564 lines
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564 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEditor.Callbacks;
using UnityEditor.Rendering.Analytics;
using UnityEditor.Rendering.Universal.Analytics;
using UnityEditor.Rendering.Universal.ShaderGUI;
using UnityEditor.ShaderGraph;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;
using UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal;
using static Unity.Rendering.Universal.ShaderUtils;
using BlendMode = UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode;
namespace UnityEditor.Rendering.Universal
class MaterialModificationProcessor : AssetModificationProcessor
const string k_MaterialExtension = ".mat";
static void OnWillCreateAsset(string asset)
if (!asset.HasExtension(k_MaterialExtension))
class MaterialReimporter : Editor
static bool s_NeedToCheckProjSettingExistence = true;
static void ReimportAllMaterials()
AssetReimportUtils.ReimportAll<Material>(out var duration, out var numberOfAssetsReimported);
AssetReimporterAnalytic.Send<Material>(duration, numberOfAssetsReimported);
MaterialPostprocessor.s_NeedsSavingAssets = true;
static void RegisterUpgraderReimport()
EditorApplication.update += () =>
if (GraphicsSettings.currentRenderPipeline is not UniversalRenderPipelineAsset universalRenderPipeline)
if (Time.renderedFrameCount > 0)
bool fileExist = true;
// We check the file existence only once to avoid IO operations every frame.
if (s_NeedToCheckProjSettingExistence)
fileExist = System.IO.File.Exists(UniversalProjectSettings.filePath);
s_NeedToCheckProjSettingExistence = false;
//This method is called at opening and when URP package change (update of manifest.json)
var curUpgradeVersion = UniversalProjectSettings.materialVersionForUpgrade;
if (curUpgradeVersion != MaterialPostprocessor.k_Upgraders.Length)
string commandLineOptions = Environment.CommandLine;
bool inTestSuite = commandLineOptions.Contains("-testResults");
bool isTemplate = EditorApplication.isCreateFromTemplate;
if (!inTestSuite && fileExist && !isTemplate)
EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("URP Material upgrade", "The Materials in your Project were created using an older version of the Universal Render Pipeline (URP)." +
" Unity must upgrade them to be compatible with your current version of URP. \n" +
" Unity will re-import all of the Materials in your project, save the upgraded Materials to disk, and check them out in source control if needed.\n" +
" Please see the Material upgrade guide in the URP documentation for more information.", "OK");
if (MaterialPostprocessor.s_NeedsSavingAssets)
class MaterialPostprocessor : AssetPostprocessor
public static List<string> s_CreatedAssets = new List<string>();
internal static List<string> s_ImportedAssetThatNeedSaving = new List<string>();
internal static bool s_NeedsSavingAssets = false;
internal static readonly Action<Material, ShaderID>[] k_Upgraders = { UpgradeV1, UpgradeV2, UpgradeV3, UpgradeV4, UpgradeV5, UpgradeV6, UpgradeV7, UpgradeV8, UpgradeV9 };
static internal void SaveAssetsToDisk()
string commandLineOptions = System.Environment.CommandLine;
bool inTestSuite = commandLineOptions.Contains("-testResults");
if (inTestSuite)
// Need to update material version to prevent infinite loop in the upgrader
// when running tests.
UniversalProjectSettings.materialVersionForUpgrade = k_Upgraders.Length;
foreach (var asset in s_ImportedAssetThatNeedSaving)
//to prevent data loss, only update the saved version if user applied change and assets are written to
UniversalProjectSettings.materialVersionForUpgrade = k_Upgraders.Length;
s_NeedsSavingAssets = false;
static void OnPostprocessAllAssets(string[] importedAssets, string[] deletedAssets, string[] movedAssets, string[] movedFromAssetPaths)
string upgradeLog = "";
var upgradeCount = 0;
foreach (var asset in importedAssets)
// we only care about materials
if (!asset.EndsWith(".mat", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
// load the material and look for it's Universal ShaderID
// we only care about versioning materials using a known Universal ShaderID
// this skips any materials that only target other render pipelines, are user shaders,
// or are shaders we don't care to version
var material = (Material)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(asset, typeof(Material));
var shaderID = GetShaderID(material.shader);
if (shaderID == ShaderID.Unknown)
var wasUpgraded = false;
var debug = "\n" + material.name + "(" + shaderID + ")";
// look for the Universal AssetVersion
AssetVersion assetVersion = null;
var allAssets = AssetDatabase.LoadAllAssetsAtPath(asset);
foreach (var subAsset in allAssets)
if (subAsset is AssetVersion sub)
assetVersion = sub;
if (!assetVersion)
wasUpgraded = true;
assetVersion = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<AssetVersion>();
if (s_CreatedAssets.Contains(asset))
assetVersion.version = k_Upgraders.Length;
InitializeLatest(material, shaderID);
debug += " initialized.";
if (shaderID.IsShaderGraph())
// ShaderGraph materials NEVER had asset versioning applied prior to version 5.
// so if we see a ShaderGraph material with no assetVersion, set it to 5 to ensure we apply all necessary versions.
assetVersion.version = 5;
debug += $" shadergraph material assumed to be version 5 due to missing version.";
assetVersion.version = UniversalProjectSettings.materialVersionForUpgrade;
debug += $" assumed to be version {UniversalProjectSettings.materialVersionForUpgrade} due to missing version.";
assetVersion.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInHierarchy | HideFlags.HideInInspector | HideFlags.NotEditable;
AssetDatabase.AddObjectToAsset(assetVersion, asset);
while (assetVersion.version >= 0 && assetVersion.version < k_Upgraders.Length)
k_Upgraders[assetVersion.version](material, shaderID);
debug += $" upgrading:v{assetVersion.version} to v{assetVersion.version + 1}";
wasUpgraded = true;
if (wasUpgraded)
upgradeLog += debug;
s_NeedsSavingAssets = true;
// Uncomment to show upgrade debug logs
//if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(upgradeLog))
// Debug.Log("UniversalRP Material log: " + upgradeLog);
static void InitializeLatest(Material material, ShaderID id)
// newly created materials should reset their keywords immediately (in case inspector doesn't get invoked)
Unity.Rendering.Universal.ShaderUtils.UpdateMaterial(material, MaterialUpdateType.CreatedNewMaterial, id);
static void UpgradeV1(Material material, ShaderID shaderID)
if (shaderID.IsShaderGraph())
var shaderPath = ShaderUtils.GetShaderPath((ShaderPathID)shaderID);
var upgradeFlag = MaterialUpgrader.UpgradeFlags.LogMessageWhenNoUpgraderFound;
switch (shaderID)
case ShaderID.Unlit:
MaterialUpgrader.Upgrade(material, new UnlitUpdaterV1(shaderPath), upgradeFlag);
case ShaderID.SimpleLit:
MaterialUpgrader.Upgrade(material, new SimpleLitUpdaterV1(shaderPath), upgradeFlag);
SimpleLitShader.SetMaterialKeywords(material, SimpleLitGUI.SetMaterialKeywords);
case ShaderID.Lit:
MaterialUpgrader.Upgrade(material, new LitUpdaterV1(shaderPath), upgradeFlag);
LitShader.SetMaterialKeywords(material, LitGUI.SetMaterialKeywords);
case ShaderID.ParticlesLit:
MaterialUpgrader.Upgrade(material, new ParticleUpdaterV1(shaderPath), upgradeFlag);
ParticlesLitShader.SetMaterialKeywords(material, LitGUI.SetMaterialKeywords, ParticleGUI.SetMaterialKeywords);
case ShaderID.ParticlesSimpleLit:
MaterialUpgrader.Upgrade(material, new ParticleUpdaterV1(shaderPath), upgradeFlag);
ParticlesSimpleLitShader.SetMaterialKeywords(material, SimpleLitGUI.SetMaterialKeywords, ParticleGUI.SetMaterialKeywords);
case ShaderID.ParticlesUnlit:
MaterialUpgrader.Upgrade(material, new ParticleUpdaterV1(shaderPath), upgradeFlag);
ParticlesUnlitShader.SetMaterialKeywords(material, null, ParticleGUI.SetMaterialKeywords);
static void UpgradeV2(Material material, ShaderID shaderID)
if (shaderID.IsShaderGraph())
// fix 50 offset on shaders
if (material.HasProperty("_QueueOffset"))
static void UpgradeV3(Material material, ShaderID shaderID)
if (shaderID.IsShaderGraph())
switch (shaderID)
case ShaderID.Lit:
case ShaderID.SimpleLit:
case ShaderID.ParticlesLit:
case ShaderID.ParticlesSimpleLit:
case ShaderID.ParticlesUnlit:
var propertyID = Shader.PropertyToID("_EmissionColor");
if (material.HasProperty(propertyID))
// In older version there was a bug that these shaders did not had HDR attribute on emission property.
// This caused emission color to be converted from gamma to linear space.
// In order to avoid visual regression on older projects we will do gamma to linear conversion here.
var emissionGamma = material.GetColor(propertyID);
var emissionLinear = emissionGamma.linear;
material.SetColor(propertyID, emissionLinear);
static void UpgradeV4(Material material, ShaderID shaderID)
{ }
static void UpgradeV5(Material material, ShaderID shaderID)
if (shaderID.IsShaderGraph())
var propertyID = Shader.PropertyToID("_Surface");
if (material.HasProperty(propertyID))
float surfaceType = material.GetFloat(propertyID);
if (surfaceType >= 1.0f)
// Separate Preserve Specular Lighting from Premultiplied blend mode.
// Update materials params for backwards compatibility. (Keep the same end result).
// - Previous (incorrect) premultiplied blend mode --> Alpha blend mode + Preserve Specular Lighting
// - Otherwise keep the blend mode and disable Preserve Specular Lighting
// - Correct premultiply mode is not possible in V5.
// This is run both hand-written and shadergraph materials.
// Hand-written and overridable shadergraphs always have blendModePreserveSpecular property, which
// is assumed to be new since we only run this for V5 -> V6 upgrade.
// Fixed shadergraphs do not have this keyword and are filtered out.
// The blend mode is baked in the generated shader, so there's no material properties to be upgraded.
// The shadergraph upgrade on re-import will handle the fixed shadergraphs.
static void UpgradeV6(Material material, ShaderID shaderID)
var surfaceTypePID = Shader.PropertyToID(Property.SurfaceType);
bool isTransparent = material.HasProperty(surfaceTypePID) && material.GetFloat(surfaceTypePID) >= 1.0f;
if (isTransparent)
if (shaderID == ShaderID.Unlit)
var blendModePID = Shader.PropertyToID(Property.BlendMode);
var blendMode = (BaseShaderGUI.BlendMode)material.GetFloat(blendModePID);
// Premultiply used to be "Premultiply (* alpha in shader)" aka Alpha blend
if (blendMode == BaseShaderGUI.BlendMode.Premultiply)
material.SetFloat(blendModePID, (float)BaseShaderGUI.BlendMode.Alpha);
var blendModePreserveSpecularPID = Shader.PropertyToID(Property.BlendModePreserveSpecular);
if (material.HasProperty(blendModePreserveSpecularPID))
// TL;DR; As Complex Lit was not being versioned before we want to only upgrade it in certain
// cases to not alter visuals
// To elaborate, this is needed for the following reasons:
// 1) Premultiplied used to mean something different before V6
// 2) If the update is applied twice it will change visuals
// 3) As Complex Lit was missing form the ShaderID enum it was never being upgraded, so its
// version is not a reliable indicator of which version of Premultiplied alpha the user
// had intended (e.g. the URP Foundation test project is currently at V7 but some
// Complex Lit materials are at V3)
// 5) To determine the intended version we can check which version the project is being upgraded
// from (as we can then know which version it was being actually used as). If the project is
// at version 6 or higher then we know that if the user had selected Premultiplied it is
// already working based on the new interpretation and should not be changed
bool skipChangingBlendMode = shaderID == ShaderID.ComplexLit &&
UniversalProjectSettings.materialVersionForUpgrade >= 6;
var blendModePID = Shader.PropertyToID(Property.BlendMode);
var blendMode = (BaseShaderGUI.BlendMode)material.GetFloat(blendModePID);
if (blendMode == BaseShaderGUI.BlendMode.Premultiply && !skipChangingBlendMode)
material.SetFloat(blendModePID, (float)BaseShaderGUI.BlendMode.Alpha);
material.SetFloat(blendModePreserveSpecularPID, 1.0f);
material.SetFloat(blendModePreserveSpecularPID, 0.0f);
// Upgrades alpha-clipped materials to include logic for automatic alpha-to-coverage support
static void UpgradeV7(Material material, ShaderID shaderID)
var surfacePropertyID = Shader.PropertyToID(Property.SurfaceType);
var alphaClipPropertyID = Shader.PropertyToID(Property.AlphaClip);
var alphaToMaskPropertyID = Shader.PropertyToID(Property.AlphaToMask);
if (material.HasProperty(surfacePropertyID) &&
material.HasProperty(alphaClipPropertyID) &&
bool isOpaque = material.GetFloat(surfacePropertyID) < 1.0f;
bool isAlphaClipEnabled = material.GetFloat(alphaClipPropertyID) > 0.0f;
float alphaToMask = (isOpaque && isAlphaClipEnabled) ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
material.SetFloat(alphaToMaskPropertyID, alphaToMask);
// We need to disable the passes with a { "LightMode" = "MotionVectors" } tag for URP shaders that have them,
// otherwise they'll be rendered for static objects (transform not moving and no skeletal animation) regressing MV perf.
// This is now needed as most URP material types have their own dedicated MV pass (this is so they work with
// Alpha-Clipping which needs per material data and not just generic vertex data like for the override shader).
// In Unity (both Built-in and SRP), the MV pass will be used even if disabled on frames where the object's
// transform changes or there's skeletal animation. But for URP disabling wasn't necessary before as the single
// object MV override shader was only used when needed (and there wasn't even anything to disable per material)
// N.B. the SetShaderPassEnabled API takes a tag value corresponding to the "LightMode" key and not a pass name
static void UpgradeV8(Material material, ShaderID shaderID)
if (HasMotionVectorLightModeTag(shaderID))
material.SetShaderPassEnabled(MotionVectorRenderPass.k_MotionVectorsLightModeTag, false);
// We want to disable the custom motion vector pass for SpeedTrees which won't have any
// vertex animation due to no wind. This is done to prevent performance regression from
// rendering trees with no motion vector output.
static void UpgradeV9(Material material, ShaderID shaderID)
if(shaderID != ShaderID.SpeedTree8)
// Check if the material is a SpeedTree material and whether it has wind turned on or off.
bool motionVectorPassEnabled = SpeedTree8MaterialUpgrader.IsWindEnabled(material);
material.SetShaderPassEnabled(MotionVectorRenderPass.k_MotionVectorsLightModeTag, motionVectorPassEnabled);
// Upgraders v1
#region UpgradersV1
internal class LitUpdaterV1 : MaterialUpgrader
public static void UpdateLitDetails(Material material)
if (material == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("material");
if (material.GetTexture("_MetallicGlossMap") || material.GetTexture("_SpecGlossMap") || material.GetFloat("_SmoothnessTextureChannel") >= 0.5f)
material.SetFloat("_Smoothness", material.GetFloat("_GlossMapScale"));
material.SetFloat("_Smoothness", material.GetFloat("_Glossiness"));
public LitUpdaterV1(string oldShaderName)
if (oldShaderName == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("oldShaderName");
string standardShaderPath = ShaderUtils.GetShaderPath(ShaderPathID.Lit);
RenameShader(oldShaderName, standardShaderPath, UpdateLitDetails);
RenameTexture("_MainTex", "_BaseMap");
RenameColor("_Color", "_BaseColor");
RenameFloat("_GlossyReflections", "_EnvironmentReflections");
internal class UnlitUpdaterV1 : MaterialUpgrader
static Shader bakedLit = Shader.Find(ShaderUtils.GetShaderPath(ShaderPathID.BakedLit));
public static void UpgradeToUnlit(Material material)
if (material == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("material");
if (material.GetFloat("_SampleGI") != 0)
material.shader = bakedLit;
public UnlitUpdaterV1(string oldShaderName)
if (oldShaderName == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("oldShaderName");
RenameShader(oldShaderName, ShaderUtils.GetShaderPath(ShaderPathID.Unlit), UpgradeToUnlit);
RenameTexture("_MainTex", "_BaseMap");
RenameColor("_Color", "_BaseColor");
internal class SimpleLitUpdaterV1 : MaterialUpgrader
public SimpleLitUpdaterV1(string oldShaderName)
if (oldShaderName == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("oldShaderName");
RenameShader(oldShaderName, ShaderUtils.GetShaderPath(ShaderPathID.SimpleLit), UpgradeToSimpleLit);
RenameTexture("_MainTex", "_BaseMap");
RenameColor("_Color", "_BaseColor");
RenameFloat("_SpecSource", "_SpecularHighlights");
RenameFloat("_Shininess", "_Smoothness");
public static void UpgradeToSimpleLit(Material material)
if (material == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("material");
var smoothnessSource = 1 - (int)material.GetFloat("_GlossinessSource");
material.SetFloat("_SmoothnessSource", smoothnessSource);
if (material.GetTexture("_SpecGlossMap") == null)
var col = material.GetColor("_SpecColor");
var colBase = material.GetColor("_Color");
var smoothness = material.GetFloat("_Shininess");
if (material.GetFloat("_Surface") == 0)
if (smoothnessSource == 1)
colBase.a = smoothness;
col.a = smoothness;
material.SetColor("_BaseColor", colBase);
material.SetColor("_BaseColor", colBase);
material.SetColor("_SpecColor", col);
internal class ParticleUpdaterV1 : MaterialUpgrader
public ParticleUpdaterV1(string shaderName)
if (shaderName == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("oldShaderName");
RenameShader(shaderName, shaderName, ParticleUpgrader.UpdateSurfaceBlendModes);
RenameTexture("_MainTex", "_BaseMap");
RenameColor("_Color", "_BaseColor");
RenameFloat("_FlipbookMode", "_FlipbookBlending");
switch (ShaderUtils.GetEnumFromPath(shaderName))
case ShaderPathID.ParticlesLit:
RenameFloat("_Glossiness", "_Smoothness");
case ShaderPathID.ParticlesSimpleLit:
RenameFloat("_Glossiness", "_Smoothness");
case ShaderPathID.ParticlesUnlit: