using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderGraphModule; using UnityEngine.Rendering; using UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal; using UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderGraphModule.Util; // In this example we will create a texture reference ContextItem in frameData to hold a reference // used by furture passes. This is usefull to avoid additional blit operations copying back and forth // to the cameras color attachment. Instead of copying it back after the blit operation we can instead // update the reference to the blit destination and use that for future passes. // The is the prefered way to share resources between passes. Previously, it was common to use global textures for this. // However, it's better to avoid using global textures where you can. public class TextureRefRendererFeature : ScriptableRendererFeature { // The ContextItem used to store the texture reference at. public class TexRefData : ContextItem { // The texture reference variable. public TextureHandle texture = TextureHandle.nullHandle; // Reset function required by ContextItem. It should reset all variables not carried // over to next frame. public override void Reset() { // We should always reset texture handles since they are only vaild for the current frame. texture = TextureHandle.nullHandle; } } // This pass updates the reference when making a blit operation using a material and the camera's color attachment. class UpdateRefPass : ScriptableRenderPass { // The data we want to transfer to the render function after recording. class PassData { // For the blit operation we will need the source and destination of the color attachments. public TextureHandle source; public TextureHandle destination; // We will also need a material to transform the color attachment when making a blit operation. public Material material; } // Scale bias is used to blit from source to distination given a 2d scale in the x and y parameters // and an offset in the z and w parameters. static Vector4 scaleBias = new Vector4(1f, 1f, 0f, 0f); // Material used in the blit operation. Material[] m_DisplayMaterials; // Function used to transfer the material from the renderer feature to the render pass. public void Setup(Material[] materials) { m_DisplayMaterials = materials; } // This function blits the whole screen for a given material. public override void RecordRenderGraph(RenderGraph renderGraph, ContextContainer frameData) { foreach (var mat in m_DisplayMaterials) { // Skip material if it is null. if (mat == null) { Debug.LogWarning($"Skipping render pass for unassigned material."); continue; } // Starts the recording of the render graph pass given the name of the pass // and outputting the data used to pass data to the execution of the render function. using (var builder = renderGraph.AddRasterRenderPass($"UpdateRefPass_{}", out var passData)) { var texRefExist = frameData.Contains(); var texRef = frameData.GetOrCreate(); // First time running this pass. Fetch ref from active color buffer. if (!texRefExist) { var resourceData = frameData.Get(); // For this first occurence we would like texRef.texture = resourceData.activeColorTexture; } // Fill in the pass data using by the render function. // Use the old reference from TexRefData. passData.source = texRef.texture; var descriptor = passData.source.GetDescriptor(renderGraph); // We disable MSAA for the blit operations. descriptor.msaaSamples = MSAASamples.None; = $"BlitMaterialRefTex_{}"; descriptor.clearBuffer = false; // Create a new temporary texture to keep the blit result. passData.destination = renderGraph.CreateTexture(descriptor); // Material used in the blit operation. passData.material = mat; // Update the texture reference to the blit destination. texRef.texture = passData.destination; // Sets input attachment. builder.UseTexture(passData.source); // Sets color attachment 0. builder.SetRenderAttachment(passData.destination, 0); // Sets the render function. builder.SetRenderFunc((PassData data, RasterGraphContext rgContext) => ExecutePass(data, rgContext)); } } } // ExecutePass is the render function for each of the blit render graph recordings. // This is good practice to avoid using variables outside of the lambda it is called from. // It is static to avoid using member variables which could cause unintended behaviour. static void ExecutePass(PassData data, RasterGraphContext rgContext) { Blitter.BlitTexture(rgContext.cmd, data.source, scaleBias, data.material, 0); } } // After updating the reference we will need to use the result copying it back to camera's // color attachment. class CopyBackRefPass : ScriptableRenderPass { // This function blits the reference back to the camera's color attachment. public override void RecordRenderGraph(RenderGraph renderGraph, ContextContainer frameData) { // Early exit if TexRefData doesn't exist within frameData since where is nothing to copy back. if (!frameData.Contains()) return; // Fetch UniversalResourceData to retrive the camera's active color texture. var resourceData = frameData.Get(); // Fetch TexRefData to retrive the texture reference. var texRef = frameData.Get(); renderGraph.AddBlitPass(texRef.texture, resourceData.activeColorTexture,,, passName: "Blit Back Pass"); } } [Tooltip("The material used when making the blit operation.")] public Material[] displayMaterials = new Material[1]; UpdateRefPass m_UpdateRefPass; CopyBackRefPass m_CopyBackRefPass; // Here you can create passes and do the initialization of them. This is called everytime serialization happens. public override void Create() { m_UpdateRefPass = new UpdateRefPass(); m_CopyBackRefPass = new CopyBackRefPass(); // Configures where the render pass should be injected. m_UpdateRefPass.renderPassEvent = RenderPassEvent.AfterRenderingPostProcessing; m_CopyBackRefPass.renderPassEvent = RenderPassEvent.AfterRenderingPostProcessing; } // Here you can inject one or multiple render passes in the renderer. // This method is called when setting up the renderer once per-camera. public override void AddRenderPasses(ScriptableRenderer renderer, ref RenderingData renderingData) { // Since they have the same RenderPassEvent the order matters when enqueueing them. // Early exit if there are no materials. if (displayMaterials == null) { Debug.LogWarning("TexterRefRendererFeature materials is null and will be skipped."); return; } m_UpdateRefPass.Setup(displayMaterials); renderer.EnqueuePass(m_UpdateRefPass); renderer.EnqueuePass(m_CopyBackRefPass); } }