using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UIElements; using UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.Serialization; namespace UnityEditor.ShaderGraph { [Serializable, GenerationAPI] // TODO: Public internal abstract class SubTarget : JsonObject { internal abstract Type targetType { get; } internal Target target { get; set; } public string displayName { get; set; } public bool isHidden { get; set; } public abstract bool IsActive(); public abstract void Setup(ref TargetSetupContext context); public abstract void GetFields(ref TargetFieldContext context); public abstract void GetActiveBlocks(ref TargetActiveBlockContext context); public abstract void GetPropertiesGUI(ref TargetPropertyGUIContext context, Action onChange, Action registerUndo); public virtual void CollectShaderProperties(PropertyCollector collector, GenerationMode generationMode) { } public virtual void ProcessPreviewMaterial(Material material) { } public virtual object saveContext => null; public virtual bool IsNodeAllowedBySubTarget(Type nodeType) => true; // Call after SubTarget parent Target has been deserialized and has been set to a non-null value. internal virtual void OnAfterParentTargetDeserialized() { } } [GenerationAPI] // TODO: Public internal abstract class SubTarget : SubTarget where T : Target { internal override Type targetType => typeof(T); public new T target { get => as T; set => = value; } } }