benchmark memory usage in non-desktop player builds to avoid out-of-memory failures * Fixed container types could provide unaligned access to `T` elements which could violate platform alignment requirements resulting in native exceptions / crashes in player builds. All fixed types like `FixedList` now provide 8 byte alignment for the `FixedList` type itself, whereas the elements `T` remain naturally aligned in the contiguous storage buffer inside `FixedList` ## [2.1.0-pre.18] - 2023-03-21 ### Added * UnsafeParallelHashMap.ParallelWriter.ThreadIndex is a public read-only property to mirror functionality in NativeParallelHashMap * NativeParallelHashMap.ParallelWriter.TryAdd that takes a thread index argument for advanced usage * UnsafeParallelHashMap.ParallelWriter.TryAdd that takes a thread index argument for advanced usage * `Starts/EndsWith` to `Native/UnsafeText` and `FixedStringN`. ### Changed * `NativeReference/NativeList.GetUnsafePtr` returns typed pointer `T*` instead of typeless `void*`. * Updated Burst version in use to 1.8.3 * Updated auto-generated allocator performance comparison documentation * NativeParallelHashMap.ParallelWriter.m_ThreadIndex public property renamed to ThreadIndex * Allocator benchmark documentation updated to reflect corrected performance measurements * NativeParallelHashMap.ParallelWriter.TryAdd that takes a thread index argument is internal now * UnsafeParallelHashMap.ParallelWriter.TryAdd that takes a thread index argument is internal now * Significant performance improvements, especially when not burst compiled, across the board in all containers * Implementation for NativeRingQueue simplified and performance increased greatly ### Removed * GenPerformanceComparisonMd * InternalsVisibleTo reference to Tiny ### Fixed * All HashMap and HashSet types are now consistently initialized with a capacity no less than the `minGrowth` specified * Incorrect markdown syntax for header anchors * `UnsafeAppendBuffer` now safely reads and writes type `T`. Previously, it was possible to make unaligned reads and writes of type `T` which could violate platform architecture alignment requirements. ## [2.1.0-pre.11] - 2023-02-13 ### Added * Ability to resize `Unsafe/NativeBitArray` with `Resize`, `SetCapacity`, `TrimExcess` methods. * `.Substring` method to `FixedStringN`, and `NativeText`. * `NativeRingQueue`. * `CollectionHelper.Dispose` to dispose a NativeArray without Allocator input parameter. ### Changed * Reviewed all safety checks and made many of them supported with `UNITY_DOTS_DEBUG` in addition to `ENABLE_UNITY_COLLECTIONS_CHECKS` * Optimize `RewindableAllocator`. * Underlying algorithm for `*HashMap/Set` containters to improve performance. ### Fixed * Code generation responsible for early initialization of JobReflectionData could previously emit enormous amounts of code that could dramatically increase IL2CPP build times. We now produce the minimal amount of code necessary and no longer impact IL2CPP compilation times. * Removed unnecessary test and documentation samples assemblies from always being loaded in projects. * `NativeHashSet.ToNativeArray(allocator)` now works with custom allocators * `AllocatorManager.Block.AllocatedBytes` and `AllocatorManager.Block.Bytes` properties could overflow returning incorrect negative values. ## [2.1.0-pre.6] - 2022-11-23 ### Fixed * `FixedListNBytes.Buffer` and `FixedString.GetUnsafePtr()` could return an invalid pointer in some cases, if the target object was `readonly`. ## [2.1.0-pre.2] - 2022-10-11 ### Added * BinarySearch for `NativeArray.ReadOnly` * `NativeArray.CopyFrom` containers: `NativeList`, `NativeHashSet`, `UnsafeHashSet`. * `NativeArray.ArrayEquals` containers: `NativeList`. * `NativeList.CopyFrom` containers: `NativeArray`, `NativeList`, `UnsafeList`. * `NativeList.ArrayEquals` containers: `NativeArray`, `NativeList`, `UnsafeList`. * Docs how to create/use/dispose a rewindable allocator. * Document how how to define a custom allocator from scratch. * `CollectionHelper.DisposeNativeArray` to dispose native array created from a custom allocator. * WriteDouble, WritePackedDouble, WritePackedDoubleDelta to DataStreamWriter * ReadDouble, ReadPackedDouble, ReadPackedDoubleDelta to DataStreamReader ### Changed * Change the default `NativeArrayOptions` in `CollectionHelper.CreateNativeArray` to `UninitializedMemory`. ### Removed * Move doc `allocator.md` into `allocator` folder in `Documentation~`. ### Fixed * Don't cache `DataStreamWriter.IsLittleEndian`, as the cache could not be properly populated if its shared static was not 0-initialized. * BinarySearch is using read-only access. * Memory leak in `Native/UnsafeStream` due to orphaned block. * Debug visualizers display content even when safety handle is in write-only mode. ## [2.1.0-exp.4] - 2022-08-05 ### Added * `Native/Unsafe/FixedList.InsertRange` with index/count arguments. * StreamCompressionModel moved from com.unity.transport * DataStreamReader moved from com.unity.transport * DataStreamWriter moved from com.unity.transport * Job types depending on collections have been moved here * Burst compiled delegates for allocators are now cached, which avoids a costly re-compilation * `DataStreamReader` can now be passed to a job * `DataStreamReader` can now be passed to a job. * IJobParallelForBatch from com.unity.jobs * `Unsafe/NativeHashMap/Set` suitable for single-threaded use cases. * `Native/UnsafeHashSet.ReadOnly` and `Native/UnsafeParallelHashSet.ReadOnly`. * `ConvertExistingDataToNativeArray` in `CollectionHelper` for custom allocators. * `Native/UnsafeBitArray.ReadOnly`. * CopyFromTruncated for one FixedStringXXXBytes to another FixedStringYYYBytes * New method `AddReplicate` to `NativeList`, `UnsafeList` and all `FixedList`, which will add a value `count` times to the list. * `CollectionHelper.CreateSafetyHandle` and `CollectionHelper.DisposeSafetyHandle` are public APIs now. ### Changed * Reverted some NativeArray test changes that were introduced in 1.0.0-pre.4 * T constraint on all containers from `struct` to `unmanaged` * Add the missing string interpolation operator in two memory exception messages and make the message clearer. * Awareness of newly supported nested containers * Renamed `UnsafeHashSet` to `UnsafeParallelHashSet`. * Renamed `NativeHashSet` to `NativeParallelHashSet`. * Renamed `UnsafeHashMap` to `UnsafeParallelHashMap`. * Renamed `NativeHashMap` to `NativeParallelHashMap`. * Renamed `UnsafeMultiHashMap` to `UnsafeParallelMultiHashMap`. * Renamed `NativeMultiHashMap` to `NativeParallelMultiHashMap`. * Faster FixedString comparison * Reset `m_best` in RewindableAllocator rewind. * IJobParallelForFilter renamed to IJobFilter to better reflect functionality * Ensure lazy initialization of IJob types * Change Bool type, `m_enableBlockFree` in `RewindableAllocator` to Byte type. * Change the growth rate of memory block size in RewindableAllocator. * FixedList methods `AddRange` and `AddRangeNoResize` will no longer append elements if they would exceed capacity. ### Fixed * Added an assembly definition file for sample code in the package to avoid spurious warnings when adding the package * Some `AssumePositive` assumptions that should have been after some safety checks but weren't. * `Native/UnsafeList.InsertRangeWithBeginEnd` to allow end argument to resize list. * Fixed a race condition in the parallel hashmap when using `ParallelWriter` with hashmaps that operate close to their capacity * Update documentation on existing DataStream structs and helper methods. ### Removed * DisposeSentinel usage in containers. * deprecated code untyped `UnsafeList`, and `WordStorage`. * All deprecated code. * Temporary NativeArray placeholder ### Deprecated * NetworkCompressionModel. New type StreamCompressionModel is no longer IDisposable and all usage of this should use the SharedStatic reference instead. * Packed read and write methods that take NetworkCompressionModel as a parameter. New versions taking StreamCompressionModel as an argument should be used instead. * `UnsafeList.ParallelReader` replaced by `UnsafeList.ReadOnly`. * `NativeList.AsParallelReader()` replaced by `NativeList.AsReadOnly()`. * Implicit cast operator from `NativeList` to `NativeArray`. Explicit cast method `NativeList.AsArray()` should be used instead. ## [1.4.0] - 2022-07-12 ### Changed * The com.unity.jobs package has been merged into com.unity.collections to resolve circular dependency issues that can occur when using Unity 2022.2+ ## [1.3.2] - 2022-06-27 * updated minimum compatible version of Unity to 2020.3.30f1 ## [1.3.1] - 2022-06-13 * Minor Fixes to changelog ## [1.3.0] - 2022-05-16 ### Changed * Reverted some NativeArray test changes that were introduced in 1.0.0-pre.4 ### Fixed * Added an assembly definition file for sample code in the package to avoid spurious warnings when adding the package ## [1.2.3] - 2022-03-18 ### Changed * Minor fixes to changelog ## [1.2.3-pre.1] - 2022-03-04 ### Changed * Updated package dependencies ## [1.2.2] - 2022-03-03 ### Changed * Updated package `com.unity.test-framework` to version `1.1.31`. * Updated package `com.unity.burst` to version `1.6.4`. ## [1.2.1] - 2022-02-17 ### Fixed * Shutdown the WordStorage with application exit to ensure memory is freed. * `NativeList.AsDeferredJobArray` allocator label is changed to `Allocator.Invalid` to infer that the array is in list mode. ### Added * Added FixedStringMethods.CopyFromTruncated to copy a string to a FixedString explicitly allowing truncation * Added `NativeText.ReadOnly` type which provides a readonly, lightweight copy of a `NativeText` or `UnsafeText` type. * New public API AllocatorHandle.UnmanagedUnregister, which unregisters an allocator without using managed code. ### Changed * `Native/UnsafeMultiHashMap.GetUniqueKeyArrayNBC` extension methods from `Unity.Collections.NotBurstCompatible` are not necessary anymore. Burst supports tuple. Original methods `Native/UnsafeMultiHashMap.GetUniqueKeyArray` are now available again. * Reverted some NativeArray test changes that were introduced in 1.0.0-pre.4 * Static safety ID created for all types containing a uniquely represented AtomicSafetyHandle ## [1.2.0] - 2022-01-18 ### Fixed * Shutdown the WordStorage with application exit to ensure memory is freed. * `NativeList.AsDeferredJobArray` allocator label is changed to `Allocator.Invalid` to infer that the array is in list mode. ### Added * Added FixedStringMethods.CopyFromTruncated to copy a string to a FixedString explicitly allowing truncation * Added `NativeText.ReadOnly` type which provides a readonly, lightweight copy of a `NativeText` or `UnsafeText` type. * New public API AllocatorHandle.UnmanagedUnregister, which unregisters an allocator without using managed code. ### Changed * `Native/UnsafeMultiHashMap.GetUniqueKeyArrayNBC` extension methods from `Unity.Collections.NotBurstCompatible` are not necessary anymore. Burst supports tuple. Original methods `Native/UnsafeMultiHashMap.GetUniqueKeyArray` are now available again. * Reverted some NativeArray test changes that were introduced in 1.0.0-pre.4 * Static safety ID created for all types containing a uniquely represented AtomicSafetyHandle ## [1.1.0] - 2021-10-27 ### Added * `REMOVE_DISPOSE_SENTINEL` ifdefs in all containers for future removal of DisposeSentinel. * Bounds check to `Fixed/Native/UnsafeList`. * `SetCapacity` and `TrimExcess` to `NativeList`. * A custom allocator wrapper `AllocatorHelper` to facilitate custom allocator creation and destruction. * NativeList<>.ArraysEqual & UnsafeList<>.ArraysEqual * UnsafeList.CopyFrom ### Changed * Only lower 15 bits of an allocator handle version are valid. ### Fixed * Error in leak detection for NativeList created by RewindableAllocator. * Removed pointer caching from `Native/UnsafeList.ParallelWriter`. * `AtomicSafetyHandle` issue preventing use of `foreach` iterator in jobs for `NativeHashSet`, `NativeHashMap`, and `NativeMultiHashMap` containers. ## [1.0.0-pre.6] - 2021-08-31 ### Removed * VirtualMemoryUtility * BaselibErrorState * BaselibSourceLocation * VMRange * DisposeSentinel (managed object) from all `Native*` containers. ### Changed * Native container memory allocations align to multiple cacheline size. * UnsafeText is marshalable now (doesn't contain generic field UnsafeList). ### Fixed * AllocatorManager.AllocateBlock no longer ignores alignment when allocating. * Redundant and wrong computation of memory allocation alignment. ## [1.0.0-pre.5] - 2021-08-20 ### Changed * Renamed FixedListN to FixedListNBytes, for all N, and same for FixedString ### Fixed * NativeBitArray, NativeQueue, NativeStream, and NativeText will no longer throw an exception when using a custom allocator inside of a job. ## [1.0.0-pre.4] - 2021-08-11 ### Added * `FixedList*` overflow checks when `UNITY_DOTS_DEBUG` is enabled. * Disposed NativeArray related tests and updated some invalidated native array from native list tests to confirm that exceptions are thrown when accessing an object's Length and indexer following its disposal ### Changed * Updated internal dependencies * InvalidArrayAccessFromListJob check in the InvalidatedArrayAccessFromListThrowsInsideJob unit test to expect an ObjectDisposedException due to a change in the type thrown for AtomicSafetyHandle.CheckAndThrow ### Fixed * Setting UnsafeList.Length will now resize the storage properly. ## [1.0.0-pre.3] - 2021-06-29 ### Added * `Native/UnsafeList*.RemoveRange*` with index/count arguments. * Upgraded to burst 1.5.2 * `UnsafeText` added. ### Changed * Burst compatibility tests now treat any explicit uses of `[BurstCompatible]` on private methods as an error (as opposed to silently ignoring) to avoid giving the impression that private methods are being tested. * `NativeList` generic constraint `T` is changed from `struct` to `unmanaged` to match `UnsafeList`. User code can be simply fixed by changing `struct` to `unmanaged` when using `NativeList` inside generic container. * `NativeHashMap.GetBucketData` renamed to `NativeHashMap.GetUnsafeBucketData` * Update the package to 1.0.0 * `HeapString` renamed to `NativeText`. `NativeText` is based on `UnsafeText`. ### Deprecated * Generated `FixedList[Byte/Int/Float][32/64/128/256/512]` are deprecated, and replaced with generics `FixedList[32/64/128/256/512]`. * `UnsafeMultiHashMap.GetUniqueKeyArray` replaced with extension method `UnsafeMultiHashMap.GetUniqueKeyValueNBC` from `Unity.Collections.NotBurstCompatible` namespace. * `NativeMultiHashMap.GetUniqueKeyArray` replaced with extension method `NativeMultiHashMap.GetUniqueKeyValueNBC` from `Unity.Collections.NotBurstCompatible` namespace. * `NativeList.ToArray` replaced with extension method `NativeList.ToArrayNBC` from `Unity.Collections.NotBurstCompatible` * `NativeList.CopyFrom` replaced with extension method `NativeList.CopyFromNBC` from `Unity.Collections.NotBurstCompatible` namespace. * `UnsafeAppendBuffer.Add` replaced with extension method`UnsafeAppendBuffer.AddNBC` from `Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe.NotBurstCompatible` namespace. * `UnsafeAppendBuffer.ToBytes` replaced with extension method `UnsafeAppendBuffer.ToBytesNBC` from `Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe.NotBurstCompatible` namespace. * `UnsafeAppendBuffer.Reader.ReadNext` replaced with extension method `UnsafeAppendBuffer.Reader.ReadNextNBC` from `Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe.NotBurstCompatible` namespace. * `Native/UnsafeList*.RemoveRange*WithBeginEnd` methods with begin/end arguments in favor of `Native/UnsafeList*.RemoveRange*` with index/count arguments. * `UnsafeList` and replaced it with `UnsafeList`. * VirtualMemoryUtility. ### Removed * `NativeQueue.PersistentMemoryBlockCount` and `NativeQueue.MemoryBlockSize` are now internal APIs. ### Fixed * Burst compatibility tests will now ignore any method containing a '$' in the name, which can be generated by the Burst direct call IL post processor. * xxHash3 is initialized after assembly load to avoid an exception that could be thrown if xxHash3 is accessed for the first time on a thread other than the main thread. ### Security ## [0.17.0] - 2021-03-15 ### Added * `[NotBurstCompatible]` attribute to FixedStringN constructors that use a String argument. * `[NotBurstCompatible]` attribute to NativeQueue constructor. * `UnsafeList.Create` and `UnsafeList.Destroy` API. * BurstCompatibilityTests now has a constructor that accepts multiple assembly names to verify Burst compatibility. This allows one test to verify multiple assemblies and can dramatically reduce CI times by avoiding costly setup overhead. * `UnsafePtrList` to replace deprecated untyped `UnsafePtrList`. * Burst compatibility tests now also write the generated code to the Temp directory in order to make it easier to inspect. * `FixedList*.RemoveRange*` with index/count arguments. * FixedString parsing to type uint ### Deprecated * untyped UnsafePtrList, and added `UnsafePtrList` as replacement. * `FixedList*.RemoveRange*WithBeginEnd` methods with begin/end arguments in favor of `FixedList*.RemoveRange*` with index/count arguments. ### Removed * Removed single arg `FixedString*.Format` extension methods, use `Clear()` followed by `Append()`. * CollectionsBurstTests has been removed and placed into the Entities test project. * `com.unity.test-framework.performance` preview package dependency, and moved performance unit tests depending on it into different location. ### Fixed * `*BitArray.Clear` when clearing with very short bit arrays. * `NativeQueue.AsParallelWriter` doesn't need to be cached when chaining jobs. Removed unnecessary safety handle that was preventing calling `NativeQueue.AsParallelWriter()` multiple times when scheduling jobs. ## [0.16.0] - 2021-01-26 ### Deprecated * Sort methods that return a JobHandle deprecated in favor of new SortJob methods that return a job struct. Less conveniently, the user is responsible for calling Schedule on the struct, but this pattern better accommodates scheduling generic jobs from Bursted code (See https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.entities@latest/index.html?subfolder=/manual/ecs_generic_jobs.html). ### Removed * Removed deprecated `FixedListN.IndexOf` and `SortJob` variants ### Fixed * An ENABLE_UNITY_COLLECTIONS_CHECKS define was misspelled. Now Memory is checked for reasonable byte length when enabled. * Many methods that use `IJob` were marked as `[NotBurstCompatible]` to reflect their true Burst compatibility. ### Changed * Updated `com.unity.burst` to `1.4.4` ## [0.15.0] - 2020-11-13 ### Added * `NativeReference` constructor to initialize it with existing value. * `T[] *HashSet.ToArray()` returns an array of all elements in the set. * xxHash3 now also has a utility method to hash a struct directly (Previously it was only pointer + size) * `[BurstCompatible]` attribute to FixedList and extensions. * `[BurstCompatible]` attribute to CollectionHelper. * `[BurstCompatible]` attribute to FixedBytesN. * `[BurstCompatible]` attribute to HeapString. * `[BurstCompatible]` attribute to NativeArrayExtensions. * `[BurstCompatible]` attribute to NativeBitArray. * `[BurstCompatible]` attribute to NativeBitArrayUnsafeUtility. * `[BurstCompatible]` attribute to NativeHashMap. * `[BurstCompatible]` attribute to NativeHashMapExtensions. * `[BurstCompatible]` attribute to NativeHashSet. * `[BurstCompatible]` attribute to NativeList. * `[BurstCompatible]` attribute to NativeListUnsafeUtility. * `[BurstCompatible]` attribute to NativeMultiHashMap. * `[BurstCompatible]` attribute to NativeQueue. * `[BurstCompatible]` attribute to NativeReference. * `[BurstCompatible]` attribute to NativeStream. * `[BurstCompatible]` attribute to NativeString. * `[BurstCompatible]` attribute to UTF8ArrayUnsafeUtility. * `[BurstCompatible]` attribute to Unicode and Rune. * `[BurstCompatible]` attribute to NativeStringView. * `[BurstCompatible]` attribute to UnsafeAppendBuffer. * `[BurstCompatible]` attribute to UnsafeAtomicCounter32 and UnsafeAtomicCounter64. * `[BurstCompatible]` attribute to UnsafeHashMap. * `[BurstCompatible]` attribute to UnsafeHashSet. * `[BurstCompatible]` attribute to UnsafeList, UnsafeListExtensions, UnsafePtrList, UnsafePtrListExtensions. * `[BurstCompatible]` attribute to UnsafeRingQueue. * `[BurstCompatible]` attribute to UnsafeScratchAllocator. * `[BurstCompatible]` attribute to UnsafeUtilityExtensions. * `[BurstCompatible]` attribute to VMRange, Baselib_ErrorState, and VirtualMemoryUtility. * `[BurstCompatible]` attribute to xxHash3. ### Changed * Update burst to 1.4.1. * *BitArray `Length` would previously report backing capacity which is always 64-bit aligned, changed it to report number of bits user requested on allocation. For example, allocating 3 bits will now report `Length` 3 instead capacity which is always aligned to 64-bits. * Update minimum editor version to 2020.1.2f1 ### Fixed * Code generation for indexers in structs with [BurstCompatible] attribute. * *BitArray search for empty bits when number of bits is less than 7 and backing storage is fragmented with 0x81 bit pattern. * Namespace for `*HashSet.ExceptWith/IntersectWith/UnionWith` extension methods, so that use of `Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe` namespace is not necessary. * using FixedList.ToNativeArray with collection checks enabled used to throw a null reference exception. ## [0.14.0] - 2020-09-24 ### Added * `*UnsafeBitArray.Find` with pos/count search range arguments. ### Changed * `UnsafeStream` block allocation performance has been improved by ~16% by appending to the start of the per-thread block lists rather than the end. ### Removed * `FixedList*.InsertRange`, `FixedList*.RemoveRangeSwapBack`, `FixedList*.RemoveRange`, `NativeString*`, `NativeList.RemoveRangeSwapBack`, `NativeList.RemoveRange`, `UnsafeList.RemoveRangeSwapBack`, `UnsafeList.RemoveRange`, `FixedString*.Format`, `FixedString*.AppendFrom`, `NativeHashSet.TryAdd`, `UnsafeHashSet.TryAdd`. * `[NativeContainerSupportsDeallocateOnJobCompletion]` attribute from `NativeReference` container. It didn't work properly. Users can use `Dispose(JobHandle)` method instead. ### Fixed * `FixedList` `Remove` and `RemoveSwapBack` extension methods were modifying copy, fixed by passing `this` by reference to modify actual container. ## [0.13.0] - 2020-08-26 ### Added * Added `*BitArray.Find` linear search for 0-bit range. * Added `SortJob` extension methods for `NativeList`, `UnsafeList`, `UnsafeList`, and `NativeSlice`. * Added `Sort` method that accepts custom comparator, and job dependency, to all supported containers. * Added `BinarySearch` extension methods for `NativeArray`, `NativeList`, `UnsafeList`, `UnsafeList`, and `NativeSlice`. * Added `foreach` support to `UnsafeList`. ### Changed * `Sort` functions that take an `IComparer` no longer require the sorted elements to be `IComparable` * Bumped Burst to 1.3.5. ### Deprecated * Deprecated `SortJob` with default job dependency argument. Use `Sort` that require an explicit JobHandle argument. If no dependency is needed, pass a default valued JobHandle. ### Removed * Removed: `UnsafeUtilityEx`, `Unity.Collections.Experimental*`,`FixedString*.UTF8LengthInBytes`, and `*Stream.ComputeItemCount()` ### Fixed * Fixed performance regression of `*HashMap.Count()` introduced in Collections 0.10.0. ## [0.12.0] - 2020-08-04 ### Added * Added `Sort` method with custom comparer to `FixedList*` and `UnsafeList`. * Added `IsEmpty` property and `Clear` method to `INativeList` intefrace. * Added `INativeDisposable` interface which provides a mechanism for scheduling release of unmanaged resources. * Added `InsertRangeWithBeginEnd` to `NativeList`, `UnsafeList`, `UnsafeList`, and `UnsafePtrList`. * Added `AddRange` and `AddRangeNoResize` to `FixedList*`. * Added properties to `BaselibErrorState` to check if an operation resulted in success, out of memory, or accessing an invalid address range. * Added `HeapString` type, for arbitrary-length (up to 2GB) heap-allocated strings compatible with the `FixedString*` methods. Allocating a `HeapString` requires specifying an allocator and disposing appropriately. ### Deprecated * Deprecated `FixedList*` method `IndexOf` with `index` and `index/count` arguments. ### Removed * Removed: `IJobNativeMultiHashMapMergedSharedKeyIndices` `JobNativeMultiHashMapUniqueHashExtensions` `IJobNativeMultiHashMapVisitKeyValue` `JobNativeMultiHashMapVisitKeyValue` `IJobNativeMultiHashMapVisitKeyMutableValue` `JobNativeMultiHashMapVisitKeyMutableValue` `IJobUnsafeMultiHashMapMergedSharedKeyIndices` `JobUnsafeMultiHashMapUniqueHashExtensions` `IJobUnsafeMultiHashMapVisitKeyValue` `JobUnsafeMultiHashMapVisitKeyValue` `IJobUnsafeMultiHashMapVisitKeyMutableValue` `JobUnsafeMultiHashMapVisitKeyMutableValue` ### Fixed * Fixed `*HashMap.IsEmpty` when items are added and removed from `*HashMap. IsEmpty` previously used allocated count only to report emptiness, but returning not-empty didn't actually meant that `*HashMap` is not empty. * Fixed bug where `*HashSet.Enumerator.Current` would always return the default value instead of the actual value from the set. * Fixed bug with `*HashMap/Set.Enumerator` returning wrong index and dereferencing out of bounds memory. ## [0.11.0] - 2020-07-10 ### Added * Added `VirtualMemoryUtility` providing low-level virtual memory utility functions backed by baselib. * `*HashMap` and `*HashSet` now implement `IEnumerable<>`. * `ReadArrayElementBoundsChecked` and `WriteArrayElementBoundsChecked` for ease of debugging `ReadArrayElement` and `WriteArrayElement` without sacrificing performance by adding bounds checking directly to those functions. * Added `InsertRangeWithBeginEnd`, `RemoveRangeSwapBackWithBeginEnd`, and `RemoveRangeWithBeginEnd` to list containers. `*WithBeginEnd` in name signifies that arguments are begin/end instead of more standard index/count. Once `InsertRange`, `RemoveRangeSwapBack`, and `RemoveRange` are completely deprecated and removed, those methods will be added with correct index/count arguments. * Added `xxHash3` type to expose 64/128bits hashing API using xxHash3 algorithm (corresponding to the C++ version https://github.com/Cyan4973/xxHash/releases/tag/v0.8.0) ### Changed * Updated minimum Unity Editor version to 2020.1.0b15 (40d9420e7de8) * Bumped burst to 1.3.2 version. * Changed `*HashSet.Add` API to return bool when adding element to set. * `UnsafeUtilityExtensions` is now public. * `NativeReference` methods `Equals` and `GetHashCode` will now operate on the value instead of the data pointer. * `FixedString{32,64,128,512,4096}` have been reworked. * Functionality is shared via generics as much as possible. The API attempts to follow `StringBuilder` semantics. * `Append` methods now consistently append. * `Append` variant to append a char was added (appends the `char`, does not resolve to int overload). * `Format` methods that replaced the contents of the target have been deprecated. Use `Clear()` followed by `Append()`. Because FixedStrings start out cleared, in most cases just an `Append` is sufficient. * `Format` that takes a format string has been renamed to `AppendFormat`. The static `FixedString.Format` methods still exist for convenience, and return a `FixedString128`. * It is possible for users to extend the `Append` family of methods to support appending their own types. See `FixedStringAppendMethods.cs` for examples of how to declare your own extension methods. ### Deprecated * Deprecated `*HashSet.TryAdd`. `*HashSet.Add` is equivalent. * Deprecated `NativeString*`. The functionality is replaced by `FixedString*`. * Deprecated `InsertRange`, `RemoveRangeSwap`, and `RemoveRange` from list containers, and added `InsertRangeWithBeginEnd`, `RemoveRangeSwapBackWithBeginEnd`, and `RemoveRangeWithBeginEnd`. `*WithBeginEnd` in name signifies that arguments are begin/end instead of more standard index/count. Once `InsertRange`, `RemoveRangeSwapBack`, and `RemoveRange` are completely deprecated and removed, those methods will be added with correct index/count arguments. ### Removed * Removed `System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.dll` from package. ### Known Issues * This version is not compatible with 2020.2.0a17. Please update to the forthcoming alpha. All containers allocated with `Allocator.Temp` on the same thread use a shared `AtomicSafetyHandle` instance. This is problematic when using `NativeHashMap`, `NativeMultiHashMap`, `NativeHashSet` and `NativeList` together in situations where their secondary safety handle is used. This means that operations that invalidate an enumerator for either of these collections (or the `NativeArray` returned by `NativeList.AsArray`) will also invalidate all other previously acquired enumerators. For example, this will throw when safety checks are enabled: ``` var list = new NativeList(Allocator.Temp); list.Add(1); // This array uses the secondary safety handle of the list, which is // shared between all Allocator.Temp allocations. var array = list.AsArray(); var list2 = new NativeHashSet(Allocator.Temp); // This invalidates the secondary safety handle, which is also used // by the list above. list2.TryAdd(1); // This throws an InvalidOperationException because the shared safety // handle was invalidated. var x = array[0]; ``` This defect will be addressed in a future release. ## [0.10.0] - 2020-05-27 ### Added * Added `Native/UnsafeHashSet` containers. * Added `IsEmpty` method to `*Queue`, `*HashMap`, `*MultiHashMap`, `*List`, `FixedString`. This method should be prefered to `Count() > 0` due to simpler checks for empty container. * Added a new container `NativeReference` to hold unmanaged allocation. * Added `CollectionsTestFixture` to enable jobs debugger and verify safety checks are enabled. * Added `NativeList.CopyFrom(NativeArray<> array)` ### Changed * Updated minimum Unity Editor version to 2020.1.0b9 (9c0aec301c8d) * Updated package `com.unity.burst` to version `1.3.0-preview.12`. * Made several tests inherit `CollectionsTestFixture` to prevent crashing when running tests without jobs debugger or safety checks enabled. * Added `NativeBitArray.AsNativeArray` method to reinterpret `NativeBitArray` as `NativeArray` of desired type. ### Deprecated * Deprecated `NativeArrayChunked8` and `NativeArrayFullSOA` from Unity.Collections.Experimental. * Deprecated `UnsafeUtilityEx.As/AsRef/ArrayElementAsRef`. The functionality is available in `UnsafeUtility`. ### Fixed * `FixedString` and `FixedList` types now display their contents in the Entity Inspector. * Fixed `NativeHashMap.ParallelWriter.TryAdd` race condition. ## [0.9.0] - 2020-05-04 ### Added * Added `RemoveAt` and `RemoveRange` to List containers in collections. These methods remove elements in list container while preserving order of the list. These methods are slower than `Remove*SwapBack` methods and users should prefer `Remove*SwapBack` if they don't care about preserving order inside \*List container. * Added `*BitArray.Copy` between two different bit arrays. * Added `NativeBitArrayUnsafeUtility.ConvertExistingDataToNativeBitArray` for assigning view into data as bit array. ### Changed * Updated package `com.unity.burst` to version `1.3.0-preview.11` ### Fixed * Moved `NativeMultiHashMap.Remove(TKey key, TValueEq value)` into an extension method and made it Burst compatible * Fixed bug in `*HashMap.Remove` to not throw when removing from empty hash map. ## [0.8.0] - 2020-04-24 ### Added * Added `Native/UnsafeBitArray.Copy` for copying or shifting bits inside array. * Added `UnsafeAtomicCounter32/64` providing helper interface for atomic counter functionality. * Added `NativeBitArray` providing arbitrary sized bit array functionality with safety mechanism. ### Changed * Bumped Burst version to improve compile time and fix multiple bugs. ### Deprecated * Deprecated `IJobNativeMultiHashMapMergedSharedKeyIndices`, `JobNativeMultiHashMapUniqueHashExtensions`, `IJobNativeMultiHashMapVisitKeyValue`, `JobNativeMultiHashMapVisitKeyValue`, `IJobNativeMultiHashMapVisitKeyMutableValue`, `JobNativeMultiHashMapVisitKeyMutableValue`, and introduced `NativeHashMap.GetUnsafeBucketData` and `NativeMultiHashMap.GetUnsafeBucketData` to obtain internals to implement deprecated functionality inside user code. If this functionality is used, the best is to copy deprecated code into user code. ### Removed * Removed expired API `class TerminatesProgramAttribute` ## [0.7.1] - 2020-04-08 ### Deprecated * Deprecated `Length` property from `NativeHashMap`, `UnsafeHashMap`, `NativeMultiHashMap`, `UnsafeMultiHashMap`, `NativeQueue`, and replaced it with `Count()` to reflect that there is computation being done. ### Fixed * Fixed an issue where `FixedListDebugView` only existed for IComparable types, which lead to a crash while debugging other types. * Removed code that made NativeStream incompatible with Burst. ## [0.7.0] - 2020-03-13 ### Added * Added ability to dispose NativeKeyValueArrays from job (DisposeJob). * Added `NativeQueue.ToArray` to copy a native queue to an array efficiently ### Changed * Upgraded Burst to fix multiple issues and introduced a native debugging feature. ### Deprecated * Deprecated `Length` property from `NativeHashMap`, `UnsafeHashMap`, `NativeMultiHashMap`, `UnsafeMultiHashMap`, `NativeQueue`, and replaced it with `Count()` to reflect that there is computation being done. ### Removed * Removed expired API `CollectionHelper.CeilPow2()` * Removed expired API `CollectionHelper.lzcnt()` * Removed expired API `struct ResizableArray64Byte` ### Fixed * Removed code that made `NativeStream` incompatible with Burst. ## [0.6.0] - 2020-03-03 ### Added * Added ability to dispose `UnsafeAppendBuffer` from a `DisposeJob`. * Added NativeHashSetExtensions and UnsafeHashSetExtensions for HashSetExtensions in different namespaces. ### Changed * `UnsafeAppendBuffer` field `Size` renamed to `Length`. * Removed `[BurstDiscard]` from all validation check functions. Validation is present in code compiled with Burst. ### Removed * Removed expired overloads for `NativeStream.ScheduleConstruct` without explicit allocators. * Removed HashSetExtensions, replaced with NativeHashSetExtensions and UnsafeHashSetExtensions. ### Fixed * Fixed `UnsafeBitArray` out-of-bounds access. ## [0.5.2] - 2020-02-17 ### Changed * Changed `NativeList` parallel reader/writer to match functionality of `UnsafeList` parallel reader/writer. * Updated dependencies of this package. ### Removed * Removed expired API `UnsafeUtilityEx.RestrictNoAlias` ### Fixed * Fixed bug in `NativeList.CopyFrom`. ## [0.5.1] - 2020-01-28 ### Changed * Updated dependencies of this package. ## [0.5.0] - 2020-01-16 ### Added * Added `UnsafeRingQueue` providing fixed-size circular buffer functionality. * Added missing `IDisposable` constraint to `UnsafeList` and `UnsafeBitArray`. * Added `ReadNextArray` to access a raw array (pointer and length) from an `UnsafeAppendBuffer.Reader`. * Added FixedString types, guaranteed binary-layout identical to NativeString types, which they are intended to replace. * Added `FixedList` generic self-contained List struct * Added `BitArray.SetBits` with arbitrary ulong value. * Added `BitArray.GetBits` to retrieve bits as ulong value. ### Changed * Changed `UnsafeBitArray` memory initialization option default to `NativeArrayOptions.ClearMemory`. * Changed `FixedList` structs to pad to natural alignment of item held in list ### Deprecated * `BlobAssetComputationContext.AssociateBlobAssetWithGameObject(int, GameObject)` replaced by its `UnityEngine.Object` counterpart `BlobAssetComputationContext.AssociateBlobAssetWithUnityObject(int, UnityEngine.Object)` to allow association of BlobAsset with any kind of `UnityEngine.Object` derived types. * Adding removal dates to the API that have been deprecated but did not have the date set. ### Removed * Removed `IEquatable` constraint from `UnsafeList`. ### Fixed * Fixed `BitArray.SetBits`. ## [0.4.0] - 2019-12-16 **This version requires Unity 2019.3.0f1+** ### New Features * Adding `FixedListTN` as a non-generic replacement for `ResizableArrayN`. * Added `UnsafeBitArray` providing arbitrary sized bit array functionality. ### Fixes * Updated performance package dependency to 1.3.2 which fixes an obsoletion warning * Adding `[NativeDisableUnsafePtrRestriction]` to `UnsafeList` to allow burst compilation. ## [0.3.0] - 2019-12-03 ### New Features * Added fixed-size `BitField32` and `BitField64` bit array. ### Changes Removed the following deprecated API as announced in/before `0.1.1-preview`: * Removed `struct Concurrent` and `ToConcurrent()` for `NativeHashMap`, `NativeMultiHashMap` and `NativeQueue` (replaced by the *ParallelWriter* API). * From NativeStream.cs: `struct NativeStreamReader` and `struct NativeStreamWriter`, replaced by `struct NativeStream.Reader` and `struct NativeStream.Writer`. * From NativeList.cs: `ToDeferredJobArray()` (replaced by `AsDeferredJobArray()` API). ## [0.2.0] - 2019-11-22 **This version requires Unity 2019.3 0b11+** ### New Features * Added fixed-size UTF-8 NativeString in sizes of 32, 64, 128, 512, and 4096 bytes. * Added HPC# functions for float-to-string and string-to-float. * Added HPC# functions for int-to-string and string-to-int. * Added HPC# functions for UTF16-to-UTF8 and UTF8-to-UTF16. * New `Native(Multi)HashMap.GetKeyValueArrays` that will query keys and values at the same time into parallel arrays. * Added `UnsafeStream`, `UnsafeHashMap`, and `UnsafeMultiHashMap`, providing functionality of `NativeStream` container but without any safety mechanism (intended for advanced users only). * Added `AddNoResize` methods to `NativeList`. When it's known ahead of time that list won't grow, these methods won't try to resize. Rather exception will be thrown if capacity is insufficient. * Added `ParallelWriter` support for `UnsafeList`. * Added `UnsafeList.TrimExcess` to set capacity to actual number of elements in the container. * Added convenience blittable `UnsafeList` managed container with unmanaged T constraint. ### Changes * `UnsafeList.Resize` now doesn't resize to lower capacity. User must call `UnsafeList.SetCapacity` to lower capacity of the list. This applies to all other containers based on `UnsafeList`. * Updated dependencies for this package. ### Fixes * Fixed NativeQueue pool leak. ## [0.1.1] - 2019-08-06 ### Fixes * `NativeHashMap.Remove(TKey key, TValueEQ value)` is now supported in bursted code. * Adding deprecated `NativeList.ToDeferredJobArray()` back in - Use `AsDeferredJobArray()` instead. The deprecated function will be removed in 3 months. This can not be auto-upgraded prior to Unity `2019.3`. * Fixing bug where `TryDequeue` on an empty `NativeQueue` that previously had enqueued elements could leave it in an invalid state where `Enqueue` would fail silently afterwards. ### Changes * Updated dependencies for this package. ## [0.1.0] - 2019-07-30 ### New Features * NativeMultiHashMap.Remove(key, value) has been addded. It lets you remove all key & value pairs from the hashmap. * Added ability to dispose containers from job (DisposeJob). * Added UnsafeList.AddNoResize, and UnsafeList.AddRangeNoResize. * BlobString for storing string data in a blob ### Upgrade guide * `Native*.Concurrent` is renamed to `Native*.ParallelWriter`. * `Native*.ToConcurrent()` function is renamed to `Native*.AsParallelWriter()`. * `NativeStreamReader/Writer` structs are subclassed and renamed to `NativeStream.Reader/Writer` (note: changelot entry added retroactively). ### Changes * Deprecated ToConcurrent, added AsParallelWriter instead. * Allocator is not an optional argument anymore, user must always specify the allocator. * Added Allocator to Unsafe\*List container, and removed per method allocator argument. * Introduced memory intialization (NativeArrayOptions) argument to Unsafe\*List constructor and Resize. ### Fixes * Fixed UnsafeList.RemoveRangeSwapBack when removing elements near the end of UnsafeList. * Fixed safety handle use in NativeList.AddRange. ## [0.0.9-preview.20] - 2019-05-24 ### Changes * Updated dependencies for `Unity.Collections.Tests` ## [0.0.9-preview.19] - 2019-05-16 ### New Features * JobHandle NativeList.Dispose(JobHandle dependency) allows Disposing the container from a job. * Exposed unsafe NativeSortExtension.Sort(T* array, int length) method for simpler sorting of unsafe arrays * Imporoved documentation for `NativeList` * Added `CollectionHelper.WriteLayout` debug utility ### Fixes * Fixes a `NativeQueue` alignment issue. ## [0.0.9-preview.18] - 2019-05-01 Change tracking started with this version.