229 lines
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229 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using NUnit.Framework;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.SceneManagement;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using UnityEngine.TestTools;
using UnityEngine.TestTools.Utils;
namespace Unity.AI.Navigation.Editor.Tests
class NavMeshLinkUpgradeTests
// Adjust these tests whenever you change the content of the scene
const string k_SceneName = "Test_Links_Created_With_2_0_0.unity";
const string k_ParentFolder = "Assets";
const string k_TempFolder = "TempLinkUpgrade";
static readonly string k_TempFolderPath = Path.Combine(k_ParentFolder, k_TempFolder);
static readonly string k_TestScenePath = Path.Combine(k_TempFolderPath, k_SceneName);
static readonly string k_PrebuiltScenePath = Path.Combine("Packages", "com.unity.ai.navigation", "Tests", "PrebuiltAssets", k_SceneName);
string m_PreviousScenePath;
bool m_DelayCallHappened;
GameObject m_ScaledObjectWithLinks;
GameObject m_UnscaledObjectWithLinks;
NavMeshLink[] m_LinksFromScaledObject;
NavMeshLink[] m_LinksFromUnscaledObject;
public void OneTimeSetUp()
var folderGUID = AssetDatabase.CreateFolder(k_ParentFolder, k_TempFolder);
Assume.That(folderGUID, Is.Not.Empty);
AssetDatabase.CopyAsset(k_PrebuiltScenePath, k_TestScenePath);
m_PreviousScenePath = SceneManager.GetActiveScene().path;
var testScene = EditorSceneManager.OpenScene(k_TestScenePath);
Assume.That(testScene, Is.Not.Null, "The test scene should exist under the Assets folder.");
m_ScaledObjectWithLinks = GameObject.Find("Multiple NavMesh Links");
Assume.That(m_ScaledObjectWithLinks, Is.Not.Null);
m_LinksFromScaledObject = m_ScaledObjectWithLinks.GetComponents<NavMeshLink>();
Assume.That(m_LinksFromScaledObject.Length, Is.EqualTo(4));
m_UnscaledObjectWithLinks = GameObject.Find("Unscaled Links");
Assume.That(m_UnscaledObjectWithLinks, Is.Not.Null);
m_LinksFromUnscaledObject = m_UnscaledObjectWithLinks.GetComponents<NavMeshLink>();
Assume.That(m_LinksFromUnscaledObject.Length, Is.EqualTo(3));
public IEnumerator SetUp()
if (!m_DelayCallHappened)
// Allow for the Link upgrade to be completed by the delayCall
EditorApplication.delayCall += () => m_DelayCallHappened = true;
yield return new WaitUntil(() => m_DelayCallHappened);
yield return null;
public void ScaledLinkVersion2_0_0_WhenLoaded_HasCorrectStart([NUnit.Framework.Range(0, 3)] int i)
var link = m_LinksFromScaledObject[i];
var desc = $"(scaled[{i}]_{link.width}_{link.costModifier})";
Assert.That(link.startTransform, Is.Null.Or.Not.SameAs(link.gameObject.transform),
"The start transform should not point to the link GameObject itself. {0}", desc);
if (link.startTransform != null)
var startParent = link.startTransform.parent;
if (startParent != null)
Assert.That(startParent.name, Is.EqualTo("Plane 2"),
"The start transform should be a child of Plane 2. {0}", desc);
Assert.That(link.startTransform.name, Contains.Substring($"Link Start {link.name}"),
"The new start transform should be named after the link that uses it. {0}", desc);
Assert.That(link.startTransform.position, Is.Not.EqualTo(Vector3.zero),
"The new start transform should be placed away from origin. {0}", desc);
Assert.That(link.startTransform.position, Is.Not.EqualTo(startParent.position),
"The new start transform should be placed away from the parent. {0}", desc);
Assert.That(link.startPoint, Is.EqualTo(Vector3.zero).Using(new Vector3EqualityComparer(0.001f)),
"Start Point should be around zero when start transform keeps the original reference. {0}", desc);
Assert.That(link.startTransform.name, Is.EqualTo("NavMesh Surface"),
"The upgraded link should keep referencing the GameObject NavMesh Surface. {0}", desc);
public void ScaledLinkVersion2_0_0_WhenLoaded_HasCorrectEnd([NUnit.Framework.Range(0, 3)] int i)
var link = m_LinksFromScaledObject[i];
var desc = $"(scaled[{i}]_{link.width}_{link.costModifier})";
Assert.That(link.endTransform, Is.Null.Or.Not.SameAs(link.gameObject.transform),
"The end transform should not point to the link GameObject itself. {0}", desc);
if (link.endTransform != null)
var endParent = link.endTransform.parent;
if (endParent != null)
Assert.That(link.endTransform.parent.name, Is.EqualTo("Plane 2"),
"The end transform should be a child of Plane 2. {0}", desc);
Assert.That(link.endTransform.name, Contains.Substring($"Link End {link.name}"),
"The new end transform should be named after the link that uses it. {0}", desc);
Assert.That(link.endTransform.position, Is.Not.EqualTo(Vector3.zero),
"The new end transform should be placed away from origin. {0}", desc);
Assert.That(link.endTransform.position, Is.Not.EqualTo(endParent.position),
"The new end transform should be placed away from the parent. {0}", desc);
Assert.That(link.endPoint, Is.EqualTo(Vector3.zero).Using(new Vector3EqualityComparer(0.001f)),
"End Point should be around zero when end transform keeps the original reference. {0}", desc);
Assert.That(link.endTransform.name, Is.EqualTo("Plane 2"),
"The upgraded link should keep referencing the GameObject Plane 2. {0}", desc);
public void UnscaledLinkVersion2_0_0_WhenLoaded_HasCorrectStart([NUnit.Framework.Range(0, 2)] int i)
var link = m_LinksFromUnscaledObject[i];
var desc = $"(unscaled[{i}]_{link.width}_{link.costModifier})";
Assert.That(link.startTransform, Is.Null.Or.Not.SameAs(link.gameObject.transform),
"The start transform should not point to the link GameObject itself. {0}", desc);
if (link.startTransform != null)
var startParent = link.startTransform.parent;
if (startParent != null)
Assert.That(startParent.name, Is.EqualTo("Plane 2"),
"The start transform should be a child of Plane 2. {0}", desc);
Assert.That(link.startTransform.name, Contains.Substring($"Link Start {link.name}"),
"The new start transform should be named after the link that uses it. {0}", desc);
Assert.That(link.startTransform.position, Is.Not.EqualTo(Vector3.zero),
"The new start transform should be placed away from origin. {0}", desc);
Assert.That(link.startTransform.position, Is.Not.EqualTo(startParent.position),
"The new start transform should be placed away from the parent. {0}", desc);
Assert.That(link.startPoint, Is.EqualTo(Vector3.zero).Using(new Vector3EqualityComparer(0.001f)),
"Start Point should be around zero when start transform keeps the original reference. {0}", desc);
Assert.That(link.startTransform.name, Is.EqualTo("NavMesh Surface"),
"The upgraded link should keep referencing the GameObject NavMesh Surface. {0}", desc);
public void UnscaledLinkVersion2_0_0_WhenLoaded_HasCorrectEnd([NUnit.Framework.Range(0, 2)] int i)
var link = m_LinksFromUnscaledObject[i];
var desc = $"(unscaled[{i}]_{link.width}_{link.costModifier})";
Assert.That(link.endTransform, Is.Null.Or.Not.SameAs(link.gameObject.transform),
"The end transform should not point to the link GameObject itself. {0}", desc);
if (link.endTransform != null)
var endParent = link.endTransform.parent;
if (endParent != null)
Assert.That(link.endTransform.parent.name, Is.EqualTo("Plane 2"),
"The end transform should be a child of Plane 2. {0}", desc);
Assert.That(link.endTransform.name, Contains.Substring($"Link End {link.name}"),
"The new end transform should be named after the link that uses it. {0}", desc);
Assert.That(link.endTransform.position, Is.Not.EqualTo(Vector3.zero),
"The new end transform should be placed away from origin. {0}", desc);
Assert.That(link.endTransform.position, Is.Not.EqualTo(endParent.position),
"The new end transform should be placed away from the parent. {0}", desc);
Assert.That(link.endPoint, Is.EqualTo(Vector3.zero).Using(new Vector3EqualityComparer(0.001f)),
"End Point should be around zero when end transform keeps the original reference. {0}", desc);
Assert.That(link.endTransform.name, Is.EqualTo("Plane 2"),
"The upgraded link should keep referencing the GameObject Plane 2. {0}", desc);
public void OneTimeTearDown()
Assume.That(SceneManager.GetActiveScene().isDirty, Is.False,
"Scene should not have changed after it was saved in SetUp.");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_PreviousScenePath))
EditorSceneManager.NewScene(NewSceneSetup.DefaultGameObjects, NewSceneMode.Single);