using UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering; using UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderGraphModule; using UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderGraphModule.Util; namespace UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal { public sealed partial class UniversalRenderer { Material m_DebugBlitMaterial = Blitter.GetBlitMaterial(TextureXR.dimension); bool DebugHandlerRequireDepthPass(UniversalCameraData cameraData) { if ((DebugHandler != null) && DebugHandler.IsActiveForCamera(cameraData.isPreviewCamera)) { if (DebugHandler.TryGetFullscreenDebugMode(out _)) return true; } return false; } void CreateDebugTexture(RenderTextureDescriptor descriptor) { var debugTexDescriptor = descriptor; debugTexDescriptor.useMipMap = false; debugTexDescriptor.autoGenerateMips = false; debugTexDescriptor.bindMS = false; debugTexDescriptor.depthStencilFormat = GraphicsFormat.None; RenderingUtils.ReAllocateHandleIfNeeded(ref m_RenderGraphDebugTextureHandle, debugTexDescriptor, FilterMode.Point, TextureWrapMode.Clamp, name: "_RenderingDebuggerTexture"); } private Rect CalculateUVRect(UniversalCameraData cameraData, float width, float height) { float normalizedSizeX = width / cameraData.pixelWidth; float normalizedSizeY = height / cameraData.pixelHeight; return new Rect(1 - normalizedSizeX, 1 - normalizedSizeY, normalizedSizeX, normalizedSizeY); } private Rect CalculateUVRect(UniversalCameraData cameraData, int textureHeightPercent) { var relativeSize = Mathf.Clamp01(textureHeightPercent / 100f); var width = relativeSize * cameraData.pixelWidth; var height = relativeSize * cameraData.pixelHeight; return CalculateUVRect(cameraData, width, height); } private void CorrectForTextureAspectRatio(ref float width, ref float height, float sourceWidth, float sourceHeight) { if (sourceWidth != 0 && sourceHeight != 0) { // Ensure that atlas is not stretched, but doesn't take up more than the percentage in any dimension. var targetWidth = height * sourceWidth / sourceHeight; if (targetWidth > width) { height = width * sourceHeight / sourceWidth; } else { width = targetWidth; } } } private void SetupRenderGraphFinalPassDebug(RenderGraph renderGraph, ContextContainer frameData) { UniversalResourceData resourceData = frameData.Get(); UniversalCameraData cameraData = frameData.Get(); if ((DebugHandler != null) && DebugHandler.IsActiveForCamera(cameraData.isPreviewCamera)) { if (DebugHandler.TryGetFullscreenDebugMode(out DebugFullScreenMode fullScreenDebugMode, out int textureHeightPercent) && (fullScreenDebugMode != DebugFullScreenMode.ReflectionProbeAtlas || m_Clustering) && (fullScreenDebugMode != DebugFullScreenMode.STP)) { float screenWidth = cameraData.pixelWidth; float screenHeight = cameraData.pixelHeight; var relativeSize = Mathf.Clamp01(textureHeightPercent / 100f); var height = relativeSize * screenHeight; var width = relativeSize * screenWidth; bool supportsStereo = false; Vector4 dataRangeRemap =; // zero = off, .x = old min, .y = old max, .z = new min, .w = new max // visualize RG internal resources { // if we want to visualize RG internal resources, we need to create an RTHandle external to RG and copy to it the textures to visualize // this is required because the lifetime of these resources is limited to the RenderGraph execution, and we cannot access the actual resources here // we also copy external resources to make them "read only". CreateDebugTexture() can lead to (external) texture reallocation. var debugDescriptor = cameraData.cameraTargetDescriptor; // Ensure target can hold all source values. Source can be signed for example. if(SystemInfo.IsFormatSupported(GraphicsFormat.R16G16B16A16_SFloat, GraphicsFormatUsage.Linear | GraphicsFormatUsage.Render)) debugDescriptor.graphicsFormat = GraphicsFormat.R16G16B16A16_SFloat; CreateDebugTexture(debugDescriptor); ImportResourceParams importParams = new ImportResourceParams(); importParams.clearOnFirstUse = false; importParams.discardOnLastUse = false; TextureHandle debugTexture = renderGraph.ImportTexture(m_RenderGraphDebugTextureHandle, importParams); switch (fullScreenDebugMode) { case DebugFullScreenMode.Depth: { BlitToDebugTexture(renderGraph, resourceData.cameraDepthTexture, debugTexture); supportsStereo = true; break; } case DebugFullScreenMode.MotionVector: { BlitToDebugTexture(renderGraph, resourceData.motionVectorColor, debugTexture, isSourceTextureColor: true); supportsStereo = true; // Motion vectors are in signed UV space, zoom in and normalize for visualization. (note: maybe add an option to use (angle, mag) visualization) const float zoom = 0.01f; dataRangeRemap.x = -zoom; dataRangeRemap.y = zoom; dataRangeRemap.z = 0; dataRangeRemap.w = 1.0f; break; } case DebugFullScreenMode.AdditionalLightsShadowMap: { BlitToDebugTexture(renderGraph, resourceData.additionalShadowsTexture, debugTexture); break; } case DebugFullScreenMode.MainLightShadowMap: { BlitToDebugTexture(renderGraph, resourceData.mainShadowsTexture, debugTexture); break; } case DebugFullScreenMode.AdditionalLightsCookieAtlas: { // Copy atlas texture to make it "readonly". Direct reference (debug=atlas) can lead to handle->texture reallocation. var textureHandle = m_LightCookieManager is { AdditionalLightsCookieAtlasTexture: not null } ? renderGraph.ImportTexture(m_LightCookieManager .AdditionalLightsCookieAtlasTexture) : TextureHandle.nullHandle; BlitToDebugTexture(renderGraph, textureHandle, debugTexture); break; } case DebugFullScreenMode.ReflectionProbeAtlas: { // Copy atlas texture to make it "readonly". Direct reference (debug=atlas) can lead to handle->texture reallocation. var textureHandle = m_ForwardLights.reflectionProbeManager.atlasRT != null ? renderGraph.ImportTexture(RTHandles.Alloc( m_ForwardLights.reflectionProbeManager.atlasRT, transferOwnership: true)) : TextureHandle.nullHandle; BlitToDebugTexture(renderGraph, textureHandle, debugTexture); break; } default: { break; } } } // Textures that are not in screen aspect ratio need to be corrected { RenderTexture source = null; switch (fullScreenDebugMode) { case DebugFullScreenMode.AdditionalLightsShadowMap: source = m_AdditionalLightsShadowCasterPass?.m_AdditionalLightsShadowmapHandle?.rt; break; case DebugFullScreenMode.MainLightShadowMap: source = m_MainLightShadowCasterPass?.m_MainLightShadowmapTexture?.rt; break; case DebugFullScreenMode.AdditionalLightsCookieAtlas: source = m_LightCookieManager?.AdditionalLightsCookieAtlasTexture?.rt; break; case DebugFullScreenMode.ReflectionProbeAtlas: source = m_ForwardLights?.reflectionProbeManager.atlasRT; break; default: break; } // Ensure that atlas is not stretched, but doesn't take up more than the percentage in any dimension. if (source != null) CorrectForTextureAspectRatio(ref width, ref height, source.width, source.height); } Rect uvRect = CalculateUVRect(cameraData, width, height); DebugHandler.SetDebugRenderTarget(m_RenderGraphDebugTextureHandle, uvRect, supportsStereo, dataRangeRemap); } else { DebugHandler.ResetDebugRenderTarget(); } } if (DebugHandler != null) { if (!DebugHandler.TryGetFullscreenDebugMode(out DebugFullScreenMode fullScreenDebugMode, out int textureHeightPercent)) { var debugSettings = DebugHandler.DebugDisplaySettings.gpuResidentDrawerSettings; GPUResidentDrawer.RenderDebugOcclusionTestOverlay(renderGraph, debugSettings,, resourceData.activeColorTexture); float screenWidth = (int)(cameraData.pixelHeight * cameraData.renderScale); float screenHeight = (int)(cameraData.pixelHeight * cameraData.renderScale); float maxHeight = screenHeight * textureHeightPercent / 100.0f; GPUResidentDrawer.RenderDebugOccluderOverlay(renderGraph, debugSettings, new Vector2(0.25f * screenWidth, screenHeight - 1.5f * maxHeight), maxHeight, resourceData.activeColorTexture); } } } private void SetupAfterPostRenderGraphFinalPassDebug(RenderGraph renderGraph, ContextContainer frameData) { UniversalResourceData resourceData = frameData.Get(); UniversalCameraData cameraData = frameData.Get(); if ((DebugHandler != null) && DebugHandler.IsActiveForCamera(cameraData.isPreviewCamera)) { if (DebugHandler.TryGetFullscreenDebugMode(out var debugFullscreenMode, out int textureHeightPercent) && (debugFullscreenMode == DebugFullScreenMode.STP)) { CreateDebugTexture(cameraData.cameraTargetDescriptor); ImportResourceParams importParams = new ImportResourceParams(); importParams.clearOnFirstUse = false; importParams.discardOnLastUse = false; TextureHandle debugTexture = renderGraph.ImportTexture(m_RenderGraphDebugTextureHandle, importParams); BlitToDebugTexture(renderGraph, resourceData.stpDebugView, debugTexture); Rect uvRect = CalculateUVRect(cameraData, textureHeightPercent); Vector4 rangeRemap =; // Off DebugHandler.SetDebugRenderTarget(m_RenderGraphDebugTextureHandle, uvRect, true, rangeRemap); } } } class CopyToDebugTexturePassData { internal TextureHandle src; internal TextureHandle dest; } private void BlitToDebugTexture(RenderGraph renderGraph, TextureHandle source, TextureHandle destination, bool isSourceTextureColor = false) { if (source.IsValid()) { if (isSourceTextureColor) // Use AddCopyPass (RasterRenderPass) when we can { renderGraph.AddCopyPass(source, destination); } else // Use direct blit (UnsafePass) { var blitMaterialParameters = new RenderGraphModule.Util.RenderGraphUtils.BlitMaterialParameters( source, destination, m_DebugBlitMaterial, 0); renderGraph.AddBlitPass(blitMaterialParameters); } } else // Texture is invalid, just show a black view { BlitEmptyTexture(renderGraph, destination); } } private void BlitEmptyTexture(RenderGraph renderGraph, TextureHandle destination, string passName = "Copy To Debug Texture") { using (var builder = renderGraph.AddRasterRenderPass(passName, out var passData)) { passData.src = renderGraph.defaultResources.blackTexture; passData.dest = destination; builder.SetRenderAttachment(destination, 0); builder.AllowPassCulling(false); builder.SetRenderFunc((CopyToDebugTexturePassData data, RasterGraphContext context) => { Blitter.BlitTexture(context.cmd, data.src, new Vector4(1,1,0,0), 0, false); }); } } } }