using System; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UIElements; using UnityEngine.Assertions; using UnityEditor.Graphing; namespace UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.Drawing.Controls { [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property)] class TextControlAttribute : Attribute, IControlAttribute { string m_Label; public TextControlAttribute(string label = null) { m_Label = label; } public VisualElement InstantiateControl(AbstractMaterialNode node, PropertyInfo propertyInfo) { if (!TextControlView.validTypes.Contains(propertyInfo.PropertyType)) return null; return new TextControlView(m_Label, node, propertyInfo); } } class TextControlView : VisualElement { public static Type[] validTypes = { typeof(string) }; AbstractMaterialNode m_Node; PropertyInfo m_PropertyInfo; string m_Value; int m_UndoGroup = -1; public TextControlView(string label, AbstractMaterialNode node, PropertyInfo propertyInfo) { styleSheets.Add(Resources.Load("Styles/Controls/TextControlView")); m_Node = node; m_PropertyInfo = propertyInfo; label = label ?? ObjectNames.NicifyVariableName(propertyInfo.Name); var container = new VisualElement { name = "container" }; var thisLabel = new Label(label); container.Add(thisLabel); m_Value = GetValue(); string value = null; var field = new TextField { value = m_Value }; field.RegisterCallback(Repaint); field.RegisterCallback(Repaint); field.RegisterValueChangedCallback(evt => { value = GetValue(); value = evt.newValue; if (m_Node.GetType() != typeof(SwizzleNode)) { m_Node.owner.owner.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo("Change" +; m_PropertyInfo.SetValue(m_Node, value, null); m_UndoGroup = -1; } }); // Pressing escape while we are editing causes it to revert to the original value when we gained focus field.Q("unity-text-input").RegisterCallback(evt => { if (evt.keyCode == KeyCode.Escape && m_UndoGroup > -1) { Undo.RevertAllDownToGroup(m_UndoGroup); m_UndoGroup = -1; evt.StopPropagation(); } this.MarkDirtyRepaint(); }, TrickleDown.TrickleDown); field.Q("unity-text-input").RegisterCallback(evt => { if (m_Node.GetType() == typeof(SwizzleNode)) { //Only set node value when mouse clicked away m_Node.owner.owner.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo("Change" +; m_PropertyInfo.SetValue(m_Node, value, null); m_UndoGroup = -1; //Validate graph to update downstream input slot m_Node.owner.ValidateGraph(); m_Node.Dirty(ModificationScope.Topological); } this.MarkDirtyRepaint(); }, TrickleDown.TrickleDown); container.Add(field); Add(container); } string GetValue() { var value = m_PropertyInfo.GetValue(m_Node, null); Assert.IsNotNull(value); return (string)value; } void Repaint(MouseEventBase evt) where T : MouseEventBase, new() { evt.StopPropagation(); this.MarkDirtyRepaint(); } } }