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2024-10-27 10:53:47 +03:00
// Low bias hash from https://github.com/skeeto/hash-prospector
uint LowBiasHash32(uint x, uint seed = 0)
x += seed;
x ^= x >> 16;
x *= 0x21f0aaad;
x ^= x >> 15;
x *= 0xd35a2d97;
x ^= x >> 15;
return x;
// Murmur Hash from https://github.com/aappleby/smhasher/wiki/MurmurHash3
uint MurmurAdd(uint hash, uint item)
item *= 0xcc9e2d51;
item = (item << 15) | (item >> 17);
item *= 0x1b873593;
hash ^= item;
hash = (hash << 13) | (hash >> 19);
hash = hash * 5 + 0xe6546b64;
return hash;
uint MurmurFinalize(uint hash)
hash ^= hash >> 16;
hash *= 0x85ebca6b;
hash ^= hash >> 13;
hash *= 0xc2b2ae35;
hash ^= hash >> 16;
return hash;
uint MurmurHash(uint x, uint seed = 0)
uint h = seed;
h = MurmurAdd(h, x);
return MurmurFinalize(h);
uint MurmurHash(uint2 x, uint seed = 0)
uint h = seed;
h = MurmurAdd(h, x.x);
h = MurmurAdd(h, x.y);
return MurmurFinalize(h);
uint MurmurHash(uint3 x, uint seed = 0)
uint h = seed;
h = MurmurAdd(h, x.x);
h = MurmurAdd(h, x.y);
h = MurmurAdd(h, x.z);
return MurmurFinalize(h);
uint MurmurHash(uint4 x, uint seed = 0)
uint h = seed;
h = MurmurAdd(h, x.x);
h = MurmurAdd(h, x.y);
h = MurmurAdd(h, x.z);
h = MurmurAdd(h, x.w);
return MurmurFinalize(h);
uint XorShift32(uint rngState)
rngState ^= rngState << 13;
rngState ^= rngState >> 17;
rngState ^= rngState << 5;
return rngState;
// From PCG: A Family of Simple Fast Space-Efficient Statistically Good Algorithms for Random Number Generation.
// and "Hash Functions for GPU Rendering" paper
uint Pcg(uint v)
uint state = v * 747796405u + 2891336453u;
uint word = ((state >> ((state >> 28u) + 4u)) ^ state) * 277803737u;
return (word >> 22u) ^ word;
uint2 Pcg2d(uint2 v)
v = v * 1664525u + 1013904223u;
v.x += v.y * 1664525u;
v.y += v.x * 1664525u;
v = v ^ (v >> 16u);
v.x += v.y * 1664525u;
v.y += v.x * 1664525u;
v = v ^ (v >> 16u);
return v;
uint3 Pcg3d(uint3 v)
v = v * 1664525u + 1013904223u;
v.x += v.y * v.z;
v.y += v.z * v.x;
v.z += v.x * v.y;
v ^= v >> 16u;
v.x += v.y * v.z;
v.y += v.z * v.x;
v.z += v.x * v.y;
return v;
uint4 Pcg4d(uint4 v)
v = v * 1664525u + 1013904223u;
v.x += v.y * v.w;
v.y += v.z * v.x;
v.z += v.x * v.y;
v.w += v.y * v.z;
v = v ^ (v >> 16u);
v.x += v.y * v.w;
v.y += v.z * v.x;
v.z += v.x * v.y;
v.w += v.y * v.z;
return v;