#if SHADERPASS != SHADERPASS_CUSTOM_UI #error SHADERPASS_CUSTOM_UI_is_not_correctly_defined #endif // Get Homogeneous normalized device coordinates float4 GetVertexPositionNDC(float3 positionCS) { float3 ndc = positionCS * 0.5f; float4 positionNDC; positionNDC.xy = float2(ndc.x, ndc.y * _ProjectionParams.x);// + ndc.w; positionNDC.zw = float2(positionCS.z, 1.0); return positionNDC; } // Transforms position from object space to homogenous space float4 TransformModelToHClip(float3 positionOS) { return mul(unity_MatrixVP, mul(unity_ObjectToWorld, float4(positionOS, 1.0))); } Varyings BuildVaryings(Attributes input) { Varyings output = (Varyings)0; UNITY_SETUP_INSTANCE_ID(input); UNITY_INITIALIZE_VERTEX_OUTPUT_STEREO(output); // Returns the camera relative position (if enabled) float3 positionWS = TransformObjectToWorld(input.positionOS); output.positionCS = TransformWorldToHClip(positionWS); #if UNITY_UV_STARTS_AT_TOP //When UI is set to render in Overlay it writes to GFXdevice //the same as if it was writing to a full screen back buffer //Work around to catch Matrices not supplied by Camera, //So Clipspace is recalculated, using raw unity_ObjectToWorld & unity_MatrixVP output.positionCS = TransformModelToHClip(input.positionOS); output.texCoord0.y = 1.0 - output.texCoord0.y; #endif #ifdef ATTRIBUTES_NEED_NORMAL float3 normalWS = TransformObjectToWorldNormal(input.normalOS); #else // Required to compile ApplyVertexModification that doesn't use normal. float3 normalWS = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); #endif #ifdef ATTRIBUTES_NEED_TANGENT float4 tangentWS = float4(TransformObjectToWorldDir(input.tangentOS.xyz), input.tangentOS.w); #endif // TODO: Change to inline ifdef // Do vertex modification in camera relative space (if enabled) #if defined(HAVE_VERTEX_MODIFICATION) ApplyVertexModification(input, normalWS, positionWS, _TimeParameters.xyz); #endif #ifdef VARYINGS_NEED_POSITION_WS output.positionWS = positionWS; #endif #ifdef VARYINGS_NEED_NORMAL_WS output.normalWS = normalWS; // normalized in TransformObjectToWorldNormal() #endif #ifdef VARYINGS_NEED_TANGENT_WS output.tangentWS = tangentWS; // normalized in TransformObjectToWorldDir() #endif #if defined(VARYINGS_NEED_TEXCOORD0) || defined(VARYINGS_DS_NEED_TEXCOORD0) output.texCoord0 = input.uv0; #endif //UI "Mask" #if defined(VARYINGS_NEED_TEXCOORD1) || defined(VARYINGS_DS_NEED_TEXCOORD1) #ifdef UNITY_UI_CLIP_RECT float2 pixelSize = output.positionCS.w; pixelSize /= float2(1, 1) * abs(mul((float2x2)UNITY_MATRIX_P, _ScreenParams.xy)); float4 clampedRect = clamp(_ClipRect, -2e10, 2e10); float2 maskUV = (input.positionOS.xy - clampedRect.xy) / (clampedRect.zw - clampedRect.xy); output.texCoord1 = float4(input.positionOS.xy * 2 - clampedRect.xy - clampedRect.zw, 0.25 / (0.25 * half2(_UIMaskSoftnessX, _UIMaskSoftnessY) + abs(pixelSize.xy))); #endif #endif #if defined(VARYINGS_NEED_TEXCOORD2) || defined(VARYINGS_DS_NEED_TEXCOORD2) output.texCoord2 = input.uv2; #endif #if defined(VARYINGS_NEED_TEXCOORD3) || defined(VARYINGS_DS_NEED_TEXCOORD3) output.texCoord3 = input.uv3; #endif #if defined(VARYINGS_NEED_COLOR) || defined(VARYINGS_DS_NEED_COLOR) output.color = input.color; #endif #ifdef VARYINGS_NEED_SCREENPOSITION output.screenPosition = GetVertexPositionNDC(output.positionCS); // vertexInput.positionNDC; #endif return output; } PackedVaryings vert(Attributes input) { Varyings output = BuildVaryings(input); PackedVaryings packedOutput = PackVaryings(output); return packedOutput; } half4 frag(PackedVaryings packedInput) : SV_TARGET { Varyings unpacked = UnpackVaryings(packedInput); UNITY_SETUP_INSTANCE_ID(unpacked); UNITY_SETUP_STEREO_EYE_INDEX_POST_VERTEX(unpacked); SurfaceDescriptionInputs surfaceDescriptionInputs = BuildSurfaceDescriptionInputs(unpacked); SurfaceDescription surfaceDescription = SurfaceDescriptionFunction(surfaceDescriptionInputs); //Round up the alpha color coming from the interpolator (to 1.0/256.0 steps) //The incoming alpha could have numerical instability, which makes it very sensible to //HDR color transparency blend, when it blends with the world's texture. const half alphaPrecision = half(0xff); const half invAlphaPrecision = half(1.0/alphaPrecision); unpacked.color.a = round(unpacked.color.a * alphaPrecision)*invAlphaPrecision; half alpha = surfaceDescription.Alpha; half4 color = half4(surfaceDescription.BaseColor + surfaceDescription.Emission, alpha) ; #if !defined(HAVE_VFX_MODIFICATION) && !defined(_DISABLE_COLOR_TINT) color *= unpacked.color; #endif #ifdef UNITY_UI_CLIP_RECT //mask = Uv2 half2 m = saturate((_ClipRect.zw - _ClipRect.xy - abs(unpacked.texCoord1.xy)) * unpacked.texCoord1.zw); color.a *= m.x * m.y; #endif #if _ALPHATEST_ON clip(alpha - surfaceDescription.AlphaClipThreshold); #endif color.rgb *= color.a; return color; }