using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using Unity.AI.Navigation.Editor.Converter; using UnityEditor; namespace Unity.AI.Navigation.Updater { internal class NavMeshSceneConverter : SystemConverter { public override string name => "NavMesh Scene Converter"; public override string info => "Reassigns the legacy baked NavMesh to a NavMeshSurface on a game object named 'Navigation'.\nAdds a NavMeshModifier component to each game object marked as Navigation Static."; public override Type container => typeof(BuiltInToNavMeshSurfaceConverterContainer); List m_AssetsToConvert = new List(); public override void OnInitialize(InitializeConverterContext context, Action callback) { string[] allAssetPaths = AssetDatabase.GetAllAssetPaths(); foreach (string path in allAssetPaths) { if (NavMeshUpdaterUtility.IsSceneReferencingLegacyNavMesh(path)) { ConverterItemDescriptor desc = new ConverterItemDescriptor() { name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path), info = path, warningMessage = String.Empty, helpLink = String.Empty }; m_AssetsToConvert.Add(path); context.AddAssetToConvert(desc); } } callback.Invoke(); } public override void OnRun(ref RunItemContext context) { bool success = NavMeshUpdaterUtility.ConvertScene(; context.hasConverted = success; } } }